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Everything posted by AlphaOmega

  1. Hello CoDZ! Welcome back and welcome to 2014: YEAR OF THE ZOMBIE!

  2. So here we are...2014. It has been a long journey with a few bumps in the road. 2012-2013 was definitely a year to remember in zombies. We got awesome content from Treyarch and saw their dedication to the fanbase. Now it is time to look back and remember, but to also look forward. So as my first topic of 2014: How did it end for you? Please answer any of these questions: -Did "Origins" end zombies for Black ops 2 well or not? -Will you be looking forward to more storyline or gameplay? -Has Treyarch made good on keeping to the fans and still giving a good experience? -What was the worst DLC? -What was the best DLC? -How did the VAs and Music do? -What was the most innovative thing you have seen to freshen up zombies? OR Make your own question and Answer! Welcome to 2014 ladies and gentlemen. The year of Zombies has returned!
  3. Hi everyone! I hope all of you liked the update on Origins. fixed some glitches...Yea I hate em. And peopel who use them. Just a personal thought. Now onto the main things. If you looked at a post PINNAZ made on the General Discussion, there are the patch notes from yesterday or, in the future, September 18. One of the main things they addressed was something known as the "One Inch Punch" Perk. I believe this is the power up we recieve after filling up the chests. So we now know that this is a REAL PERMA PERK! You can keep it for the game you get it! Now, I have a list of Persistent upgrades. I would like to add this "One Inch Punch" Perk, but I would like some feedback. -It is technically a perk. -It is lost after you die. BUT can be regained in the same game -DOES NOT CARRY OVER What do you guys think?
  4. Alright guys! Update 1 is up. Thanks to all contributors. I also revamped the title. too cheezy? Well too bad. I LOVE THAT SHOW!
  5. I finished the brofist challenge. Lowest round: 10 Kills: Approximately 150-200 (not sure I DID NOT grab the brofist when I took my proof.
  6. IN A WORLD FULL OF ZOMBIES INSANE FLAMMING DOCTORS AND AWESOME WONDER WEAPONS THATS ME. ALPHAOMEGA. AND THE COMMUNITY. TRYING TO DO THE IMPOSSIBLE. CREATING A GUIDE THAT WILL HELP YOU SURVIVE ORIGINS. Hi everypony!...Crap. (switch to regular english) There we go. Hi everybody! I hope you are all well and good. PS3, PC guys excited? Good. What I have come here to do it make a Tip of the Day similar to what BSZombie did back in, I believe, Mob of the Dead. He did such an awesome job, I decided to borrow his idea on this. So each day I'll add a new tip I learn or if any of you have a good tip, please share! I always credit my sources so everyone gets recognized! So let's get started! WARNING: I will not explain how to do EEs or how to do specific things. If you want to know how to actually find pieces to a buildable or how to turn on EE songs look around the forum. There are many awesome resources. Also, these tips can vary from obvious to totally-did-not-know. Tip #1: The maximum amount of points you can recieve from activating a generator and killing the spawning templar zombies is 100 points. Any kills past that will NOT work. Also on the same note, you cannot use them to boost headshot kills to get the Headshot Reward Token. Tip #2: The chests that you fill with souls to get the Thunder Fists can vary on how many souls it takes to fill them. Tip #3: Custom games/Pub matches: at the beginning of a game, after activating the first generator, you will get zombie blood. In solo, you will get a x2 points. Tip #4: (I Love The Aug) The MP40 and the AK74-U are available from the box. Common knowledge maybe, but the interesting part is that they have different attachments. And to make it cooler, when upgraded, it can have different attachments! Tip #5: (TheBSZombie) When attempting to try and get in a robots head, use the zombie shield to keep a zombie preoccupied while you go inside. This is most useful on solo when it continually follows you. Tip #6: (The Dunbarian) If you are skilled enough, you can knife the bottom of the robots foot at the right time and it will open Tip #7: (MegaAfroMan) You can do the second half of the lightning challenge before you even do the piano keys. You just have to know the correct positions (Mega said he had a guide or something on this if you are interested he's your man!) Tip #8: (I Love Aug) I you die while you have the thunderfists, worry not for you can still get them from the box (Proven to also give back the elemental fists should you die after that part of the EE) Tip #9: NEVER MAKE THIS MISTAKE. Once you have the Odin Bomb/G-strike, DO NOT TRADE IN FOR MONKEYS. IF YOU DO, YOU WILL HAVE TO RE ROLL THE BOX UNTIL YOU GET THEM. Tip #10: Weapons that are dug up from the ground WILL NOT replace ammo in a PAP weapon. IT WILL REPLACE IT. Tip #11: When looking for the gold dig spots in zombie blood mode, the gold mound NEVER CHANGES UNITL DUG UP. So check all locations and don't worry; you cannot miss it. Tip #12: If you are going for the Thunderfists, time the Giants. After a Giant comes through, start filling up the chest that he stepped on. CHANCES ARE he will not return for sometime, UNLESS all three happen to roll across the field. This will give you plenty of time to finish the chest. Tip #13: For EE tries, split the work. Each person does the staff they want. Learn to use all staffs so you can be a team player and give the weaker players a stronger staff or their preferred staff. Tip #14: Have people spread out when playing multiplayer. Why? Because when the zombies attack the Generators, someone can easily go kill the zombies and get a max ammo. Tip #15: Ice staff - NEVER GET CORNERED. YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE! Even when a zombie is frozen, there is either more zombies behind the one you shot who can hit you or the one you shot just slowed down instead of dying. Tip #16: When you are being grabbed by the Panzer Soldat, you can sometimes duck and he will miss. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS WHEN YOU ARE ON LEVEL GROUND WITH HIM. On the same note, should you get clawed, shoot the face instead of the red shot. Much better. Tip #17: Save dig mounds for Ice Staff pieces. They never change unless dug up. Tip #18: this is more for solo players. Be careful when trying to shoot out the uderfoot part of a giant. It can not only be difficult sometimes but surrounding zombies can take you down fast. Tip #19: The fire staff is the easiest staff to build. It only requires you to turn on Generator 6, shoot down a plane, and kill the Panzer. All others require certain timing (snow, Giant foot, tank). At least by round 10, the fire staff can be built. Tip #20: The Lightning staff is VERY good for getting out of corners. It will shock enemies near where you shot and gives you a chance to get out of a situation. This is, however, varied on higher rounds. Sometimes it will kill while other times it will make crawlers or just stop zombies from moving. Tip #21: Ull's Arrow, Borea's Fury, and Kagutsuchi's blood All deal a mass ammount of damage, with the Wind and ICe being a 1 hit kill on round 120+! Tip #22: The Mech always comes on round 8 and the templar zombies on 10. ALWAYS. Tip #23: The Maxis Drone can Revive players. Tip #24: You can see which side the mystery box is on from the start by checking the little window in the door. If you look into it and the light is directly in front, it is the door to Generator 2. If you cannot see one directly in front, it is the door to Generator 3. Tip #25: Switching from any other weapon to the staff does take a little time...enough for a zombie to deal considerable damage. Should you get cornered in this situation, try to duck and turn your back (with a riot shield) to the zombies. take the moment of rest to pull out a staff. Try to fight your way out. Tip #26: Only the person who has the stone of a certain staff can create that staff. So in short, you cannot really save time when it comes to building a staff by grabbing the stone and having someone else build it. This also seemes to be a good way to secrure which staff you want. Tip #27: When you kill a Panser, it will explode dealing damage to friend and, thanks to an update, foes. Come back for another tip tommorrow!
  7. so basically, once you are done with the ee you have unlimited ammo?...hory shite.
  8. Been a while eh? This is like update 3 or something... Lost track! Big thanks to boomyeabye for his digging guide. The guide is pretty much complete at this point. Naturally, if anything is wrong, just let me know and I will fix it in the next update. Thanks and enjoy!
  9. So if you have either seen the ending cutscene of Origins EE or watched it, OR, like me, an absolute FAN of music, you bought the Soundtrack, you may notice that there is a song called Samantha's Rest. It is an interesting song. It sounds really familiar...hm....perhaps... MOON LOADING SCREEN?! That's right. This is the same song as Samantha's Lullaby but with a significant difference. It is hard to point out specific details as I am NOT good at noting music. But its there. They really are different. So now my point. Why are they different? Why the sudden change in tone? Here are the links to the two songs Samantha's Lullaby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1ZsdThRfGQ Samantha's Rest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ85U7Ir400 I really don't know what to make of this but I decided it was high time we found out!
