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Everything posted by Joeyohh9292

  1. I think it was just co-incidence xD I've had a few navcards disappear before now randomly when one of my friends got a ray gun or something. It might be something, who knows any more, but I doubt it. Nice paying attention though, most people wouldn't have notice it go missing.
  2. I feel like I need to let a lot of people know that this "Aether" thing is a very tricky subject. Treyarch mean it to be a place a bit like purgatory. Neither real nor non-real. It's in the background, underlying everything that happens. However, the entire story (of zombies) is also heavily focused on sci-fi physics. E.g. Quantum Mechanics being able to create black holes at will and things of that nature. Backstory: In the world of Physics a few years ago, scientists didn't understand how gravity worked (and they still don't - not really), so some scientists created a theory. This theory was that there was an Aether. A dimension that co-existed with our 3 spacial and 1 time dimension(s). In this dimension there were particles and fields that moulded around our own, making interactions like gravity possible where it isn't in the real world. My point: After only a couple of years this theory was disproven. It just didn't work right. So we created the idea of fields (gravitational, Higgs, Electron, Proton, etc). These fields are everywhere and particles are just where a lot of energy builds up in a certain area in one of these fields. But that doesn't matter. My point is that this "Aether" was disproven. So what, exactly, does Richtofen refer to when he talks about the Aether? Note: My science isn't perfect. Some of it may be wrong (e.g. it might not be gravity that was affected in the Aether) but the general ideas are 100% correct. There is a disproven Aether theory in Physics. My conclusion: There are only so many possiblities here. Richtofen could've found a different dimension that he just called the Aether. They could be in an alternate universe where the Aether exists. I honestly don't have a conclusion. Like ever, Treyarch don't give us the full story and so there are too many answers to 1 question. I just thought I'd let you know that the "Aether" might not be as simple as the Aether mod in minecraft :P
  3. Look at the top right of the poster itself. Clearly Treyarch are really looking after the zombie audience Feels good.
  4. Joeyohh9292


    From what I've seen and played, the Jet Gun can easily handle zombies at most rounds. Train them up and then suck them in. It's not supposed to wipe out a horde, but it can kill 10~ zombies every 10 seconds or so. And that's at round 70. But anyway, I don't even understand why most people think solo should be easy or show skill. Solo is NOT skill based. It just shows whoever has the most patience without losing attention. 4 player is SO much more fun if you play it without just seperating and running trains. All being in one area at the same time trying to escape the hordes chasing you and maybe luring them into friends is just hilarious. Anyway, we're all very off topic here. This is supposed to be about finding day in Green Run and as far as I know, it's not possible and has no real evidence to support it. Note: It's already day. What I mean is a clear day.
  5. Joeyohh9292


    I don't understand what you're saying. I watched the trailer again and Town looks identical... There's no difference. Yes the sun is in the sky, but the sun is in the sky anyway. Try and get a picture to explain, because as far as I can tell, the trailer's version of Town and the game's version of town are the same.
  6. Most likely fake. The real Zielinski would have a link to his Twitter and Vice Versa. In fact, especially Vice Versa.
  7. Apparantly the guy on that forum is going to post proof on January 1st. Anyone else foresee the Troll song or (an old classic) a rick roll?
  8. It was just a security update. If the security wasn't top notch and they got hacked, they'd be sued for millions.
  9. Because now it's on the MP engine. That's why theatre mode works.
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