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mmm chocolate

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Everything posted by mmm chocolate

  1. Yeah but i feel like he's just trying to mimic treyarchs tweets.
  2. The bus is not shooting out red lights. Its the red tail lights of the bus. Also, the way the red beams come out of the tailights is just a nod to the way they made that poster and the illustrative style they were trying to get inspiration from. Google some swiss posters from the 50's 60's and 70's.
  3. If anyone goes out and tries to disprove anything this guy says...we're not being trolled, we're just proving you wrong. Plain and simple. And thats what i just did. Used the jet gun on the avogadro and NOTHING happened. Used the EMPs in the laundromat and guess what.. NOTHING happened. Dude is so full of shit.
  4. Hahaha....what?! I hope you can gameplay you're way out of this hole you're digging for yourself troll.
  5. Cool man, if what you say is true... Then i look forward to proof. Nuff said. And my guess is use the jet gun on electric avogadro dude.
  6. Have at it. I've put my time in too. At a certain point it gets annoying 'not knowing' ... And there's a whole lot they left out as far as how certain things work...which is cool too...the hunt is the fun part, i get it. But i'm saying there is likely no more until the next dlc comes out.
  7. Considering how much we had to do so far, 2 different sides of the ee...and this is only the first glimpse of tranzit, I think we've done all that we have been given. Why would they make the first part of zombies super long and drawn out? They wouldn't. All of the things we are seeing, swirling orbs, beams, ....i believe its all just to keep us interested and guessing. Treyarch's vague tweets? They've obviously sat around a board room and agreed to replying in the most basic and blunt way possible, while picking apart everyone elses words. I'll be amazed if there is any more to this.
  8. Someone would have found other parts by now if your theory had weight.
  9. CAREER: Kills: 35227 Bullets fired: 121249 Downs: 359 Revives: 202 Grenade kills: 3232 Headshots: 9157 Deaths: 284 Gibs: 44147 Perks drank: 374 Doors: 577 Hits: 1.27 Miles: 830 My kills divided by downs is: 98.12 Tranzit solo: 36 Farm solo: 23 Town solo: 13 Bus Depot solo: 13 Nuketown solo: 29 My emblem has been at Skull with blue eyes for weeks now. Hoping i go up to the knife soon. Has anyone else noticed that if you just hit start and 'leave game' ... You get zero downs? I wonder if anyone uses this to their advantage, i havent yet...but i wonder if treyarch put that in there for a reason. So we dont 'feed the zombies'...?
  10. Not sure if anyone cares, but i'm still working on this. If i rank up only playing solo...then i will let you all know. I'm at 89 right now. Went up 10 points in one day. The only thing thats bugging me is that its been stated that people think that its 100 for the knife and 150 for the shotguns in your emblem...i'd think that since it was probably 50 to get the skull...it seems like the shotguns should be atleast 200.
  11. Yeah I'm focusing on the Navcard Table now. Using a guest profile to go back and build it again without the power on etc...just to see if i can learn anything new. I agree the obelisk is the tower which is also the spire. A spire is something that looks like the top of a church. If you notice, the electrical tower doesnt actually go up to a point, its flat on top, until you do the ee. Then it becomes a spire by creating a point with the electricity flowing up it making the 'extra' top piece. Also in one of the tv recordings, the guy says 'we've activated/completed the spire' which makes me think that the one he's talking about is another one somewhere else on the globe. So as far as anyone knows, Richtofen is the only one that mentions the Navcard table right? He says you have to find the little card 'thingy'......when exactly does this audio quote come in? I was just in a game as misty, no navcard, and built 3/4 of the table before doing anything...and i didnt hear one piece of audio. Do you have to build the whole table first?
  12. I agree about the EMP's. much quicker. If i ever need to kill him quick, and i have no emp's or knuckles, i get him to attach to the bus. Knife him while on the windows. I also noticed that if he downs you, you have to knuckle him an extra hit to send him back into the sky. Sometimes i just pass the diner and hit the shortcut to the bank on round 1. All you really need for all perks and 2 PaP'd guns is 1100 to get into the bank and take out money. I take out 30,000 at a time. At around round 15-20 i go put some back in.
  13. I've been hearing a sound when i go to the bank too...i'm not sure if its a train though. I'm glad people are starting to listen for the audible clues. There's another one that i'm working on that i've never seen anyone mention yet. Treyarch uses sounds more than anything to give clues. Keep listening.
