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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. VERY bio-shock how in one universe the improvements are drinks and in another they're injections! That's almost borderline copy-right! I also love how we fight the "not-yet-dead".. Does this mean WE'RE the zombies?
  2. You're not coming off as an ass, I'm just getting my point across that, while zombies can be easy like you said, mistakes and errors happen, what happens if we're all playing, and it's the end of the round and: you are white and you're getting the lightning staff, blue is building the ice staff in the crypt, yellow is getting a piece from the robot at 1 and 3, and green has just started to power up gen. 6 for the fire staff part by himself. You ride the tank to get your part and you're FLATTENED by it when the game glitches as you go over the curb. Blue can't get to you, green's waits because his thing was almost done, but then fails to get you, and yellow can't get to you. You bleed out and the game ends. Everyone's ticked, and leaves. I just don't want something like that to happen in my games.
  3. So here is an old Idea I want to bring on back, this here is a line of weapons you can chose to start off with. All of these weapons have their advantages and drawbacks. Most of these are just adaptations of guns that are useless in the box because their only use is on early rounds when you don't have the box. I'd just like to bring these ideas to mind, tell me which ones you like: M1911: Original and the classic starter weapon, upgraded it becomes the mustang and sally, normal range, normal power. Mauser: The origins weapon, similar to how the M1911 works, but when upgraded it simply fires single, non-exploding shots. Buckshot-20: This here is a small rifle that's got the same amo as the regular M1911, but is slightly heavier. It's main use is to steal kills from far away at the beginning of the game. Upgraded it becomes the BuckingBlast-200: and it works as a SUPER high-power sniper with the added bonus of a delayed detonation after the bullet has entered the zombie. Combat knife: Useful for knife kills, it's main use is that it's got the same power as a ballistics knife so it's still killing on round 4. It can be upgraded with the purchase of a bowie knive, and if put in the PAP will become "ripper" which is a duel wielded knife which can be thrown a distance like a tomahawk. Grandy-43: A grenade launcher with a total of 15 shots that works like the china lake. It's useful if you've got too many at the door. Once upgraded it becomes the "uncle jack" and works more like a grenade launcher mixed with metruskas.
  4. Conversation of the day: "It's the thought that counts" Pimp:"Tsk, dis thought's name is malissa and she caint count!"

