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Status Replies posted by Slade

  1. What's up with all these terrible movies lately? Latino Activity: Marked Ones, I, Eckhart, Hercu-abs and the worst one Devils Shaky cam. Come on Hollywood.

  2. Slade, stop changing your avatar all the time. Seriously stahp it! :p

  3. Slade, stop changing your avatar all the time. Seriously stahp it! :p

  4. Why is there sunlight coming through the windows in Buried's Church? IT MAKES NO SENSE D: #SamanthaProblems

  5. I think Slade and I are close to beating Bing and Google for most time spent on the site.

  6. I think Slade and I are close to beating Bing and Google for most time spent on the site.

  7. BO1 was so good. I need to get some gold again

  8. BO1 was so good. I need to get some gold again

  9. That feeling when you forgo sleep to play zombies is strangely similar to being hung over.

  10. We now have real BRAINS. Maxis Brains!!!

  11. I check this site every half hour, any spam that gets through will be destroyed. Thanks, and keep reporting,

  12. Thanks to Slade & Samara for this beautiful new Avatar

  13. Ah the off season. When James C. Burns becomes a reputable source and Black Ops 1 images are leaks.-_-

  14. Anyone happen to have a clip of the sound indicator for loosing a persistent upgrade?

  15. I wonder if master Tankeo is still among us using a different name.

  16. Anyone happen to have a clip of the sound indicator for loosing a persistent upgrade?

  17. I think I'll finally try and crack One hundo on a map this weekend. That's a goal I have put off for a while. Let's do ittt!

  18. Playing WaW on Veteran. Dat grenade indicator

  19. Cheers goes to Hells Warrrior for busting his behind this week with everyone's requests!

  20. Failed Origins EE. On the last step. No worse feeling than that.

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