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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Huh... Well Im sure they'll address the issue.
  2. Brutus so far, alongside the napalm zombie, are the biggest zombie-esque bosses to date. They simply look identifiable, but still clearly a zombie. Dogs,George, novas, monkeys, screechers,causmonauts, avagadros, witches, and the panser can't do that as they're either not close enough to a human zombie, or they're george and thus they don't have permission to publish his face like that.
  3. Don't worry fellow timelord, the game hasn't been released for PC or PS4 yet. The Xbox was just a slip up.
  4. Me and @Rissole are two polar opposite types of people. Neither is for say "Bad", it's just different. I want to be FULLY immersed overwhelmed, and confused about everything in the game and slowly figure it out over time. Rissole wants to inch in, and take in each thing individually.
  5. .... Once we find out the combination to unlock you...
  6. was he? I don't remember anything about a poster.
  7. Parents wern't too impressed with my grades last semester, now they've taken my xbox hostage. -_-" I swear if I don't get to play this game on release I'm going to be PISSED.
  8. What evidence? And them saying it's part of the story doesn't mean it's going to play a huge role. Look at MOTD, that's part of the story but it's only link to it would be the one quote from Weasel about Nikolai.
  9. You should really have two polls: One for zombies, one for the base game. Because I'm playing the HELL out of SOE, first, then the giant, then when I get bored I'll play MP or Campaign randomly. Edit: Strike that Sorry, forgot they released info that there IS a big zombies thing unlocked after you beet the campagin. So, SOE first, then I'll play through the camp. When I'm bored of SOE, then unlock the final level, then play what THAT unlocks, then play the giant. Really the main plan is to find a group to play with then fallow to see what everyone wants to do. It all looks REALLY fun!
  10. I think.... Well... I think we won't know for a while... But right now I think that SOE will have more connections to MOTD then the main story. The main story I don't think will revolve much, if at all, around these 5 characters...
  11. We're really laying on the "there will be a connection to MOTD" info we were given. This may not be it. I think the shadow man is one of the victims of the 4 returning from the depths of hell to seek revenge. Or maybe it's multiple people. Like, the whole map is secretly a test to see how these evil people react. The shadow man is the observer, who is actually the mayor, the ref, the movie producer, and nero's debt collector.
  12. April 10th was also the day after the teaser for black ops 3 was uploaded. Which I believe is when the second round of "Dr.Salem" snap-chats came about.
  13. On par with typical storywriting, you DON'T keep a character this hidden unless you know who he is. They wouldn't reveal the shadow man and be like: IT'S ....... Some... random guy.... There are 2 possibilities: 1-The shadowman is a character introduced in the SOE. This could range from the fem-fetal's blackmailer, the boxer's opponenly (tony king), the ref, the mayor, the insurance policy lady, the debt settler, and a few more. 2- It's someone from zombie lore. Ranging from a MOTD character, to brock and gary from shangri-la. It's someone we've seen before from the zombies standpoint. This is less likely because we can already assume it's not any of the O4, the N4, or even Maxis/Samantha based on the voice, It could be the great evil but.... He seems more good. He is evil, but appears to want to help the 4 overcome their issues.
  14. So basically if it's been discussed by an affiliate or publically released by activision it's ok? Also, THANK YOU.
  15. Really? HA! I expected what Jessy did. Nero I thought sold his soul to the devil The cop I feel is going to be the best of the worst in this situation, only killing when necessary, not killing for gain.
  16. I'm calling him the pyro, and while I'd like to unlock him first, I KNOW he's not going to be available until level 30 or something....
