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Black Hand Smith

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Status Updates posted by Black Hand Smith

  1. Fuck May. May is 10 days away from being over. I'll just dump everything in Starting June 1st

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      You and sledgehammer both... 

  2. I was going to get a PS4 this weekend but instead I have decided to gather up all of my money and pay for my dog's operation. Family always comes first. I'll just get a PS4 next Month

    1. RedDeadRiot


      Fuck a PS4, buy a collectors edition CoD

  3. The MOTD/SOE/Main Story Connection [ Thesis ] 

    Coming Monday

    Just made a huge chart to better explain my thesis. Took me an hour. Still writing down everything in a doc

  4. Currently working on a few Main Concepts and finishing work on Alpha-Omega season 2. 5 new maps for A-O as well as some more Oracle Updates coming soon. Just got 2 new ideas I want to try out later

    A superhero Map concept in which you use phone booths to transform for a limited time 

    A map involving a Mummy searching for the book of the dead in order to bring back his army. 

    A map involving Alchemy in some form. Still haven't figured out how yet but Alchemy is something that would definitely be in zombies

  5. Black Hand Smith is now on Playstation 4! Just got mine today. Don't have many games just yet but give it a month and my entire shelf should be full of blue boxes. In other news Legacy of the Damned 3 will finally be unveiled later today once I finish finding enough pictures on the internet that would fit in great. All the big premium map concepts need pics. At least the ones I really poured my heart and soul into. 

    1. Phat130y69ps4


      Welcome to the dark side!if you get cod and want to play let me know!

  6. I am working on a very VERY special Map Concept for the New Years Special. I currently have a script ready with some new and some familiar characters returning as well as many hidden easter eggs celebrating the entire year of 2015. Only now just finished re reading the Intro and I have chills

  7. Currently still deciding on what the Halloween Special Map for this year will be.

    Current Ideas 

    Carnival of Evil Sequel

    Release Dynasty of the Dead

    The Space Map I wanted to do

    or that one concept I have yet to announce involving Magic and Wizards




  8. The new update is crap. Any new content I post will most definitely be buried under the amount of comments that have become mingled in the stream. 



    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      It includes a lot but it doesn't mean it's crap. It's different yes but change is never received with thanks, usually scepticism.


      Trust me, I've been using it for nearly 6 weeks and it does become easier to use and when you customise it, you will not have content lost.

  9. An official statement by me


    I will most likely not be as active as I used to be before. However if I come across something interesting I will post it whenever. I will definitely be more active during DLC release and I will also be making a full return during the Off Season to keep things flowing.

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      That's a shame @Black Hand Smith make sure to return.

  10. I did not expect to become so active all of a Sudden but I have been challenged by Stop Mocking Me and Nightmare Voyager to a Map Concept Face Off. I now have 15 Days to come up with a brand new concept that will blow your socks off. 

    I have been working all day and I have already come up with a story I want to tell, I've got this new Gothic location and I've even started gathering up Music tracks for the map soundtrack.

    My favorite part about this little project is coming up with new monsters and creatures for players to face off against as well as new characters with their own motivations for being where they are now.

    For the first time ever in my map concepts I am implementing The Use of GobbleGum and even coming up with some new one's of my own. 

    I wish to leave little seeds that will eventually grow into major plot elements in my expanded Universe of Zombie Concepts while at the same time making this new concept it's own story.

    15 Days. In 15 days I will unveil something new. So will my two Zombie Concept colleges. 

    See you then !

  11. Curse of the Lycan

    Zombies Concept Reveal 

    Coming to Codz 1/31/16


    1. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      Curse of the Lycan Reveal 

      An old London Town.....Ravaged by a Monster which is half man and half beast. A mysterious Cult and ritualistic ceremonies, . 4 people are brought together as they fight for their lives against an endless hoard of the undead. Will they be able to break the curse? Or are there even darker forces lurking in the Shadows?

      Find out on 1/31/16

      First on Codz

  12. Who are you?

    We are no one....

    Nothing wills stand in our way

    We will finish what TH3 HURTL0CK3R started

    There were stories about what happened

    It's true.....all of it

    TH3 AR3

    The PlaytheGamers

    They're real.....

    The Future.Proof

    It's are calling to you

    Just let it in


    1. NaBrZHunter


      Really, mate? lol :biggrin:

  13. I think I just uncovered the "key" to unlocking a 3 year old question. I know have reason to believe when and where the events of Mob of the Dead take place

  14. Member when Smith used to make Map Concepts? OOH I MEMBER!



    1. Inconcievable


      I kinda thought you still did. =I

  15. Completely reworking Der Riese. One of the more important characters will play a less important role in my storyline. We just have to wait and see. I will see you all at Destination 935

  16. Der Riese ist in frankreich..........

  17. The Giant is Rising.....

  18. Might be releasing Destination 935 Much sooner than expected. Just Got to make some Character quotes and I'm done

  19. " what is this? NOOOO! this is much worse than before!! To think that mt endeavors have led me to be trapped in this accursed bear!!! DAMN YOU MAXIS!"

  20. Dmitri's Log - The dreams have stopped but we have been following the orb for weeks now. We found a working boat and with a little luck we arrived on the other side of the world. These past few weeks I feel like I am in hell. Nothing But Death and Carnage wherever we go. Perhaps once we arrive wherever it is we are going we will have more answers....

  21. The Dead Have Risen.....and so has the Sleeping Giant....

  22. I think I'm gonna leave the zombie concepts for a while and work on some Extinction Concepts.

  23. Cyptids gave my attack dog.....A BEARD!!!!!

  24. Samantha and Edwardo Go to E3

  25. Samanther will soon face her deadliest foe yet....E3

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