  10. I KNEW IT. I FUCKIN KNEW IT. ONE MORE SONG I SAID ONE MORE PLEASSSSSEEEE! I love whoever found this and thank you for giving me the last great piece of Origins. :D
  11. So must of us, by now, have seen the ending cutscene and Origins. Was it worth it? Was it the "Answer" to our questions? My theory is: Yes and No. How is it Yes? I believe that Origins was another way of telling a story. It truly was the beginning but at the same time, the end. How is this possible? Simply through Parable. For those of you who dont know what a parable is, it is a story that is meant to have a deeper meaning. Origins is exactly that. We see the beginning of everything. However, we should only take away the "Big Picture". -The MAIN idea is that 4 people come together to stop an unholy abomination. Surival as well. -The objective is to "Capture" Generators. Each capture brings you a step closer. -The "Staffs" are the keys. The place you put them is "The Crazy Place". -Freeing "Samantha" is the main objective. Now lets correlate that with the CURRENT STORYLINE. RECAP: Maxis or Richtofen is now in control of the Aether. However, the real story lies with Maxis. He wishes to save his daughter. If he gets his daughter back, everything will end. Back to Origins: -The N4 come together to survive and get some answers. -The N4 AND the O4 (From BLOPS I) complete "Objectives" to continue the storyline. +Generator 1: The O4 get the Vril Device +Generator 2: The O4 get the Focusing Stone +Generator 3: Richtofen gains control +Generator 4: The N4 activate Tower +Generator 5: " " +Generator 6: " " -The Towers are the "Keys" to opening Agartha. Wait...There are only 3 towers, but 4 keys? Well, this only makes the point clearer. The ROBOTS represent the 3 towers. We put the "Keys" inside them to link them together. But we still have a key... this key goes "UNDERGROUND" (Buried ) and we connect them fully. We then "Break a Seal". With that, we open a small hole. We then send MAXIS into the open seal (Rift). Now everything is aligned. The Current Timeline and Origins Timeline have been connected. Now we must finish the final act of this 3 part Thrillogy. We must finally reach Agartha and Rescue Samantha and, ultimately, save the world. Once we reach Agarth, we must power the portal and send the Maxis Drone through. Once this is complete, Maxis and Samantha are reunited. Thus, we are saved. So, a recap: -The 4 heroes = The N4 -The 6 Generators = the 6 MAJOR objectives throughout the storyline. -The "Keys" And "Robots" = The Towers and The Box in Buried -Maxis Drone = The fact that Maxis' PHYSICAL form is destoryd, but his body lives on. -Sending Maxis into the Seal = Sending him into "The Rift" -REunite with Maxis and Samantha = Save the World However, this leaves some unanswered questions. I will answer them. Maxis does not acknoledge it is daughter that is speaking to him. -This is a very tricky one. However, once you think of it, it makes sense. In the Current Storyline (Left off at Buried) Maxis does try to save his daughter. HOWEVER, his "True" intention was revenge against Richtofen, the cause of all this pain. This is why he ignores his daughter, although it is his ultimate goal. What happens next? -Nothing. This was our ending. But you must SEE beyond what is right in front of you. It is a PARABLE! What of the Final cutscene? -This is a tricky one that I can't really explain EXCEPT for 2 ways of seeing it 1. It is a Parable. The idea is that Samantha and Eddie (If this is really Edward) have taken their turns at being the controller. Obviously, Samantha has been in charge most of the time. This is indicated by the Tally mark on the wood. 2. It is a scene from the future. After Earth has been saved. These toys and this whole thing is in a kids mind. So...yea. Thats it, I guess. Discuss?
  12. The souls of the damned live on...somewhere. Their souls have either been trapped or something. When 115 was discovered, perhaps the Aether pulled the souls out? I support that with the fact that the MPD on moon eats souls and richtofen switched souls with samantha.