  14. 1. The Zombie Shield: does anyone else use this as an extra defense bonus? I use 2 turbines to find the bus parts and PaP 2 really good guns from the Mystery Box then get rid of the turbine and use the shield on my back for the rest of my 20+ rounds. It takes the Zombies 15 hits to break it and when it does theres a shaking animation that lets you know its time to grab another one. At later rounds i will even purposely let the last zombie bust my shield and then go get another before the next round, ensuring it doesnt give out on me mid-round. 2. Claymores: 1000$ for C4 (x2) that automatically respawn in your inventory at the start of a new round. These are my new best friends, you can take out as many Zombies as you can fit on the screen at a time with one Claymore up and past round 25. Meaning you can save a ton of bullets. Tons. 3. The Diner and the Shortcut: Makes the Diner a perfect place to rack up points. Get 30,000 - 50,000$ and run to town via the shortcut and deposit into the bank. Plus the Diner has the 1st Mystery Box location and the Zombie Shield. 4. Having all perks except Quick Revive: once you have Juggernog, Stamin-up, and the Galvaknuckles youre ready to run thru the fog, having Speed Cola and Double Tap help in the later rounds. In solo you can only have four perks and if its true about kills vs downs, then Quick Revive is a bad idea i think. Which kinda makes sense why you can have four only. Extra notes: some things i've noticed...if you have a claymore in your hand and you get hit by a zombie, you lose both claymores you had. After the zombie shield gets busted off your back, sometimes you can get hit a few extra times and not get affected by it, like the shield is still there. If the key to ranking up emblems is kills vs downs, and your just going for a ton of kills, DO NOT get any Nukes, any Zombie killed by a nuke doesnt count as a kill. At higher rounds, when you get an Instakill, use semtex to blow a whole horde of zombies away while saving ammo. Some of this may be obvious, but i think the rest will be useful. Enjoy!
  15. Im starting to think that reviving someone has to play into this all. As a bonus for playing with others online. Maybe if you revive someone that cancels out one of your downs. And thats why everyone has varrying stats and emblems. Just another wild guess.
  16. i have four beams in my pics above on solo. with one navcard.
  17. im already at 82. If this theory is correct, every 400 kills you get without going down will bring you up one point. If i get to 100, and my emblem changes, then i believe this is it. I'm going to play ONLY solo until i get 100 and let you guys know if its possible to rank up in solo. I've often wondered if Treyarch would implement something to reward players that dont pussy out and buy quick revive right away...its the first perk. Hmmm... But yeah, if quick revive is the key, Im never buying it again. As for playing with people online, if your teammate revives you, he's cutting your ratio in half
  18. I can test it. I just need to confirm something...is it kills divided by downs? If so..im at 79. If what i read is correct...at 100 my emblem should have a knife added to it behind the skull. I'll see what i can come up with.
  19. Ok so im still trying to figure this out...and help me if im wrong.. If i just play it safe and never buy quick revive again... And make sure i have atleast more than 100 kills per match (approx round 8) ... Then i should rank up faster. Also...to add to this..it seems like Tranzit solo would be the best way. Buy all perks but quick revive and use the zombie shield on your back running around at the Diner. Edit: i just read your post Armageddon...if what you say is true...there would be no way to rank up solo. I'm still confused.
  20. didnt want to start a new thread...so im puttin this here... my question is: if zombie rank emblems are dependent on kills vs downs...if you want to rank up quicker...then dont buy Quick Revive AT ALL? cuz buying quick revive doubles your 'downs' in each game...cutting your ratio each time. am i crazy or is this the key to ranking up?
  21. Shouldn't this written guide be updated? We now know you can do either side with only 2 players and that the NavCard table has nothing to do with Richtofen's side... Just sayin'.
  22. Middle of a game right now and have been monitoring this thread, wanted to try it myself and i can confirm that it works with Richtofen side done. I knifed the handle a few times with a Bowie knife, not sure if that did anything, but when i shot it a few times with an AK74fu2... ...im still playing the same game and it seems like i dont even have to shoot the handle now to get beams. I just aim and it happens. So i did everything you could possibly do in that game, and i still cant see where this is going to lead...i have one more thIng to test out, but after that, i might have to give it a rest and play some campaign or multiplayer.
  23. Yeah if this all means something, i'll be suprised. And if anyones reading my last post with the pic and trying to make any sense of it, as to why it happened at that time, let me know if you have any ideas. I had a theory that it was connected to the turbine and which doors you opened and didnt open with it. On the game it happened to me, it went like this... Build turbine, open door at depot with it, get hatch. Go to diner, drop hatch in garage and use turbine on door to get plow. Add plow go to farm, do nothing, turn on power, open door w/turbine to get back to bus in time, go to town, open bank, take out money, get jugg, then open door in town for last piece of bus. And i think it was coincedence, but the church bell went off right at the same time. And i wish i could show you all this, but seriously the vid didnt save to my theatre cuz theyre still fixing theatre. Anyway, my guess was that you had to successfully open three of the four doors correctly without opening the one you didnt need to open, cuz theres nothing inside. Treyarch always uses audible clues, so i thought i was on to something because the one door i didnt open with the turbine was the farm garage door. I went back and noticed that when that door opens, its not the same as the rest, theres no cha-ching like most others. Also i want to note, that you can try testing this yourself by starting a new game and jumping to look into the room with the bus part in the depot to see if theres anything in there. If you start a game with nothing inside the first location, you then know that you can open the rest and find them all with no trouble. The only door you cant tell if theres something inside is the one at the diner.
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