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4z4 idea: Undead Roulette

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Ok so here's how it goes:

There are no points in this mode. No juggernog (or any other perks) here! It is a free-for-all style game, as everyone stands alone. Everyone exists in their own "world", as they are on the same map but can't see or interact with any other players. The rounds don't get any more difficult or longer.

The main point is that every round, the mystery box jingle plays at the beginning and the weapon in your hand cycles through. Then it lands on a weapon, which all players must use in order to last the longest. The weapon changes every round.

The zombies have the health of about level 15-20 zombies. Rounds have a time limit. If Tou cant kill your zombies before tge tine runs out you are elininated. This is to prevsnt that one troll from training for 2 hours until everyone else who already finished goes completely insane.The weapons that are chosen can only be "crazy" weapons. For example:


China lake


Ballistic knife


Grim Reaper

Mustang and Sally







PhD flopper (tee hee hee)

Notice that I didn't include mass-kill wonderweapons like the dg-2 or thundergun. That would be too easy. I suppose a raygun would be too, but the idea is only in its adolescence. It is sort of like the sharpshooter of zombies. Any ideas? Feedback? Comments?

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^^^ well I didn't do that in order to avoid people chucking grenades at each other or stealing kills. I want it to be "who can last the longest" not "who can get their opponents killed first," how about this.

All players exist in the same world on the same map, so yes, you can see each other. Lets say 100 zombies spawn. 25 go to each player if there are four for example. 25 of the zombies have blue eyes, 25 have white, 25 have yellow, and 25 have green. Only the player with the matching colour can inflict damage on that zombie colour. Also the only zombie's who attack you are the ones that match your colour.

For example, you start with a crossbow. You are Nikolai (blue). You try to hit a blue eyed zombie but miss and it hits a green one.the explosive bolt goes through the green zombie leaving it totally unharmed. The explosion only harms nearby blue eyed ones as well.

Also players can't see nor interact with any opponent players' explosives. We don't want anyone trying to steal some kills by throwing a grenade again and have them end up overcooking it. Your mistakes and your mistakes alone are what must get you killed, not other players.

P.S. if a player dies, the same amount of zombies still come. For example if 25 came for you at first but 2 people died on the same round, now there are 2 left so 50 will come to you. The zombie number cap still exists.

P.P.S. This isn't really a 4z4 mode is it? It's more like a zombie's wager match or party game mode which are rumored to exist.

P.P.S.H. (see what I did there ;) ) how does 3 -5 minutes sound for a round time? The fast pace will keep it going. Also, in all honesty, 25 zombies isn't a whole lot to handle, epecially if it's only like 10 at a time. However, getting mixed up about whose zombies are who's and not being able to see their eyes will cause some major Armageddon.

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^^^ well I didn't do that in order to avoid people chucking grenades at each other or stealing kills. I want it to be "who can last the longest" not "who can get their opponents killed first," how about this.

All players exist in the same world on the same map, so yes, you can see each other. Lets say 100 zombies spawn. 25 go to each player if there are four for example. 25 of the zombies have blue eyes, 25 have white, 25 have yellow, and 25 have green. Only the player with the matching colour can inflict damage on that zombie colour. Also the only zombie's who attack you are the ones that match your colour.

For example, you start with a crossbow. You are Nikolai (blue). You try to hit a blue eyed zombie but miss and it hits a green one.the explosive bolt goes through the green zombie leaving it totally unharmed. The explosion only harms nearby blue eyed ones as well.

Also players can't see nor interact with any opponent players' explosives. We don't want anyone trying to steal some kills by throwing a grenade again and have them end up overcooking it. Your mistakes and your mistakes alone are what must get you killed, not other players.

P.S. if a player dies, the same amount of zombies still come. For example if 25 came for you at first but 2 people died on the same round, now there are 2 left so 50 will come to you. The zombie number cap still exists.

P.P.S. This isn't really a 4z4 mode is it? It's more like a zombie's wager match or party game mode which are rumored to exist.

