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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Question: So we know we can download BO3 on Nov, 5th early, but what about the giant? Or nuketown? Will we be able to download those early too?
  2. The peacemaker: BO2 DLC1 The remington NMA: BO2 Buried The double barrel shotgun (Zombies only) (WAW/BO1)
  3. Yes because there were 3 rooms. And even then you'd alert your team if you opened the help room. In every other map sense we've relied on player discussion to pinpoint locations.
  4. I still got a deal with my DD version, I'm not sweating it.
  5. Hello! I am Dr. SM Me, and welcome to Latenight-crackpot theories, where I on an irregular and random basis throw crackpot and somewhat groundless theories at the public and see what they throw back! Both metaphorically and physically! (Also it's 12:30 here so, yeah... Latenight) To start off this series here's a topic for you: Vril-ya initiative and dead richtofen. As revealed in the giant's opening cinematic, young richtofen blatantly shoots WW2 era richtofen smack dab in the face. Now, this obviously removes richtofen from the timeline, but there's another aspect yet to be considered. Richtofen received his madness from his first visit to the moon when he tested his own teleporter on himself. Here he met the MPD which shocked him with "Static electricity". After this shock he began a set of delusions and hallucinations that led him from being the normal genius from origins, to the MADMAN that we see in WAW and BO1. Now, it can be inferred the device built by the vril-ya(The MPD) forged richtofen's mind to think like it does. We can assume no one else was effected like he was because the vrill-ya needed a puppet. But now, their puppet has lost his strings. Now what to do... If the vrill-ya are long gone and simply left this mind-control-madness as a blackbox sort of system, it just means the story continues forward without WW2 richtofen. HOWEVER if the vrill-ya are still watching... Their new goal is to get a new puppet.... Now... Who is the next person to touch the MPD? That's right, Samantha Maxis. We know this as the moon radio depicts samantha appearing in the teleport bay, which we can assume is right after the teleport with her father, which takes her to moon and takes place right before the giant's cut-scene, where we see richtofen get killed. Sam then runs into the (Now open thank's to shuster and groph) MPD. She then takes control of the zombies, but what if NOW, she gets shocked and becomes the new puppet just as mad as richtofen? SO, your thoughts?
  6. Uggg... That's a bit of a dick move to the people who got the jug and hardened editions, as now there's a big factor of the price being included in the season's pass. Particularly the hardened edition who has to buy the season's pass separately. However the digital deluxe version still not given no fucks. It's a deal to get the seasons pass and the game for $110 USD plus you get two camos!
  7. Good. Last gen is just fat that needs to be trimmed, it's 11 year old tech.
  8. I hate leaks honestly, I mean who would take a picture of them blurrily bouncing about kindof showing off regular zombies gameplay, but then not go into detail about how the game plays. How do we become a margwa? How do the marwas spawn? What do the weapon kits do? what other types of gobble gum are there? Is there character selection? What about that pistol? Is it strong? Weak? Upgraded what does it do? SO MANY QUESTIONS THESE LEAKS FAIL AT ANSWERING.
  9. It's important to mention that they ARE selected to the SOE map, so I DOUBT it will always be a SOE character. It's like exo zombies. Now, we can conceive from the trailer that the frozen forest is actually a mindscape sort of reality. Also notice there ARE zombies in the background, which the cop seems somewhat nonchalant about. I mean he's trying to REST clearly, so... Why arn't you taking those things out? I believe that, and this is just a guess, that the campaign is going to tell us the frozen forest is our mind, and the cop's mind is riddled with the zombies that haunt his subconscious. Either that or the map starts off telling you at least the cop is going to make it to the next DLC. I don't think treyarch would do that, kinda takes away from the rest of the game. Hell, maybe there's a secret forest area of the map :lol: ... I've seriously got to learn emojis don't work like that anymore...
  10. Metal gear solid "Ground Zero" in a nutshell...
  11. I like your thinking, and it sounds good in theory, but that would essentially be shipping a broken game, because that same day one patch would have to be applied every time you put it in a new console. :-/ @Rissole25 unfortunately, same with yours. The problem with all of this is that it completely eliminates offline gaming out of the box, which, I guarantee you, most people will hate. @Stop mocking me0 you're right, the idiot who would spend that much on an illegal copy is truly dumb. But to say that pirates 'should be able' to break the law is like saying that corporations shouldn't have firewalls. Piracy is not a 'part of the experience.' I appreciate you keeping quiet about what you've seen, but myself and many others out here can attest to the fact that garbage like them are actually a pain in the rump. Personally, I am not even tempted to watch the leaks. I'm good. I like what we do with Treyarch and Activision, and their marketing is good by me. Including 'authorized leaks.' So here...it's not a part of the experience. Going to be honest: 1: BO3 leaks have not been that fruitful so far. Like...3 leaks and all of them poor quality and shows NOTHING. 2: I read that as "garbage like trump"
  12. But see reguardless of the size of the map, one should be able to pinpoint where other players are on this map, like they'd say "Hey im in the coffee shop" and they'd know where they were given there's only one coffee shop.
