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Ok so I think I got the specifics down. Since Iv posted the other thread where we discussed the permanent perk, most people said that they could never get the cash back perk a second time. The few that did say they got it said that it took them around 50 tries to actually get it. So heres my theory on getting it.

It takes about 50 perks drank as a precursory to get it. After that it takes about 5-10 tries of you going prone after buying a perk to actually get it. Once you get it you HAVE TO GO PRONE EVERY TIME YOU BUY A PERK. and by going prone you have to do this as soon as the animation of you drinking your perk is done and you have to be by the perk. My advice to you is to never lose the perk and to do this you never buy a perk if you don't have time to go prone.

Once you do lose the permanent perk, which will happen because I'm sure some of you will forget to go prone, (I lose steel barriers every time on the jumping jack rounds on die rise) its going to take another ~50 perks drank before you can start going prone and is able to get the persitent perk again.

A problem I thought of when I first heard of this permanent perk was what if the elevator is in the process of moving when you buy the perk. That isn't a problem though. if you go prone at the empty elevator shaft, you will still be okay.

tldr: watch this video. I advise you to watch it anyways because its a little more in depth.

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Do you have to go prone when you get a random perk bottle power-up drop to keep the persistent perk?


and yea its not worth the effort for me, especially on tranzit when I have a bank. but on die rise it could be useful, that extra 1k could get you the pdw or open up a door in the beginning for those that want to get set up super early.

but i just played tranzit retained it for the first 4 perks i got when I started, retained it when I got the next 4 perks when I went down and then the next to last time I went for perks I forgot to do it on double tap since You pretty much have to get in there and get out because its so tight in the farm and lost it. so tough luck for me.

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Nice guide and video.

I'll be honest though, for the pain in the arse getting it, to the pain in the arse keeping it, just doesn't seem worth it to me.

4k back over 4 perks just doesn't make it worth the effort.

o and wayyyy of topic but what are the medals on the side of the screen under your post count mean? and how do you get them?

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I still can't do this for the life of me. I've done the required steps almost 20 times, but nothing. Oh well - maybe it'll spontaneously occur one day.

I'll be honest though, for the pain in the arse getting it, to the pain in the arse keeping it, just doesn't seem worth it to me.

4k back over 4 perks just doesn't make it worth the effort.

It does seem that way, but when you're barely starting off the game or jumping back into a round during the high rounds with little to no points, it can really be a bonus in your favor. ;)

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I still can't do this for the life of me. I've done the required steps almost 20 times, but nothing. Oh well - maybe it'll spontaneously occur one day.

I'll be honest though, for the pain in the arse getting it, to the pain in the arse keeping it, just doesn't seem worth it to me.

4k back over 4 perks just doesn't make it worth the effort.

It does seem that way, but when you're barely starting off the game or jumping back into a round during the high rounds with little to no points, it can really be a bonus in your favor. ;)

It can take around 50 times to get it. and its not the first persistent perk that has been that large amount of number either. think of steel barricades. it can take forever sometimes to get that persistent perk.

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I think you have to buy 40 perks before you can start getting it again. when everyone first started getting this persitent perk it took about 5-10 tries with some people taking up to 20 tries. most of these people had well over 40 perks drank. so that wasn't the issue and thats why they were able to get it so "easily" the first try. Now that you lose it you have to get those 40 perks drank again.

Here is why I think its 40 perks drank. And I really, REALLY, think this is the actual reason (but am not entirely sure, it just makes sense). But when you went to der reise you got 25 points from the perk when you went prone. When you have cash back you get 1000 points. So I was thinking, what is 1000 divided by 25. the answer, 40. And since people were saying it took around 50 tries to get it back the second time I thought well since it took about 15 times to get the persistent perk the first time, and about 50-60 times to get it the second time 60-40 equals 20 which was around the max people said it took them the first time to get :D

so yea it takes 40 perks as a precursor and 5-20 more perks drank to actually get it. pain in the butt but can be useful to new guys on die rise or on tranzit when you don't have any money in the bank.

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