  13. Hi everyone! AlphaOmega here, just fresh from the Little Lost Girl EE and I must say it took a wile but was helluva time. But that really isn't my main job here. No, what I have, if it has not been said before, may very well be the answer to a longtime question that has been thrown away for a while. Question: How does Samantha or ANYONE control the zombies? Answer: By using their inner fears/triggers that make them angry. Proof: The zombie blood. While in this mode, Takeo has said a few times "You speak directly to my soul". However, only when you have zombie blood. Samantha just basically pushed all of Takeos "buttons", so to speak. Played him like a kindle (Wash my haiiirrr, and make it bounce like a basketball....Oops sorry). Basically, she prodded his fear that the samurai way was to be lost. That gets him mad. Another one is Nikolai. Samantha says "So far from home. Such a horrible place. Death on the streets.." Etc etc. This is how you control the zombies. You somehow connect to their soul and basically find their weak point. Now here is a second theory. Remember EMPs? It is strange that it stops them from moving...But I may be able to explain this. Richtofen was using frequency waves to tap into the zombies minds. He did not have Samanthas ability to talk directly to a soul. Instead, he needed to increase his power through the Towers. So when we throw the EMP, the connections from mind to Richtofen is severed badly, to the point he can not longer read their mind. These are just my theories, but personally, i cannot change my headcanon after thinking of this. It just makes so much sense TO ME. So please discuss and try to prove me wrong!
  14. sorry guys only so much space If you felt that you enjoyed any other era/map specific weapon, go ahead and say so in the comments.
  15. thats odd... One time i messed with the switch BEFORE i ever started the Ultimate staff. and yet it never lit up....
  16. So i was doing the lightning staff ultimate challenge. While i was on the part where you have to change the switches, i noticed there was one on the upper floor of the barracks near the entrance to no mans land. It can be twisted and has an action. Yet i see no reason for it to be there. Ee maybe? I dont know. It just seems so...random. Yet u can use it?....
  17. "I will fight to the death...YOURS!" Angry german Richtofen. Classic.
  18. Paraphony is from shangri la loading screen
  19. WARNING: This guide is for people who know how to do this map. You must know the map in a general sense and be able to adjust when neccessary. You should know how to do most of the buildables/ locations. This guide is NOT for beginners! Hello fellow zombie slayers! I hope you have all been brushing up on Origins and have played quite a bit. For some people, it's a walk in the park! For others, it can be quite challenging. Thats why I am here. I have a foolproof guide on how to play Origins. Lets start with some standard statistics. Map size: Massive Number of player: 1 Perks: QR, Jug, Mulekick, Your choice of 1 Zombie strength: Standard - regular; Templar - above average; Panzer Soldat - Stronger than Brutus. Best Guns: MG08/LMG, BOOMHILDA/Power weapon, Staff of Lightning/Kimat's Bite Buildables: At least the Lightning staff, Zombie Shield, Maxis Drone Now an explanation on why you should have some of these things. Quick Revive: Obviously, another chance Juggernog: Obviously, take a few more hits Mulekick: It is either this or double tap. However, carrying an extra weapon allows you to have overall, more power. This is best used with a raygun or an LMG. Your choice: Pick which perk your comfortable with. MG08/LMG: These will allow you to rack up the points. You can open up lots of area with this kind of gun. Also, the LMGs in this map are all fast reloading. Thus, speed cola isnt neccessary. NEVER RUN THE TRAIN WITH THIS GUN. BOOMHILDA/Power Weapon: The Mauser PAP is a good gun if you need to cut through a zombie in your path. 1 hit kill headshot on 35. The scope helps. Use a Raygun at your own risk. MAKE SURE TO HAVE PHD IF YOU DO THIS. Staff of Lightning/Kimat's Bite: Why this staff? Because this one can electrocute zombies and chain the kill. When upgraded (Look for a guide if you are not sure how to) you can shoot the ground and the shock will spread WHILE paralyzing the zombies AND dealing damage. As a bonus, it can make crawlers. VERY useful on the Panzer Soldat. Maxis Drone: Releasing this will pick up drops you leave behind AND will kill zombies. Also useful for getting the MG08 when you