  13. Mr. RoflWaffle's new video pinpoints a MYSTERY BOX LIGHT in this trailer (Spoiler alert, it's Origins-blue)
  14. At least we now have a confirmation that the zombie menu screen in question is linked to SoE. Seems very strange to have the SoE crew in a main menu though as it seems to suggest they may play a bigger role in BO3 more than just one map. Would be illogical to have them in a main menu if only for one map, and what is with the forrest if they are supposed to be in a city? Has to be more to this... a LOT more. idk... It is weird though... Are we allowed to discuss this photo? I'd think we would be... We've technically seen it before, on that twitter page... it's just zoomed and enhanced CSI style..... With editing people out as well... ESPECIALLY hyped for what that final tab says! I am SUPER hype for THAT! JESUS-H-WARWICK-READ-THE-EFFING-BIBLE-CHRIST I'M EXCITED FOR THAT! Honestly though, I REALLY doubt we'll see these characters in later DLC, honestly I don't think they've got the position to move forward too far, especially if this map is set in hell or purgatory or whatever lovecraftian beleif is...
  15. I like the leaks. We only have 2 weeks before the game comes out, and activision does a good job of knocking down what they find. If you can find the blurry footage, it's not really worth it. Likewise, the game is gold, so there are no changes to it. Everything seen in the video will be released on the actual game, asside from day 1 minor patches. Furthermore if someone wants to pay 500$ for an early copy of a game which it is ILLEGAL to upload footage of, be my guest. It's sad really, as the FULL game will be open in 2 weeks. That's hardly anything! All I'm saying is, as long as games exist, little shits should have the ability to break the law and upload what they want. It's part of the experience.
  16. always expect to be disapointed bro. If they surprise you it's hardly a bad thing. I guess they can't go so wrong... "And here we see how the only weapons on the map are the kar-98k, the SMR, and of course the fan favorite the EMP grenade... And of course, the new starting pistol when upgraded just becomes two baguettes with pipe-cleaners in them... And if you look here we wanted to add some challenges to the map, so we brought back George A Romero and covered all the major training areas of the map in Tranzit-esque fog. Only this time we listened to the fans and instead of the annoying denizens which were not well received, we just made it so when you step into the fog, all zombies become nova 6 phasers from moon. As far as perks go, you'll see we've teased the classic PHD flopper again, but again this is an easter egg. Maybe you'll get it when you complete the easter egg samantha instructs you through? Maybe not? But what you can expect to see is the return of doubletap 1.0, who's who, and a new perk called sticky substance which makes it impossible to throw grenades, although there is a bit of a glitch which causes the grenades to prime which we're looking into.... Furthermore partway through the map you'll find all the O4 character dialogue has been replaced with ah, just marelton's dialogue from tranzit. We should also mention that perks spawn in randomly similarly to nuketown zombies, however after spawning it, the box, the PAP, and now some doors can only be opened with a turbine powering it. Gumballs will be featured in this mode, but only three, the first one ah, turns your character gay. 100% gay.And he rubs it ALL over the place in your face and everything. And a necrophiliac so... Make love not war... The second is "godmode gum" which lasts about as long as juicyfruit's flavor, but allows you to walk through walls and not take hits, which is needed now to access certain parts of the map. Likewise the bank does return here, located in the spawn room, and the last gumball "Gold Gum" will cause your bank account to fill, allowing you to get the ultimate set-up by round 1 if you're lucky. I should mention that when you reach rank 30 on this map, by which ranking is map specific, so any amount of playing on any other map will not effect it, you need over 100 hours of gameplay on this map alone, you unlock the turned version of this map. There will also be a new form of greif mode where you will have nothing but EMP grenades and your pistols, are locked in the starting room, and have 5000 points to start with but only get 10 points each kill, the early start is to make it easy to PAP. Furthermore we'd like to announce that there's now a $0.99 app, for Iphone 6s devices only, which allows you to access the only other weapon in the game, the wonderwaff-proto which is like the WW, only every shot fired hits you and gives off an electric cherry type of shock to take out zombies on early rounds. Upgraded it still takes your jugg. but it lasts till round 13. We figured that's fair. The DLC will become available to all pre-orders on PS4 3 days after release, and for PC and Xbox on January 14th 2016, with it becoming available to all who own the game for a mere price of 4$ on January 16th 2016. Dear god. After writing that I feel I need to cleanse myself... I actually put this in a spoiler tab in my sig. I want to remember this later
  17. Well we've been told there will be multiple districts to which one can visit, I think they'd likely have survival maps of some areas, I mean they were really popular in BO2, so we MAY see them return, but WDK anything yet.
  18. I actually see the map as being more of a web of ally ways (Do not worry this is not leaked this is just my guess), with particular areas larger then others, some having a catwalk above it, some buildings holding significant purpose. I just hope it's NOT like tranzit where 90% of the map is accessible by only buying one door. Honestly, old maps where you had to balance moving through were the best. It can happen here too. You start it up, and there are 3 ways forward, continue down one to find 3 more ways, then the train, then a few shops. All of this is part of the experience of fully immersing yourself into the game, finding which path will get you to jug first, or the box, or SO many other things is part of becoming a skilled player. Opening up one door and instantly going to get jug is not a good gameplay feature.
  19. Even though I likely will see some leaks by choice, I pride myself with the ability to keep my mouth shut about them on here. It's just the right thing to do.
  20. Exactly, and you'll have over 48 hours of strait of sweet black opsy goodness. That is in 2 weeks.
  21. I mean what do you have to do after class/work on a friday?
  22. Well no, it's just establishing which icecream to eat first.
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