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Are Richtofen and Maxis fighting for Dempsy?

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This was apart of a previous post I made, but I felt it was necessary to make it another thread.

WHAT if the easter eggs in TranZit and Die Rise are to get the original four back? What if they key to the zombie saga lie within our heroes from WAW and BO? Are Maxis and Richtofen are trying to get Tank and Co. for their own advantage to thwart the each other?

Not necessarily that Tank, Takeo, and Nikolai are willing to help Richtofen or Maxis, but almost as if they are fated to do it. The O4 have no say in whether or not they will help either one, but Maxis or Richtofen need them for some unforeseen purpose.

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Well, I'm pretty sure that the original four don't have any ties to Maxis, but may be more than happy to gain sweet revenge on Richtofen. As for Richtofen requiring their assistance, they'd be very reluctant to assist somebody who betrayed them.

The concept revolving around Black Ops II Zombies is the fight for power. Hence, the towers transmitting energy in the form of electricity/element 115. Once the energy is obtained, it is unknown as to how the entities will utilize their powers exactly. Richtofen wants to restore the world so he could gain control over it, but Maxis' true intentions are questionable.

Expect to see the original crew back in the final map, I can promise you that.

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Well, I'm pretty sure that the original four don't have any ties to Maxis, but may be more than happy to gain sweet revenge on Richtofen.

Aside from the fact that his daughter resides in one of their bodies. This seems like a pretty big relation to me.

I think when we do see the O4 they will be firmly in Maxis' camp.

They worked through 2 games "helping" Richtophen and he ended up completely screwing them over and leaving them to die on the moon, I don't think they'll be falling for that again. Especially with them regaining their memories.

If they survived "Moon" it is surley due to Maxis and his want to protect Sam.

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Sorry, sometimes I don't think I explain myself enough.

I understand that the original 4 would be angry with Richtofen, but what I was trying to get at was that Maxis and Richtofen realize that the O4 are the key to thwarting the other.

Not necessarily that Tank, Takeo, and Nikolai are willing to help Richtofen or Maxis, but almost as if they are fated to do it. I was trying to say that they are the key piece to this puzzle.

The reason I thought that this might be a possibility is due to the time gap within the events of Moon and Green Run. I was sort of going off of the lack of information we know from Moon-Green Run. That maybe Maxis and Richtofen know something that we don’t. After all the years of chaos, destruction, and zombies they have realized that they need the O4 to complete their master plan. The O4 have no say in whether or not they will help either one, but Maxis or Richtofen need them for some unforeseen purpose.

Maybe they are needed mend the rift and restore Earth for Richtofen or help Maxis come to his physical form(and whatever else he is planning)?

And for the fight for power, I was thinking that maybe they need the power to teleport them from the Moon or maybe the O4 are trapped in Aether.

I know its a shot in the dark, but I thought it was worth a shot.

I hope that makes more sense and sorry for any confusion.

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I actually really like this theory, it's quite clever the thought if the O4 actually being the key on the entire thing... Would be very interesting to see indeed!

I do hope that, even if it's just for one map or maybe even a mention, we get to play as/ see/ hear the O4 again... Was playing some BO1 the other day and realised how great they were and how much I miss them! These new characters are good, don't get me wrong, but I do miss good ol' Tank, Nikolai, Takeo and Richtofsam.

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Remember the radios from Tranzit? The ones where the two groups were fighting against each other?

What if...in the last map...the original four are the group fighting for Maxis and the new four are fighting for Richtofen (Samuel bias?). A sort of Grief mode-esque map feature?


This. Would. Be. AWESOME!

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Remember the radios from Tranzit? The ones where the two groups were fighting against each other?

What if...in the last map...the original four are the group fighting for Maxis and the new four are fighting for Richtofen (Samuel bias?). A sort of Grief mode-esque map feature?


That would make a really interesting map/game mode!

Although, I honestly feel the original four would be on Richtofen’s side. I know that in Moon they vowed to get revenge on Richtofen and Sam is currently in Richtofen’s body but, I have a strange feeling they would somehow wind up with Richtofen again.

There is something about Maxis that makes me think he might be worse than Richtofen. Besides Samuel, I feel the new crew has more of a connection to Maxis than the O4. Just like the TranZit crew, we are finally getting to know Maxis more than before. He is being integrated into the story’s foreground, while we are simultaneously getting used to the TranZit group. It is almost as if he is a new character.

I am assuming part of my reasoning comes from the fact that Richtofen is a fan-favorite so; he will be in the spotlight more than Maxis would. The original four (well really 3) have more chemistry with Richtofen. It would seem more natural to see them with Richtofen. Once again, I am not saying that they will be doing this willingly.

Anyway back to Grief. Before anyone reads this, I want to state that this is most likely not going to happen, but I thought it would be a fun thing to write down. (Nonsense inc.)

What if the O4 somehow wind up with Richtofen and the TranZit guys side with Maxis but, with a twist?

What if it comes down to a fight for Samantha/Richtofen? Maxis wants his daughter but, Richtofen wants his body back (because he wants to leave the MDT before he is consumed by darkness).Although, that would imply that O4 are physically down a man which, would mean they need a 4th member for their team (5th guy in Kino anyone?). And, I would assume Maxis would not be happy to see his daughter in Richtofen’s body but, he could be working on a solution.


Samuel joins Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo, while Samantha joins Russman, Misty, and Marlton?

This is definitely a stretch but, I enjoyed typing it!

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