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Everything posted by xXExpertCoahXx

  1. The zombie that seems like he's hopping out of the bus is wearing goggles.
  2. I have to wait until after lunch in order to watch this thing? RAGE MODE ACTIVATED!!!!
  3. Sadly I found this out last night, but they deleted my post...Alas I wish I could share with you my thoughts, without fear of being deleted.
  4. I'm trying to explain to you guys. It's not a perk machine.
  5. I learned this information by my own free will so I have no regrets.
  6. And how do you know that? I have my resources. If I were to tell you I would be banned. I think I've broken a rule, just by saying what I've said 0__0
  7. The thing I would like to know is how does a moderator know so much information already?
  8. Should have said that, feel free to speculate, just no leaks. You know good and well I have to say Liam. Curse you for not allowing me to do so! :twisted:
  9. it's not solved. he just put 2 photos together. that's not proof at all. it's just speculation. the strongest thing supporting mule kick is that it has a green light. if you look at mule kick in black ops, it has a racing strip on the side - not a symbol. either way it's not worth arguing, i'd rather talk about clouds i dig the electrically charged clouds. i remember someone mentioning a "back to the future"-esque scenario, and this could tie in perfect with the power needed to teleport. Heck even in back to the future, they utilized a bus to conduct the energy. Not sure if this is important either - but recently there has been a new type of clouds classified. cloud discovery link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-19700699 This brings up an interesting theory. Are we going to be riding a time traveling bus? Will be going back and forth from the past and the future? If we are, will we be playing as two sets of characters?
  10. Okay. Now that that is solved let us go back to the first photo. Any thoughts on the freaky clouds in the sky?
  11. Maybe more than 4 perks? This brings up a topic I've discussed with some good friends about back on the NGT forums. EPerk (extra perk) allows you to have 5 perks instead of 4. Not a huge number, but can drastically change gameplay.
  12. It's possible that it is mule kick, but the emblem on the side looks completely different. FOUR GUNS ANYONE? :twisted:
  13. Surprised that everyone is ignoring your post. It's probably the biggest thing in the pictures and completely undiscussed still haha. (imaginary) brains to you . So yea, looks like a scavenged (All caps @Liam?) front grill of an old train. For the users of google on this forum... #45 . I did respond to his post, but my post disappeared somehow...Maybe we're on to something here ;)
  14. That picture is from the original Black Ops 'Rezurrection' DLC pack and has no relevance to Black Ops 2 zombies at all. Nice try though.
  15. Can't wait til tomorrow. All of our salivating mouths will be filled with nice, fine, zombie food to munch on.
  16. The pictures on another thread make my speculations of the map taking place in Hanford, even more solid.
  17. Very possible we will be getting an opening cutscene of the group crashing through the wall in that truck.
  18. I believe if you let a flaming zombie on the bus, you'll be in for a horrible treat...
  19. The reason he says "but not before we continue the game" is a little joke 3arc threw in there referring to us 'the player' continuing the game. Nothing more. And if it is a zombie then why have the automated voice saying 'welcome aboard'? Unless that is a just a prerecorded message every time the doors open. Then again you may be right because there is an achievement regarding the bus as 'Undead Party Bus'. Only time will tell...
  20. It could be a robot which was burned from the blast.
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