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Spider3000 last won the day on July 29 2019

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  1. I honestly still can't quite believe that the UK has left the EU.

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    2. Lenne


      I always assumed you are a brit. Now I have to picture a new face of you in my head. D:


      Yeah while the the things that happened these last couple of months are not the end of the world, they kinda feel like it, but at what point in human history didn't something feel like the end of the world, right? :P

    3. Spider3000


      Yeah, all we can really do is hope for the best.

    4. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Bottom line, Brussels / stroke the European Union is a f***ing joke - they think they are bee's knees but are a bunch of unelected morons. However, it would have been more sensible to have remained and force reform. Politically this was the best outcome for Scotland going forward, exactly what we (those that want independence) wanted.


      I voted remain but not because the EU is perfect or any good, it has it's benefits and it has a lot of pitfalls as well. However, voting remain meant Scotland had a better chance of independence from the rUK (not because we don't like them) just the opposite is true. We want to take back control from Westminster.

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