need it. Zombie Shield: VERY useful when running through mud. Zombies cant hit you as you travers ethe mud. Build this somewhere near Stamin-up/Generator 5. The best place is Cathedral. You can go into the cathedral, grab the shield, and exit through the back, which leads right back to Generator 5. Now, onto the guide. WARNING: I will not go into details on where items are or how to do the staffs, upgrades, etc. There are many guides on this website that can give you an AWESOME look of how to do anything you dont know how to do that is listed in this guide. Solo Round 1: This is a very important round. This will be the quick start you need to get around the map and get stuff done. There is many things to do: -Activate generator 1 (TIP: Kill at least 3 templar zombies. This awards 30 points which will be useful later on. -Grab x2 points. Line up zombies and shoot them in the leg. This will double points well. If you keep track of the ones that are hit, you will maximize this well. -Nukes: If you see one, take out as many zombies as possible while you have x2 points. Then take the Nuke. -Grab QR ASAP -Try to have around 2k points or more. Round 2: Zombies are stronger. Try to remain in beginning room for as long as possible. -Kill zombies. Line 'em up when possible. 8 bullets per zombie. get the knife at the end. 60+130=190 points per kill. -Nukes: Try to clear the round before grabbing. Try to make it to 3k points Round 3: Leave the room. Take your pick. Try to go towards the one near the box. -Try to time your leave when it is snowing. This will allow you to dig for Ice Staff Parts. -Kill zombies. Try to knife when you can. If you cannot, get the regular kill. -Nukes: Go ahead and grab them if you have no ammo/no other guns. You may dig one up! -Power the generator in the location you wanted to be in. Once complete, use the box if you wish or take a gun off the wall or continue to the barracks. -Try to make it to 5k points Round 4: Get to No Man's Land. If you used your money wisely and made a lot of money, you can make it to No Man's Land with enough money to Activate Juggernog Generator. If not, try these tips. -The total cost for the 2 doors is 2750. Try to have a little over 5k by that time. -If you do not have money, camp on the top floor of the Barracks near the door to No Man's Land. Just shoot for the head as often as possible with what you have. There is a Pistol on the wall (Five-Seven) if you have no other guns. -Once you have enough to pay the door AND get Jugg, open the door and go straight for Jug. If it is snowing, dig as much as you can for a staff piece. Once you have Jugg, try to get more points. -While your at Jugg, try to get the Lightning disc. Round 5-7: These rounds are preparation. The Panzer Soldat MAY APPEAR on these rounds. If not, all the better. -GET A CRAWLER! -Try to get around 5k points by the end of these round. This will allow you to enter the church and get to Generator 6. At the same time, you will open the tank and grab a piece of the fire staff. If the robot is coming through, check its foot and if it is lit up, shoot the foot and get the staff piece for the wind. -Watch the skies and look for a glowing plane to shoot down. Get the staff piece if you see one and shoot it down. -Grab the Fire Disc from the Cathedral Area. WARNING: A possible location is behind the tank. Activate the tank then grab the disc. Quickly jump again on the tank. -Using the tank, get the first lightning piece. Then later on, grab the piece that is at the excavation site. -If you have enough money by now, go grab the gramophone. -Go get the Fire Stone VIA entrance of fire near spawn. Build the staff. -Build the Ice staff if possible. Round 8-10: This is where points will be refilled/used. -Panzer WILL show up by now. Kill it and grab the fire staff piece if not dropped before this time. -Start building the Shield and Drone. -If the Drone is complete, start trying to shoot the yellow discs to get the free MG08. DO NOT GRAB IT UNTIL YOU HAVE MULEKICK! -Take the tank and get any remaining pieces for the Lightning staff. Then get the stone and build the staff. -If it is snowing or not yet built, work on the Ice staff. -If it was missing a part, work on the Fire staff. -Make sure to have all generators powered. If they are under attack, take care of that. -if you have enough money, PAP the Mauser. Okay! Let's stop and do a quick check on loadout. IDEALLY you want this loadout: -AT LEAST QR and JUGG. -A power weapon (BOOMHILDA) -Staff Weapon -3 of the 4 staffs built. (AT LEAST