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Everything posted by Ragdo11706

  1. I've found myself hanging out right outside of Ol' Rubys Rabbit. Fun place to kite the Zombies, shield is right there when you need it, and since I don't run using Q.R. I can easily access the C.P. whenever he drops dead.
  2. You were hanging them boards so fast, from all that "Speed" you was on that night.... "Speed Cola" that is.
  3. Haha, I cannot tell you how many times I got F****D up in the beginning, due to this "Lack of Knowledge".
  4. @83457 @Pasta @mmm chocolate @Nieno69 Ok so I can't be 100% positive on this, but an easy way to have more people attempting this and actually achieving the goal of getting the counter to 0/0. It appears during the "Totem" running phase of the Main Quest, if you use the "Keeper Sword" on the Shadow Man, it won't actually hurt him. However, the counter on the Sword will go down & continue to go down until it finally reads 0/0, at which point you will automatically put the Sword away. So this very well may actually turn out to be something. Its been right in front of us this whole time, as well as using it on the Shadow Man doesn't seem to have an affect, yet the counter still goes down.
  5. Ray Guns. Each player have a Ray Gun and focus on making all the Zombies a crawler. Once you be achieved this have two people keep them on the PaP side, while the other two stay on the Altar side. Here have one person focusing only on the Shadow Man, the other player standing at the Altar. This way as soon as his ass reaches it, he can be captured. I would also suggest upgraded Arnies, in case you fail and get a bunch of Maggie's chasing after you. The Haymaker is another good choice for ripping her face off. Lastly communication, you've got to coordinate with your team, the last thing you want is to be running across the wall and another teammate heading straight towards you. Being stuck with no guns and no perks, will not make this any easier. Good luck
  6. The only suggestion I have, pertains to the Canal District. I've found I can open the entire District in one go, if I start at the Beast Fountain beside the Egg Statue. The key here, is to ADS at the power box inside the Ruby Rabbit, before you transform. Once you have done this transform, (do NOT jump) zap the switch, immediately turn around and break open the Egg Statue. Now your going to want to turn 90° (facing the Civil Protector) jump over the railing turn around zap that box. Make your way through the Canals breaking open the Rift Portal & the Badge. Finally turn around look up grapple up to the top level Zap the power box for the perk, and finish it off by hauling ass towards the stairs. I've got another method for the Waterfront where you can open that all in one go, except this requires you to take the Tram from the Canal District, which actually saves you points, as opposed to opening the gates in Junction. If your interested in can explain this further.
  7. I would suggest checking the LFG section of the Forums. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/groupfinder/
  8. @83457 Don't feel bad my quota is full. I've got a mere 140kb left. Somehow were supposed to be able to manage them, because I'm on mobile this may be different. I can't figure it out, every time I select something it downloads.
  9. I don't have the internet, therefore I have to play offline and don't have access to any of these sights (that I'm aware of). This may have changed, I never knew they existed until the Language was revealed.
  10. @Nieno69 That would be some shit, use this reticle see this thing, use that reticle see that thing. Haha, although I have heard personally from G.Q. herself the other day while talking to her, something about a "Thermal" Scope & some Cipher or something. I'll ask her and see if I can find out anything else.
  11. Haha, it was at this moment, Ragdoll knew he had F****D up! _____ Shit, I like running Maggie's goofy ass on and off the stage inside the, "Black Lace". It's funny to watch her go up and down, like gee George which way did he go. All the Ritual zones are fun outside of "The Anvil". There's no way possible for that spot, except certain Death, or the Arbgwaoth which would be Very Nice. Still, somehow I always find myself in that damn "Rift", running laps around trains. "Exercise the Demons"!
  12. Yea but that's too easy, clearly Treyarch have diverted from the simplicity of maps pre Black Ops II. When was the last time they did that, MotD. Even though you could build the Acid Upgrade to convert the Blundergat to the Acid-Gat. To me they look like a buildable.
  13. I've also seen instances in which a player will buy a perk, be in the process of drinking it, get downed, and once revived they still had the Perk. They could no longer buy that specific Perk either. However, they could still purchase 4 other Perks.
  14. Yea, but is that not odd. To go from purple like that to a mixture of Red and Blue. What's really the point. Not only that but what's up with the energy beams they shoot towards the center. I don't believe that's what becomes the swirling energy we see on the inside. Although I do feel like the "Transference of Energy" is important in Shadows.
  15. @mmm chocolate This, is the very reason I began even thinking the "Gateworms" had any significance. I just thought it was kind of odd, Jackie V has a specific quote while placing them where he says, "You will tell me if I'm doing this wrong, won't you." Which lead me to believe that I was indeed doing something wrong. Have you ever paid attention to the Fire surrounding the Gateworms, while placing them, how it appears "Purple" then once you complete the PaP Ritual, they are multi colored.
  16. Being a high round player, I'm more curious if they kill all 24 Zombies or only 10. Not only that but what Round will they stop Being effective. We know the "Bow" comes from the Dragons we feed, could these "Spikes" be the buildable Weapon for Der Eisendrache.