  17. This should not be classified as a spoiler. It was released by treyarch to assist in the marketing of their game. They'd PREFER for us to watch it. Now every time I want to read what someone really has to post I have to click it and wait for it to open. It's bad and takes forever on my god-awful PC, I can imagine how it must be on mobile. SO, with that said, I am going to discuss this thoroughly without a spoiler tab (unless a given situation arrives). BECAUSE: A: It was released by treyarch, on their channel, and has been verified by CharlieIntel. B: If you don't want spoilers, don't click the thread. C: If we weren't meant to discuss this video WHY DO WE EVEN BOTHER CREATING A THREAD FOR IT. That being said, I've noticed a few things: -everyone is discussing their backstory over the phone, which leads ME to believe that the shadow man has some connection to the phones... Maybe he's an operator? Maybe we have some "Everyone's gone to the rapture" phenomenon. -Everyone's committed murder. This common sin is mirrored by MOTD's multiple sins. Everyone here has one crime...That we know of... -What's weird is that the cop was PAYING money.... Not accepting it to the man as well.... That's weird... -Nero DID kill the spinning wheel lady, who was in-fact his wife! Further more it was his WIFE who had accumulated the dept! Not him! Kinda killed two birds with one stone there... -I find it odd that all 4 were in the same place when they fell asleep, but woke up in diffrent areas... -When you review the shot of nero falling out, it appears that he's been drugged by the drink he had. And while the cop and the boxer have a drink too. The Fem-fatal was on stage when she collapsed... While the drink may have just affected her a bit later if she had a drink a bit before the show, that's a bit weird because it seems nero and co fall out DIRECTLY after taking a sip.... Perhaps she's in league with the shadow man?
  18. Yeah no a 2 sentence faulty comparison reply insulting @Lenne's intelligence and post-pumping your way to the next zombification rank isn't supporting your side of the argument. The fact you ignored 90% of what Lenne said and come back with some irrelevant clown claptrap says enough. The data vault 'tease' is irrelevant, as is the "high number" of concepts. You can't excuse the fact you're spoiling stuff with "hey I made a concept about it some time ago so it's okay" The DOA related achievement is even hidden on the site, evidently because it's a hidden achievement in-game. Now don't make me waste any more of my time by telling you what a spoiler is again. So I have been accused of -Insulted Lenne's intelligence -Post pumping -Not using spoilers ( I am man enough to admit 100% Yeah, I didn't do this one correctly, but that alone is not enough to deserve this level of ridicule.) Honestly I feel targeted and insulted for this. If I was post pumping I'd put something like "OHHH I'm so excited for this!" Not an analogy of the situation concerning the spoiler aspect of this post. If I wanted to insult Lenne, which I DO NOT WANT TO DO AS HE IS A VALUED AND IMPORTANT PART OF THIS COMMUNITY, I'd do it directly. And it DOES support my side of this "argument" DOA to me was practically posted for us when they released the info about the terminal. They'd only tell us about the terminal for us to link it to the BO1 terminal, literally the only other time in COD history of there even BEING a terminal. DOA was directly unlocked through this terminal in BO1, and as proof for this connection being easily seen, there's been over 5 different ideas for a new DOA style game to arise in the past 3 months, you know how many DOA arose before it? Maybe 3 over the past 3 years. I don't have the statistics but I've been up here long enough to state that DOA ideas increased in number after the info about the terminal was released. We read the writing on the wall and adapted to it.
  19. Don't fall for the youtube video from "City of Z" it just lists the same videos in a compilation. He says that Mr,Tlexify found this but: A: There's nothing on his channel about it. B: That'd be a MAJOR rip off.
  20. Disrespectful shit like this is what pisses me off and these kind of posts are what gets you a one-way ticket off CoDz. When someone posts a valid complaint, show them the same respect they show you or don't bother replying at all. .... I really don't see how this is disrespectful.... I'm supporting my side of an argument. I'm not back-lashing anyone. If I wanted to be a disrespectful brat I'd do something to actually attack anyone. Truth be told, we were given the information about the data-vault months ago, and the last time we had anything similar to a data vault (the computer in BOI) we used it to obtain access to DOA. Far as I'm concerned that basically teased the mode's possible existence months ago, the proof being reflected by the high number of DOA idea concepts to arise in the past few months. Jesus... I'm being threatened with a banishment for nothing!
  21. Is DOA really even a spoiler? Its like finding out youre getting a clown on your birthday,but you got hints of it months in advance.
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