  5. You should see what they can do with things like gary's mod and minecraft.
  6. They did that in survival mode of MW3, hated the concept. Pull your own weight, earn everything yourself. Plus this means we can't have too much space between players. I want to play zombies, not horror conga-line. I agree 100%, but most of what I see in online matches is a bunch of people playing on solo, but in a 4p game... Sounds like coop isn't for you... You say you like zombies, not horror conga line, I like zombies too, I just think players running off alone and walking in circles like a dog chasing it's tail is the conga line... Zombies has always been about survival. YOUR survival. We all know the Original 4 characters wouldn't stop to pick richtofen up, so to add to the realism, why should we be forced to? Plus with bigger maps like Origins, I can't be running around with some kid trying to get his staff mid-round, while some other jerk is spamming the box AND wonderfizz, while the other kid is eating cookies in front of his mike. It's hard enough to get a good game as is, I don't want to start over every time someone bleeds out! That's madness! We'd never get anything accomplished in a game of randoms.
  7. Thing's I'd like to see happen: -Changeable weaponry, meaning we choose which weapons go in the box. Obviously some are map specific. -Customizable characters for survival and game-mode maps. Main story maps still have the respected characters. -A way to earn outfits and such for my character. -No raygun mark 3 yet, that seems like a cop-out, the M2 was a good ploy for the time because well without it a good amount of people wouldn't have bought buried. Sad but true. I'd still bought it, but others not so much. They should add the RGM2 as part of the "hardened edition" or a pre-order package. Maybe a map going into more detail on how the M2 came into existence. -I want a weapon that feels RIGHT when I shoot it. I'm looking at you BO1's M1911. -Crawlers respawn, but don't die until you kill it. - The N4's story should continue alongside the O4's story. Keep us guessing who'll be in the next map! - Ranking system based equally off round-skill as well as objective based. Likewise one's rank should be off the map and not just in general. -Hard mode! WOOOOO! - Fun objectives like "first door challenge: Survive to round 10" as part of a choosable option when selecting your map. -Perma-perks are optional and you obtain less "XP" for using them. - Wonderfizz returns - Vulture's aid and electric cherry return eventually, not tombstone/who's who. - Zombification after death, you also control the zombie, but can only hurt enemy players in grief, you do not get super speed like in turned. -Buildables should return, but not in the tranzit/die rise way. Too tedious. It should work like MOTD/Origins where you find pieces and can hold all of them, or even like buried where you can hold multiple kinds of pieces. - I like goofiness (george A romero, Zombies on the moon, ghosts in buried, giant robots) but we also need something to make us feel alone and empty. The difference between the ambient noise in MOTD, which was great I should add, and COTD was COTD made me feel like there was ALWAYS something behind me. MOTD felt like the noise was there with me and didn't make me feel as scared as I should have. People say that WAW felt creepy, but in truth, I think black ops 1 did it far better... Also, to the guy who said less ghosts: Remember malluka fallows ghosts: Witch in buried, mobsters in MOTD, so ghosts=malluka songs=happy SMM. -Kick ass music, you've yet to disappoint me trayarch. I also like AX7 so feel free to keep them in the loop! - The zombie AI has never really been an issue with me, aside from that damn barn in buried, zombies do what they're supposed to do: Run at you. - I want a big map, but I want to be able to get to my friend fast enough if he goes down on the other side of the map. I think buried did this right with two sides of the map: The normal side and the hard side, you're in the town and anyone can get you up, try to venture to PAP and you're at added risk of bleeding out if you go down. - I would like to see starting pistol variants you can earn: a sniper pistol which is more cumbersome but has a longer range for stealing those early kills in maps like Shi-no-numa, nact, and tranzit, then the mauser which has a different effect to the M1911 upgraded, and maybe some other things too.
  8. They did that in survival mode of MW3, hated the concept. Pull your own weight, earn everything yourself. Plus this means we can't have too much space between players. I want to play zombies, not horror conga-line.
  9. Holy shit zombie snorlax.... You climb the stairs to 47, the two floors between at glance don't seem to hold anything more then a box spawn location and a trap of some sorts connecting the water on the floor and the light above. It appears level 46 is mostly flooded as well. Level 47: Even more destroyed then the levels before, and even massive chunks taken out of the roof exposing level 48. While this floor may be less water-logged then 46, there is SOMETHING in this room(s) (including 48). You give up after a few minutes of searching, but as you open the elevator door, inside is a MASSIVE hulking zombie. These things are called Orcs, they're massive horrid genetically altered beast. They spawn randomly throughout the building, and typically are asleep. You'll learn later that the walls of this building are built soundproof. So as long as you don't fire your weapon in the same room as an orc, it's ok. Unfortunately, you shot something back down in level 44, which is connected by the stairwell, he heard it and came for you on the quickest path: The elevator. Once killed orcs don't drop anything but in their rampage of trying to kill you, they typically will take out other zombies as well. This is the case here, as the crawler died, you ran another round and got pushed back down to the 46'th floor. Here you find that the floor is filled with water. There's a main power switch in the corner, that when activated with the rest of the building will electrify the water, making it so any zombie that enters will fry on the spot. This lasts for a short time and then dies out, and of course, any person in the water will fry too. Floor 45 is boring. Where to now? Up 1 floor (48) total: 2840 Up 2 floors (49) total: 2340
  10. 44: You don't like the sound of this... While you can't actually find anything of use on this floor, there's a stairwell which looks to go up another 1-3 levels. But there is SOMETHING just above you.. It's almost snoring, and it's BIG! What to do: Take the elevator: 750-1, 1250 for 2. Take the stairs to whatever floor for free but which one? -45? -46? -47?
  11. I'll compromise between you to, we'll go down one, then up two. -1750 Floor 41: The floor below contains a weapon and a nice little medium sized running circle with a few obstacles. Other then that it's a fairly useless room, however there is a massive hole in the ground which one can fall down in, but we aren't exploring floor 40 yet. Floor 43: This floor is equally as useless, containing nothing but a prime hallway for camping, a hole down to floor 42, and a cheap shotgun. You do find a fabric piece however, but no table. It's a MOTD style building system, but you have no idea what you're building. There are 18 parts and 4 buildables. Part 1: Fabric I feel I should explain the elevator now: It's a big elevator, like the one bane finds you in, in arkham origins. There's a hole in the ceiling which zombies can crawl through. Much like die rise, one can actually get on top of the elevator too, where they can find the map's only wonderfizz machine. This way players can get perks without scifiling across the whole map. You can still attempt to go down a floor, but it'd make much more sense to continue up. Total points: 1490
  12. I think we just need to make the N4 interesting enough until we can find the O4!
  13. Good news! : The next map in this series is available here! http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/178654-fully-interactive-map-81/#entry1723128 Bad news: By posting this, I break the "69" post total we had in this topic...
  14. Just started part 2 of the epic Interactive-map saga! (Instantly sued by "King" games) Fill free to join in as we explore all 81 floors of hell and horror in "81".

