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Hacking Power Ups is GODLY!!


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Been playing Moon a LOT today, messing around with the hacker, and I must say that hacking Power ups is like, the best thing ever! I am currently playing a solo game, Round 33 (Still going Taking a break for a few.) I've been running around in the Dome, hacking EVERY SINGLE Drop I've gotten. I've barely even had to use my Wave gun at all! (used the Zap Guns a bit, but only when I was cornered.) With MP5K Upgraded Ammo on the wall for hella cheap, the upgraded Wave Gun for horde killing and the Upgraded Galil just for straight up killing, and a steady supply of Max Ammos, this level has easily been boosted to one of the funnest maps ever (to me)!

Its just so easy to do this map with the power up hacking. Whenever I see anything glowing pop up, I just toss a Gersch, hack the drop, and get a Max Ammo. Any way to get a Perk Bottle from this, might I ask? I know you can get fire Sales, but who wants those anyway?

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I had the Ray GUn when I first tryed hacking power ups earlier today (got to 23) It was way more reliable for killing-for-drops than the Galil, but once I had my 3 upgraded guns I just stopped hitting the box all together. I died once on 36 and lost my Wave Gun (Forgot it was my 3rd Weapon) and I had no Ammo for my MP5k and Galil. I teleported, got Speed Cola, went back, DIDNT buy Revive, and died once I ran back into the labs. (damn teleporting Creepy Crawlers <_>

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I had the Ray GUn when I first tryed hacking power ups earlier today (got to 23) It was way more reliable for killing-for-drops than the Galil, but once I had my 3 upgraded guns I just stopped hitting the box all together. I died once on 36 and lost my Wave Gun (Forgot it was my 3rd Weapon) and I had no Ammo for my MP5k and Galil. I teleported, got Speed Cola, went back, DIDNT buy Revive, and died once I ran back into the labs. (damn teleporting Creepy Crawlers <_>

Yeah, the lab is a deathtrap when you don't have jug. I hate how you can't see through the doors you open. Nice job though. I just died on 20 haha. Was on first revive too. I had mustang and sally, wave gun, and upgraded mp5k. I traded out the mp5k for a commando, but I got stuck on one of those crate things in area 51 and went down. Thankfully jug was there, but I shit you not, the very second Nikolai burped after her drank jug, I got double slapped. Like, it was literally the exact same time. Personally, I thought it was horseshit, but that's what I get for pointwhoring in area 51. I hate this game so much. So many stupid ways to die. And yet, even after raging, I still find myself playing fifteen minutes later.

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REpeated the Strategy one more time, without Quick Revive this time. Got to 25. Excavators never even came to the Dome this game. I just let them have the other 2 After Saving them each once. (Not clear yet on how the Excavators actually work yet. Do they come only 3 or 4 times? Or every few rounds?) But this level is legit. Its tough,and you can get far, Just like Good O'l Der Riese (which I still think is the best map)

Also, I was pretty bumbed when I hacked the Death Machine and Got Max Ammo. I was so hoping it would be a Lightning-is-power thing, but nope, just a Max Ammo. lol.

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Yeah, I've seen those. But I never tried to get those powerups before. Something also got brought to my attention. I wonder if its possible to Hack the Red Max Ammos/Perk Bottles or hack the Bonus Points power ups. Probobly not, but has anyone ever tried? I think I am gonna look into that.

I believe you can hack those.

I can confirm that you can hack the bonus points, in my last game we hacked the pap, the someone threw a qed, and we got the points, and I had the hacker still out, and it was going to let me do it, but someone grabbed it.

Don't know what it turns into, but I've gotten those drops from zombies also, so I'm going to take a bet and say they turn into max ammo.

I'm also going to guess that you CAN hack red drops, however, it probably will screw you over

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