P.P.S.H. (see what I did there ;) ) how does 3 -5 minutes sound for a round time? The fast pace will keep it going. Also, in all honesty, 25 zombies isn't a whole lot to handle, epecially if it's only like 10 at a time. However, getting mixed up about whose zombies are who's and not being able to see their eyes will cause some major Armageddon.

now i see why you're electric jesus

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^^^ well I didn't do that in order to avoid people chucking grenades at each other or stealing kills. I want it to be "who can last the longest" not "who can get their opponents killed first," how about this.

All players exist in the same world on the same map, so yes, you can see each other. Lets say 100 zombies spawn. 25 go to each player if there are four for example. 25 of the zombies have blue eyes, 25 have white, 25 have yellow, and 25 have green. Only the player with the matching colour can inflict damage on that zombie colour. Also the only zombie's who attack you are the ones that match your colour.

For example, you start with a crossbow. You are Nikolai (blue). You try to hit a blue eyed zombie but miss and it hits a green one.the explosive bolt goes through the green zombie leaving it totally unharmed. The explosion only harms nearby blue eyed ones as well.

Also players can't see nor interact with any opponent players' explosives. We don't want anyone trying to steal some kills by throwing a grenade again and have them end up overcooking it. Your mistakes and your mistakes alone are what must get you killed, not other players.

P.S. if a player dies, the same amount of zombies still come. For example if 25 came for you at first but 2 people died on the same round, now there are 2 left so 50 will come to you. The zombie number cap still exists.

P.P.S. This isn't really a 4z4 mode is it? It's more like a zombie's wager match or party game mode which are rumored to exist.

P.P.S.H. (see what I did there ;) ) how does 3 -5 minutes sound for a round time? The fast pace will keep it going. Also, in all honesty, 25 zombies isn't a whole lot to handle, epecially if it's only like 10 at a time. However, getting mixed up about whose zombies are who's and not being able to see their eyes will cause some major Armageddon.

3arc needs you!

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I like this. It reminds me of the gun game challenge I do in Black Ops now. If they could actually integrate that into the game itself, it would be all the more amazing.

This would not only work great for free-for-all, but also for co-op survival. Every round (or every few rounds) everyone gets two (three with Mule Kick) random weapons, and have to survive with those weapons.

Also, the idea about the colored eyes: genius. I'd give you brains for that if I could [brains]

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^^^ thanks! I went with the eye idea for one main reason. My wonderweapon ideas, map and power up and perk ideas are all cool, but would be insanely hard to program. They changed the eye color on shi no numa and in the moon Easter egg. This way it actually fits into an idea and sort of makes up for the unrealisticness of my past ideas. :mrgreen:

The other reason I went with the eye idea is because it's badass as hell. Quoting albus dumbledore:

"one of my more brilliant ideas! And between you and me, that's saying something! My brain surprises even me sometimes!"

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One thing I thought of is that there should be seperate sub-game modes for this. How about:


Free-for-all Barebones

This is just like the idea I described in the originsl post.

Free-for-all classic

There are still points in this mode. You can buy perks, Bowie/sickle, and pack a punch. However when the weapons cycle you lose the PAP. It may still come in handy if you find yourself against 50 zombies, armed with only a pistol. Also the zombies have level 15-20 HP so a Bowie will take 2-3 stabs, reducing its effectiveness.

Free-For-All point match

After ten cycles, the player with the most points wins, assuming any are still alive by then. You can choose to spend them in order to help your chances of survival, but risk losing by points.

Team Un-death match barebones

Like the one I described in the OP, but with two teams. Pretty self explanatory.

Team Un-death match classic

Like free-for-all classic but with two teams. Again, self explanatory.

Team Un-Death match point match

Yeah, you get it.

NOTE! I'm not trying to over complicate things, but some people like FFA, others like TDM. some like point hoarding, others like high-round survival. Some like a challenge, others play it safe. That's why we have so many MP game modes. This is to appeal to everyone's tastes. Honestly the original, dubbed FFA barebones, is still my favorite. Just throwing this out there!

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