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Random and nonrandom zombie glitches

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I'm not looking to sit in a glitch for hours to round 8 billion, I just want to laugh at and point out some oddities and would love to hear yous stories.

Get zombie in bus terminal lava as the bus comes up: this will get the zombie stuck in the floor of the bus in mellow mode until the bus leaves.

I did the same thing to myself trying to squeeze between the bus and some background stuff, I was in the floor of the bus. A simple jump got me on the bus proper. I have been trapped between the bus, background cars and zombies at diner as it was leaving, i got picked up over the zombies, they exploded from the bus, dropped safely...I thought that I was dead...

If you play tranzit, in town, you can hear leftover zombies under the ground. i clearly had two under the map last night. Unlike der riese, these don't count as 'in map', the round can end and you will hear them still. Go to the upstairs bar room, end the round and listen at the window, you should hear at least one (heard in many games, I am sure you will hear it).

Everyone knows the 'can't get hit glitch' in power, right? Well, if you run across the middle of the hole in the catwalk without jumping, you should land on a small ledge so that the catwalk is chest high. Move slightly towards the wall (too far and you fall on the glitch-ledge below) and the zombies build up on the hole and can't hit you. Do it offline only. I'm not responsible for any deaths you incur trying to do this glitch.

Just fyi: if you go back into the bus depot with the 750 door closed, zombies can come in a hole in the roof as well as the four windows.

Randoms: denizen chased me around the bus depot, would not get on my head, just kept running at my feet, shoving me around if I released control of the sticks.

Denizen failed to dig hole, just faced straight down and danced on his face.

Denizens will chase you across bus depot, unlike the other map sections where they back off.

I swapped my jetgun for the turbine to open the pap, when I returned for the jetgun, it wouldn't let me pick it up, presumably due to it touching the turbine table. It gave me a turbine, and in my attempts to get the jg while being chased by the last zombie, I dropped the turbine on the jetgun. The zombie began to beat on it and then came after me. I thought he beat the turbine and/or jetgun down, however, the turbine teleported to the top of the restrooms (next to qr) in the middle of that 'roof' area where it just kept plodding away. The jg was nowhere to be seen, no parts or anything. When I went to town, It simply let me grab a new one.

Last night in a 2 man split screen game, I was Misty, Baz was Samuel. He was down (he is always down) I got double tagged and went down. As I went down, he just magically got up (I wasn't reviving him). I once got up magically as Samuel when I was down, Richtofen said something about all zombies needing a hand once in a while or something (it seems Samuel is part zombie from eating them, that is why only he can hear Richtofen). So that is twice now that I have seen Samuel just undown himself.

If you stand by the jetgun workbench while someone is upstairs in the bar, they are closer above the zombies than you are to the side, so you are safe there as long as they stand their ground upstairs, the zombies run right past. You could put a turbine/turret here.

Anyone got anything they want to add? Just mention a silly or useful glitch.

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If you aim your gun straight down at the ground, the zombies can't hit you. I saw this in NGT's video. He had a full wave around him, swinging and lashing their arms at him, but he wasn't dieing, all he had to do was knife untill they were all dead. Anyone know if this has been patched yet? I really hope that they do patch it quickly.

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If you aim your gun straight down at the ground, the zombies can't hit you. I saw this in NGT's video. He had a full wave around him, swinging and lashing their arms at him, but he wasn't dieing, all he had to do was knife untill they were all dead. Anyone know if this has been patched yet? I really hope that they do patch it quickly.

Nope. You can go straight up godmode at will. It only works with walking/running zombies though—crawlers can hit you. A good way to deal with someone in this glitch is to chuck a few nades at him. ;)

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Thanks. I'm not into that kind of glitching, but it is funny. Good tip if I see someone doing that.

Also, I heard (didn't try it) that you can lay down with a shield, look up and a lone zombie can't get you or hit the shield enough to break it. I assumed bs on the shield, I figured it would still break over time.

Last night in mid 20 rounds, just outside of farm, while pooling zombies, there was the golden parts of a max ammo, but no usual greenish glow and no aura round it. i could not pick it up and it eventually blinked out... Odd.

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On the part about the jetgun disappearing and the turbine being above the restrooms of the bus depot: I realise in retrospect, after playing last night, that not only did the turbine appear up there, but I could see up through the roof; a large section of the roof there was not there while the turbine was up there.

It wasn't until I was looking at the inside roof last night that I realised that it was different.

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If you aim your gun straight down at the ground, the zombies can't hit you. I saw this in NGT's video. He had a full wave around him, swinging and lashing their arms at him, but he wasn't dieing, all he had to do was knife untill they were all dead. Anyone know if this has been patched yet? I really hope that they do patch it quickly.

Nope. You can go straight up godmode at will. It only works with walking/running zombies though—crawlers can hit you. A good way to deal with someone in this glitch is to chuck a few nades at him. ;)

Wow this is the first I've heard of this. How ridiculous! You would have thought that Treyarch would have patched this by now. :?

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Nuketown...why is there no nuketown zombie forum?

The first time that I opened the red truck, the boxes in front of the galvaknuckles were invisible. I didn't know there was boxes (first game, remember?), so it was impossible to buy it until I stabbed the invisible boxes. Edit: if a grenade goes off near the red truck, the boxes get destroyed, only they are still there, just invisible after you open the truck. Then you must hit them or whatever, even though you can't see them.

On Tranzit: again while running in front of farm, i kept getting improperly loaded drops (nuke, instakill), only showing the golden parts, no green, no aura. But at least I could pick them up, unlike the first time.

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Die Rise: not sure how repeatable...but others have done it.

I was at the gun elevator (by remington/mp5), waiting for it to go down (level with sliq foot), I had my back to it and was pulling backwards on the control stick. When the elevator began to move, I walked backwards through dt2 and was on the elevator behind it. I couldn't get out after rounds of trying.

Once my buddy died, they came for me. They would jump through me into the shaft, then they would be under the elevator, if it went down, they sometimes hit my feet. Otherwise I was untouchable.

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