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Unlimited/Indestructible Turbine

Double G-6

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By now most of you know about the Unlimited/Indestructible Turbine. Do you think this is a Glitch or an intended aspect of the game. Most people use it for the pack a punch room. How do you use it? Personally, it doesn't seem like a glitch since you have to "hack" it with a frag. Has anyone tried the same method with the other buildables? It may be needed for the EE.

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The quick version is once you pick up a turbine, set it down next to the original build table and within half a second, immediately pick up another one. You wont see the press x or square button when you go to pick up the second one, however, you will see a turbine in your inventory. The original turbine you set down will still be there thus giving you a second turbine to place. Now there are several rules that you will learn when doing this, the most important being that if a zombie wrecks your first turbine, the second one will disappear from your inventory.

Now in order to have the unlimited/indestructible version of the turbine you must now place your second turbine where ever you want it (pack a punch, streetlamp, or anywhere) then throw a frag grenade at it. It will blow up the fan and tail yet the stand will still remain and it will still emit power. This "headless" turbine is now indestructible.

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Still there as of today at 4am PST. I'm still not totally convinced it's a glitch though. Maybe I just refuse to call it one. It does give an advantage so I can see that point as well. I suppose it's because of the "semi" perma perks you can get in the game like fake deadshot and iron boards that I think it was placed there on purpose. Perm perks give an advantage as well though. I've seen it used as a barrier, but all the buildables are temporary barriers. It can be done at all areas of the map unlike barrier glitch spots like tunnel or power room. I was just thinking that it was needed for something other than pack a punch.

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I think if they put upgraded or indestructible buildables in the game they'd do it so you unlocked it as a persistant perk, and the buildable would visually look different like a different color or something. This is just a new bouncing betty third gun from World at War (*sigh* nostalgic der riese moment)

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