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~Inception~ (Discussion thread)


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What happenned to 115? I thought that was the source of our powers, not heaven and hell?

Oh well, nOw I get to post twice as often. A little sub-story.

Pariah's Inferno

Or, if this was anime, it would be called:

"Pariah enters the pits of hell to hunt down and destroy Licifer to take over his throne and become a being of pure darkness."

'Cause they explain everything. :roll:

EDIT: should I conquer his legion and claim it as my own, or is Shoreyo coming in now?

EDIT EDIT: What a story the others are gonna come home to eh?

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HOLD UP. You do have powers from 115, but I am now the one controlling the zombies. I'm the one alluding to the journey you need to take to destroy the zombies. It's like the actual storyline, the involvement of Satan, etc.

It isn't just Tankeo, it's everyone. The journey is now for you to kill Lucifer and rid the world of zombies, all the while, interacting and discovering your powers. This is just the end goal, the final epic fight.

I basically made myself the archenemy of the storyline, and now I reside in Hell. Your journey will be to find the portal and destroy me to destroy the zombies.

It gives everyone the same freedoms. It's just that there's a final goal now.

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So Pariah and the others are working toward te same goals.

Albeit for different reasons, and in different groups.

Honestly, I was wondering how we'd get back to this scale of epicicity, but now It'll be easy!

For the record, after connecting with that many zombie's, Pariah still has some influence over them, just like how he took over Sam's zombies.

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HOLD UP, remember that there were zombies before satan controlled them, just mentioning so that we can keep RPing after you are defeated, i.e. Paraiah takes over, or they go back to being generic offsets of 115, either way my imperfect apocalypse future can still happen after defeating max :P consider it an excuse to have a season 2 :mrgreen:

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Basically. You guys can still do whatever; I'll just have the zombies under my control (expect to see elemental variations of the zombies). It's total freedom, but with an end goal to have in mind. I will be working behind the scenes to leave clues as to where you may find the portal to Hell. When you all wish, we can commence that stage of the game.

At this point, there is a giant storyline for you all to flesh out, and then, whenever that's worked out, you confront Hell and then journey through those 9 circles!

So, Season 1 is me in control of the zombies, which will take a while for me to be defeated and you to work out your characters together. And then once I'm done for, Victor can have his time. Just consider these zombies more powerful and with a nice frozen flair.

This should leave a lot of things for you guys to do. I think you should probably defeat Cerberus though. He kind of is, there. Perhaps this is where Victor comes in?

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