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Tower Of Babble Guide


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If this is true, I think it has to be the same players for it to save & replay at that point.

How would you get out of the power room if you turn off the power? I did see another door that says need power source but doesn't open with the item created at the bus depot.

Also I'm not really sure where that rock is that you found... on the way to the town? you mean by the church?

1. To get out of the power room you can throw a EMP Granade from the staircase (the door that opens up once the power is on) & this will turn the power off. You may also be able to throw one from the door that you open to get into the power room. I don't know if this works, you may have to throw it near the power switch.

2. The door that is behind you when you drop down into the power room is to open the vault door in the bank to access the PaP machine, you need to place a Power turbine near it (in the power room) & place one at the door inside the bank vault. Doing this opens the vault door to the PaP at the bank.

3. The purple Rock is located in the wall of the bus depot (outside) next to the Bus starting point. Youll see a piece of 115 meteor? Just infront of that is a small purple rock/meteor. You have to crouch down in order to pick it up.

In regards to the Maxis step, maybe all characters can do this. The first time I found the Tower in the Crop Circle, I placed the Power Turbine down under the Tower. Maxis said something like "Need more Power" (I'm sure it was Maxis' voice & I don't know which character I was) this is strange as if there is 2 different ways of completing this EE, how would you get more power? as Maxis tells you to turn off the power? I was thinking if you can get the Electric Boss to the tower he may power it if you punch him with the Galv Knuckles (you have no power over me Achievement) but would he spawn if the power was turned back off?

Another thing I was thinking was what would happen if 4 players place their Power Turbines at the base of the 4 corners of the Tower?

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I really hope that this isn't everything. I mean it's a cool easter egg and everything but I was hoping for more of a story development. All this is telling us is that Maxis and Richtofen are fighting for control of the Aether.

I sure hope that Nuketown Zombies has somethings we haven't found or there are still hidden things in tranzit, or that we get some DLC very soon, because otherwise i'm quite unimpressed at the follow up to the awesome run of the story so far.

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