the Lightning, Ice, Fire) -All buildables or nearly done with them. -Most locations open/Generators. Round 11-14: This is where we finalize all loadouts, strategies, running, etc. Once you hit 14, things will speed up. This means that crawlers will die too often. By the end of this round, you must have completed: -4 perks (QR, Jug, Mule, Your choice) -A power weapon (LMG/MG08) -Point weapon (BOOMHILDA, Raygun) -Staff weapon (Lightning is best for this) -All buildables finished -Stamin-up location open -HAVE THE STAFF UPGRADED! Round 15+: Time to start running. This is the route. -Start in the LEFT FOOT AREA of the Mechs path near Stamin-up. -Run through the area up to the generator and through it. -Exit the generator area VIA the RIGHT FOOT AREA. -Circle around through the mud OR go into the RIGHT FOOT AREA that is just across from the RIGHT FOOT AREA that you came from. This has boards and is better for running at the cost of space. Tips: -Run using a Power weapon/Staff. This will ensure that if you are stuck, you will not get stuck. Kimat's Bite is very good for this. The splash damage will not harm you and you will deal damage while paralyzing the zombies. -Shoot only when you are coming THROUGH THE LEFT FOOT AREA to The Generator. Once you are comfortable with this, you can then shoot at times of your own choosing at your own risk. -If the Panzer Soldat shows up, simply train him until you can shoot him. Shoot him in the head with the BOOMHILDA/MG08 OR make it easy with a few shots from the Kimat's Bite. -If a robot shows up, get out of the way. TRY to get the gold helm whenever possible. -Be ready to take a new path if neccessary. This is usually when the massive foot blocks your path. -NEVER do ANYTHING in the middle of a round. WHATEVER it is IT CAN WAIT. -Even if you go down, you have many "Path clearing weapons" that can get you out in a jiffy. HAVE THE STAFF OUT IF THIS HAPPENS! This took me EASILY to round 36. I am sure you can do better! Best of Luck to all, and please, if you have anything to add, tips or advice, just post it and I WILL add it and give credit. Origins Solo Strategy Guide!
  20. Just bought it man. I dont partiuclarly like the music but i support these artists and zombies. But the music is good anyway!!! For 9.99 it was worth it
  21. Hi everyone! I hope you have all been enjoying Labor day and are ready to get back to zombie killing. As most of you know, this will be Treyarch's last official map pack. Thus, I have decided to create a few poles on how well Treyarch did. This topic is Perma Per- SMACK! MurderMachineX: God Damnit! For the hundredth time Alpha! It is persistent Upgrade! Flammenwerfer: Get it right man or ill feed you the hellhounds. Ahhh...okay. This topic is PERSISTENT UPGRADES (mumble mumble). Which one was the best? which was useful when needed? Let's make this a review for Treyarch! If they really pay attention, this poll may very well change the very next game! Take your pick of 2. Make sure to discuss! Congrats to Treyarch on an awesome season of Zombies! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Love ya Flammen and Murder!... SMACK!
  22. Hi everyone! I hope you have all been enjoying Labor day and are ready to get back to zombie killing. As most of you know, this will be Treyarch's last official map pack. Thus, I have decided to create a few poles on how well Treyarch did. This topic is Perks! We have all drunken at least one of them. Which one has the best taste? Which one had the best effects? Let's make this a review for Treyarch! If they really pay attention, this poll may very well change the very next game! Take your pick of 2. Make sure to discuss! Congrats to Treyarch on an awesome season of Zombies!
  23. Thank you! finally someone who gets the idea that it was COOL! Most people complain about it being a bad ending but look at how cool it was!
  24. Hi everyone! I hope you have all been enjoying Labor day and are ready to get back to zombie killing. As most of you know, this will be Treyarch's last official map pack. Thus, I have decided to create a few poles on how well Treyarch did. This topic is...promotions?! Seriously guys! We all enjoy a really cool promo. There are some cool trailers and promos that go with this. Which one was most attractive? Let's make this a review for Treyarch! If they really pay attention, this poll may very well change the very next game! Take your pick of 2. Make sure to discuss! Congrats to Treyarch on an awesome season of Zombies!
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