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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Team fortress 2. One of valve's big 3 successes. Like it's other 2 (half-life and portal) there isn't even public plans for a 3rd even though it's in high demand. The game revolves around 9 specialist characters with their own weapons, abilities, and stats. These are: =OFFENCIVE The scout: Fast but not too strong. The pyro: Carries a flame thrower, good for damage up close, but is killed from far away. The soldier: Carries around a rocket launcher with many uses, from double-jumping to just blasting an enemy to pieces. =DEFFENSIVE The Heavy: A mini-gunner, by all means he should be offensive, but he's not. Other then that he's the supposed figure-head of this mode. The Demo-man: A scott armed with a grenade launcher, has the ability to swap between normal bouncy-rounds or a set of more more tactical "Sticky" rounds. Remote detonatable of course. The engineer: Isn't actually that well of a fighter. His abilities instead sim from his abiliy to build machines such as the teleporter (which can get you back in the action faster), the ammo-regenerator station, and the auto-turret. =Tactical -The spy: One of the more commonly used characters, a spy can perfectly disguise himself as an enemy team-mate as well as come completely invisible. His disadvantage comes from his melee needing to be BEHIND the target for it to work, and his revolver gives away his disguise. -The Sniper: Name says it all. -The medic: Arguably the most liked character in TF2. If I'm right he's played by nolan north as well... But don't quote me on that. His ability isn't to attack but rather, his main gun, the medi-gun actually HEALS friendly players. Once healed enough the medic can activate an UBER charge making him and who he's healing temporarily invincible. They're then put into a variety of game modes ranging from classic red-versus-blue defend the flag, to capturing a base with a bomb. There's even a co-op mode where both red and blue fight against robot counterparts of themselves. The biggest thing about the game however, is that it's free on steam. (It's funding comes from many micro-transactions in-game for customizable weapons and drops much like Advanced warfare's supply-drop system).
  2. I've noticed a pattern.. Ruin: Special power-can run faster when stimulated.... -Scout Battery: Holds a bouncy-grenade launcher -Demo-man Outrider: Specialty: Long distance firing -The Sniper Seraph (excuse my butchering of these names): A one hit kill weapon- The soldier Prophet: Can teleport back to where he was -Engineer Spectre: Can turn invisible- The spy Reaper: Has a mini-gun- The heavy Nomad: Cloud of highly flammable destructive power weapon -Pyro These are TF2 powers almost.... On one hand, I'm a bit disappointed I could point out these similarities so fast. On the other hand, TF2 is a REALLY good game too many people ignore because it's not too popular on consoles. Plus, that means there's a good chance they're saving the best character for last: MEDIC His abilities wouldn't apply to the same way as TF2's medic, as health regenerates naturally, maybe he has the ability to help players earn their special abilities faster? Or maybe treyarch will really give us a treat: Doctor Edward Richtofen: Special ability: Grave-robber: When used above a corpse, will bring the player back to life as a zombie which will run around the map and attack enemy players with melee attacks until killed. Special weapon: Monkey bombs (toss them and they create noise on the mini-map distracting players and confusing them. They also go boom.)
  3. The issue TimeLord, is that BO2 also has the ability to let lone players join back in to a game thats already started. This can really shift the tides depending on who re-joins the game. Assuming this feature is included in BO3 I suggest a few things: When someone leaves, the game pauses and the host is given an option: -Wait for the player to return, -Continue without, or -Find a new player. By finding a new player the round count will stop going towards your leaderboards. By continuing without, or waiting for the other player to return the score still counts towards everyone who's still in the game.
  4. The digital deluxe is the way to go. Yes it means the ANNOYING factor of a Digital Download, however, you get access to the game the second it drops (as you can pre-download), it's the only deal that gets you the season's pass (unless you count the juggernog edition) and the giant, and it's for a smooth 100$ (and it comes with 2 camos which no one cares about). Hardened comes at like 80$ but no season's pass. Juggernog is sold out and comes at 200$ This is US currency BTW.
  5. Believe me the blunderbuss isn't that special in Multiplayer. In zombies it's pretty good, but you'd get the same result with a cel-3 cauterizer.
  6. It's also a massive hassle for them to hire another studio to port a game to 10 year old technology. That's NOT cheep in the slightest, and the 360 and PS3 sales arn't really worth it either.
  7. My guess is that the "only the cursed survive" is related to morg city what with the background and what not. Then I guess the reckless t-shirt as well means nothing of importance because sex sells. Then on the leaked info part of my mind: Don't read if you don't want to hear anything about a major leak every youtuber has found and claims is "legit":
  8. In their defense, next gen is the way of the future. Hanging on to 10 year old hardware isn't really wise.
  9. Honestly we're just going to get the game, say it's awesome for like 3 days, then hate it for all the tiny pieces of sadness children take advantage of to cheat their way to the top. Thank god there weren't any children like that of today's world in SAO.....
  10. 360 that's a no. Thats why there was confusion about the "Big Game" achievement. The 360 achievements have you killing Oz with a Lynx, where the XB1 achievement has you killing Oz with a blunderbuss.
  11. There are many different likings and theories. Some think Origins is set in an alternate universe (which it likely is) others think things like nuke town and moon taking place in the 60s, while others believe it took place in 2015 or further. Then there's the ideas of how the spires work, who got the true ending in BO2, is MOTD in hell or a real-world repeating cycle. It's all very confusing.
  12. The season's pass if I'm not mistaken can already be purchased for BO3. As for the Giant, we don't know. If it's like BO2's nuke town, it will be released sometime in febuary-ish 2016.
  13. Well... There's been no evidence (thank god) of advanced movement in zombies.
  14. Lets see... Things to be needed. -Destructible walls in certain areas (Like where quick revive is) Access to the room to the direct right of the clock.
  15. Lets be honest, it's the zombies we want form the remakes of BO1 and BO2. Right now BO3 poses the idea that it will be the ONLY regular (good) zombies on next-gen consoles. They're banking on that to ramp up sales. Lets see how they feel after BO3 is released.
  16. Rest in peace just some of the many idea threads that will never be used....
  17. Graphic do not make the game (unless it's a key point of the game like L.A. Noir or super mario 3D) I wouldn't care if they used freaking "Doom!" graphics! (The original not the latest remake) -Story -Gameplay -Originality These are the key factors to any game, not how well I can see certain characters faces. -Story is obvious why it's important. No story and you might as well bored the world to tears. Sometimes a story makes or breaks a game. Like bioshock infinite: Great game, but not because of it's guns or location, but the amazing amount of detail went into the story. -Gameplay: This is incredibly important, as it ENTIRELY controls replayability. And as much as some may like "Murdered Soul Suspect" it's gameplay makes it so playing the game has almost no point to be played again. Once you know the story, it loses it's touch. -Originality: This mainly applies to indie games, as when a major franchise does it (like super-paper-mario) it's considered to "pull away" from the main game. However an indie game like portal is brilliant because it's fresh, new and completely exotic to those who assume all First-person games with guns need moving human AI to be amazing. It's a real anchor, because once your series starts you've thrown it. You can't move it or you'll be hassled about it being too different.
  18. Personally I think it'd be cool to get a new box design on all maps, then the final DLC releases and we see our beloved creat again.
  19. Well they don't want people to burn out on the beta like they did with a few other games. Some people will play beta over and over until they don't even want to play the rest of the game anymore. Not that that matters to us zombie lovers.
  20. Maybe an MG wonder weapon? Like an MG that fires massive bolts it generates it's self until it over heats.
  21. My guess is that we'll have a future map in ancient times as the Origins 4. There we'll wield the staffs again.
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