  15. Welcome to the SECOND fully interactive map by your's truly. Embark with me as we begin the horrors to come. For those who don't know how this works, I give you a scenario, you make a decision, see how long you last... Now, depending on HOW one ended the map "Mist" changes the easter-egg side of this map "81", however, the map it's self should run fine until that point: SO! Without further delay: 81: A government work building in the ruins of Seattle. Eighty one floors of doom, horror, and mystery await. Getting in is easy... Getting out... Is not. Achievements: -Clocking in: In 81, complete his shift. -Ok we were wrong: Die before round 1. -Inspecter: Vist every floor in the hotel in one game. -Houdini: In 81, disappear. -Mozart aint got nothing: Kill 50 zombies with the Brass note. -You should update your browser: Connect to the world wide web. -Have I been here before?- Fully revisit your past. -Abandoned: In 81, get left behind and survive for 4 rounds. To begin, you start as your character, we'll get into specifics based on endings later. Right now you're outside in rubble. A single lamp post flickers green above you. The debris around you is eery, there's a pit to nothing behind you. Once you enter the building, the floor ground shifts and the whole building sinks a few floors. After a bit, debris connects you to the building, shortly after you cross, the debris breaks and zombies come. There's quick revive and starter weapons as per usual. Now, typically there are no doors here, instead there is a single elevator. Players can pay 500 to go down a floor, 750 to go up a floor, or 1250 to go up two floors. Certain levels will allow one free access. Should anyone ever be separated from the elevator they can call it for free from any level. There are 81 levels: 2-75 are regular, 1 penthouse, 1 Ground floor, two research levels in the basement, one maintenance level, one level that's actually the area beneath the building and one secret -_^. According to the sign above the door you're currently standing on level 42, what to do with your 3240 points you've found... -Go up 2- 1250 -Go down 1- 500 -Go up 1 - 750
  16. Easy for one survival map seems like a good idea. "But guys I gots to round 50! That makes my 10 year old self the leader of this lobby!" "Yeah, on "insert name here"....You accomplished nothing small child!"
  17. I am LOVING the destroyed world background! It's important to point out the little things sometimes!
  18. Black Ops 2 didnt even use Deus Ex Machina's they were that bad "Alright guys we need something to : -keep players from entering the fog - Allow access to these levels but still let perks be equally available - We need some kind of way to get players back to spawn... -We need something to truly intimidate players... I've got it! -Annoying denizens. - Perks in Elevators -Hole in the ground under the fountain. -Panzer soldats! - -Perks in elevators
  19. Perhaps this is Trayarch's way of releasing that the Maxis ending is the true one, and somehow maxis is removing richtofen from existence.
  20. The amount of threats towards me and my unborn child on youtube comments is astounding.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheNathanNS


      I just wind them up even more.

      Personally, I go for grammar insults, they get so mad it's hilarious.

    3. Chopper


      Personally I just tell them exactly what I think of them, and just how shallow their life must be to resort to this. That always hurts deep down, the stone cold truth.

  21. That's one reason, but also: remember, next-gen: The entire point of re-creating the maps, does not have a BO2 variant. A summer 2016 add-on for BO2 maps would be ideal for this.
  22. It would do exactly that. Maybe even have option to play "classic" versions of the map or "modern" versions.
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