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Posts posted by shirtlesservice

  1. 15 minutes ago, liamcurtis1718 said:

    since the xenomatter spawns randomly, could be round 14 or 30, best way to make it spawn is the flag step

    where you get infinite balls and just camp outside neros ritual at the top so you dont get overwhelmed and you should get it

    That's genius, thank you. I think that kinda qualifies as exploitation, but its genius

  2. So today I find myself on round 26, not having downed yet, just trying to make it through the rounds so that I can get the last wonder weapon piece, the one that drops from the flies or the balls. Does anyone else have to wait this long or have this problem? It tends to happen like way more often than just coincidence, to me anyway. Almost every game it takes forever to get all the pieces, atleast 20 rounds of not more.

    So is there anyway to counteract this, and get the pieces to drop earlier? That game ended that round because I was getting frustrated and made a dumb error, so I just quit and called it a day.

    Its just frustrating having to play like 40 minutes after I already have the rest of my set up (lil arnies, PaP'ed wall gun with turned, shield, perks, civil protector, Bowie, etc) and not get the drops I need to get to the next step.

  3. Here is the link: https://www.gottabemobile.com/2016/03/21/march-black-ops-3-update-whats-new/


    And the zombies changes:


    • All GobbleGum machines in a level are now active at all times.
    • The GobbleGum machine can now be accessed multiple times per round.
    • The Liquid Divinium drop rate cap of two vials per game has been removed; Players can now continue to earn Liquid Divinium as they progress through a match.
    • The Player’s current GobbleGum pack will now be represented in the inventory screen.

    Shadows of Evil

    • Personal items and gate worms will now use a shared inventory system.
    • The Ritual duration time has been reduced.
    • Addressed a bug where Players were unable to progress after upgrading the Apothicon Swords and then bleeding out.
    • Several stability issues with the main quest have been addressed.
    • Fixed bug where Margwas would continue to go after downed players.

    Der Eisendrache

    • Fixed several bugs where Players were able to use the Ragnarok DG-4 indefinitely.
    • Addressed issue where Players were able to duplicate an upgraded Wraith of the Ancients bow when using the Arms Grace GobbleGum.
    • Added several kill brushes to block off pathing exploits.
    • Addressed Zombies farming exploit at the test fire location.

    DOA II

    • Added small chance of golden egg spawning at chicken farm.
    • Fix for enemy no longer spawning during long boss rounds.
    • Increased Coat of Arms duration.
    • Fix for golden chicken not laying up to 3 eggs.
    • Coat of Arms now team shifts zombies from enemy team to Player team; (As opposed to a neutral team).  Players should no longer be attacked by COA’d zombies.
    • Fixed Player chicken to fire fated weapons(force/fury) instead of default LMG.
    • Tuned the Player rewards for donated life.
    • Flying enemies should no longer be able to go beneath the ground surface in the graveyard map.
    • Adjusted a pickup spawn location in Combine map that was spawning objects beyond invisible clip barrier.
    • Fixed a bug where extra lives could not be earned post score of 100M.
    • Made some logic adjustments to how Players are handled while the “How far can you get” screen is up.
    • Added Host Migration to public matches.
    • Players should no longer match make into public games that have reached the Farm arena.
    • Ready up functionality added to public lobbies.
    • Invisible shadow zombie fixed.
    • Fixed issue in ROJ where joining Player with could be awarded a fate already owned by current Players
    • “Fido” the Siege Chicken added.
    • Fix for spinning saw pickup not crediting Player for enemy deaths.
    • Adjusted solo anti kiting logic.
    • Chicken Bowl eggs now drop towards center of arena.
    • Fix for a condition where player could die exiting a vehicle.
    • Fix for rare condition where Silverback could jump out of the boss arena.

    Happy slaying

  4. Just now, DeathBringerZen said:

    It would have been more widely accepted if they just decreased the spawn rate of them. Having them spawn in every 2-3 round (bug rounds included) is the most off putting thing about that map and the reason I don't play it very often.


    Rather than just admit their mistake they instead add easier ways to kill them which is fine but they could have just rectified it properly. I would rather stick to my training spot in the subway than leave and call in the player slaughtering Civil Protector which I then have to hope I don't end up in his firing line or I die instead of the Margwa.

    It would have been better if it were like every five rounds or so. But I'll take this as a not perfect solution to the problem. If need be I'll just camp for that round with the civil protector, not too big of a deal

  5. Be sure to look around, there are many older topics that may have what you are looking for :) I wish you luck in your search.

    Welcome to the site, I hope you enjoy your stay and you be sure to check out the sections we have on strategy and tactics, I think we and the people who used to frequent this site have done a really good job setting baselines for the beginners and those who are more experienced and looking to get to the next level.

    Have a good time, hope to see you around :D

  6. Hey welcome to the site! You don't seem to need the usual introductions, but thank you for coming out of the shadows to be a contributing part of the community :D

    I was like you too, just in aw of all of the greats that used to rule this site, and while it's been sad to see some of them fade or say goodbye, all their contributions remain, and we are better off for them.

    Anyways, enjoy the site, hope to see you around!

  7. @funkydisciple good luck with your games, be sure to follow the stuff that @Hells Warrriorsaid, he basically laid out the ideal early round guide for you :D

    also, I recommend trying all this stuff in solo first, co-op can get a bit hectic with everyone trying to maximize their points, not necessarily efficiency 

  8. @Ragdo11706 @83457 Ohhhhhhh boy. If this goes where I think its going Shadows just got way more interesting again. How long do you guys figure before we (or someone else in the zombies community, I don't know) works it out?

    Knowing what we know now about the easter egg it can't be that far off... Maybe I'm just excited... this would be a huge boon for players, especially the high round guys....

  9. You can easily have the bow done by round 4 or 5, then start work on the upgrade. If you maximize the zombies you need to kill to charge it, you should always have the lightning bow done by round 10, if not lower... Maximize your points and prioritize what you do with them, you should be able to have what you want done by like round 10 or 11, and the Panzer on 12 should just be the way for you to complete the ragnarok

  10. 1 hour ago, NaBrZHunter said:

    Yep. If it weren't for George. I like it now because I learned it after a week gritting my teeth and trying to do the solo EE, but if I may give one piece of advice, @anonymous - never trust the box in CotD. Use wall weapons. MP-40 and AK74-u. Once you're all comf and settled in, then go for the box if you feel adventurous. But it can't be trusted any further than you can throw it. (Not you as in the controller of the MPD, but you as in...you...anyhoo...nerd jokes.)

    Same, as DG said. I'm always happy to help with BO1 maps on 360. HMU if you need a #4, I'm NaBrZHunter everywhere. Heh Heh. Didn't have to fight for that name. I'm even the first result on Google, I think. lol! Anyhoo...

    I agree, mp40 and ak74u all the way, unless you're careful and can get to the sickle early on (like round 4 or 5) which is entirely possible

  11. 3 hours ago, 83457 said:

    One old school thing that i really miss: the zombies came for you no matter where you went. No matter how far you ran, where ever you hid, you would see that zombie ambling (or running) after you until it got there.

    Now, he despawns and respawns next to you. That sucked when it was new and still ruins the feel, while adding unnecessary annoyance. It's one of those things that i figured they would eventually repair to the older, better, way.

    It felt scary back then, now it just feels stupid with the respawns.

    Even if not for the scare factory, this was good when you had a crawler and wanted to go get stuff done on the map. You can't do that anymore, the zombie will just respawn fully grown right next to you and ruin your day

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