  17. You may very well be correct, I'm not saying one way or the other. All I'm saying is that normally if I've spent 10-15k on the Mystery Box I'll get it back, then there are times where I'll spend over 100k and not see it, and if it lands on it, it'll be blank for a second and the Teddy Bear will pop up. Try it out yourself and see if it don't happen to you. Build the "Apothicon Servant" and immediately replaced it, don't ever fire it. That may not be the only thing I'm doing, I'll have to do further testing, I know none of the Rituals were completed, nor had I picked up any of the items pertaining to them. I can't be certain but it seems as if @Dmack412 may have been confirming this.
  18. I agree. Check my thread "keepers" are "Key" and the "Magic Book" Theory or even Apothicon Servant & "Upgrade_Ready" Quotes. Reply to them as you see fit. I really think the gun being taken out of the box is to start the next phase in building the second form. I would like everyone to test out this theory of mine (especially you @83457). Once you build the "Apothicon Servant" immediately replace it, never fire it, just to be sure you don't trigger the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote, then see if you get it back from the Mystery Box. The game I'm currently playing, I've spent at least 100k on the box, not once have I seen it. I also feel this is the first time we can actually "Fail" meaning we've gotten to a point where we can no longer do whatever needs to be done, in order to achieve our goal. It is definitely being over thought, I agree. However, I think Treyarch have also done a pretty good job of "Hiding" it this time. I almost feel as if the name doesn't really matter, if it does than that may complicate things a little more. I feel the name may be what you have to do to advance to the next "Phase". The important part I believe is actually the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote you receive, will determine what method you have to do in order to obtain a "Cocoon". Basically there could potentially be 3 separate ways in actually obtaining one. Yes, we the players working together as a Community, not worrying about who's the "First" in the world to solve this, is what I think Treyarch wanted the reason they've made this so difficult. As soon as more people stop caring about being "First" and start working together or even just realizing the Upgrade actually exists. The sooner we will get it all figured out. Even the RealDF said himself the Coding for the "Plague Pods" are more complex and complete than the Coding for any other Easter Egg/Side Quest in Shadows of Evil, possibly even the Main Quest.
  19. I agree, I just wish you could've gotten a picture. Even if you do like me and use your cellphone. You can get a pretty decent image from that.
  20. @83457 Hahaha, I always say "Tram" to that's the funny part. I don't even know why I said "Train".
  21. @Exactice_808 I forgot the "Upgrade_Ready_0" Quote. That's a Parasite/Elemental Round that a Margwa also spawns in on. Make sure to leave Maggie alone, don't bother her and she won't bother you (that bad).
  22. @Exactice_808 I'm not sure, I've seen in the past people have heard the "Audio Que" from another player, even the Sword. As to what goin were hearing, it's hard to say being you weren't there to actually see. ____ To answer you questions. 1) No. There are 3 different "Upgrade_Ready" Audio Ques. Each one containing a different phrase. Each one triggered individually, seemingly by a different method. Only one will trigger per game. ____ 2) So this one I've tested & tested & tested some more. What I've been able to replicate, because each individual Quote has an algorithm coded that makes it trigger. "Upgrade_Ready_0" This is the most Un-Common of the 3. This one I haven't been able to replicate consistently, but the Times I've gotten it to trigger. Build the "Apothicon Servant" on a Parasite/Elemental Round, then activate a Ritual. Once the Ritual has been activated the quote should Trigger immediately. Not Sure the state the Sword needs to be in, I think fill the "Apothicon Egg" place it back in the Sword & leave it, or just pick up the "Apothicon Egg" and hold it. "Upgrade_Ready_1" This is by far the most Common of the 3. This one almost every time I've been able to replicate. If you've opened the Sword Chamber, picked up the "Apothicon Egg" and placed it at all, normally this is the quote you will receive. "Upgrade_Ready_2" This one is not as common as 1 but more common than 0. Now the way I've gotten this quote to trigger is by not opening the Sword Chamber at all. Until after I've acquired the quote, then I'll open it and use the "Apothicon Servant" to fill the Egg. _____ 3) Yes & No. We know what some of the names mean. However, we do not known what the entire phrase means. For example: Zoroth Orota: Transform ?? We know Zoroth = Transform but it's not yet clear what Orota is equivalent to. Zornash Na'Orujja Zornash: ?? IDGUN ?? We don't know what Zornash means but we do know Na'Orujja is equivalent to IDGUN. It's been speculated Zornash means Altar, however we cannot be certain. _____ Hope this helps & good luck with your search.
  23. No I'm saying, will the Mod Tools come to anything besides the PC. I agree with you on that aspect.
  24. While this may be true, does it benefit anyone outside of PC.
  25. Yea I've seen the files, but somewhere I remember seeing something about a Machine Gun. Regardless he'll have a different feature on each arm. You don't have to tell me, MotD & Origins are easily in my top 5 favorite maps, If not 1 & 2. If I wanted to play them again, I'd just play Black Ops II. I just wanna see something "New" not a love child of the best maps, that's all. It'll be fun in the beginning, technically it'll be "New". I'm just afraid it may end up like Shadows or even the Giant, people get tired of it rather quickly, in comparison to past iterations of the series.
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