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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Zombies and the world do not stand still... Carnage is the law of re-life.... And those who look only to the past or the present... Are certain to miss the future!
  2. Yeah this seems to be more of a tower-offensive game then a tower defrence game like zombies.... The create-a-class system seems to be the main thing here, and it appears we will be seeing character-less soilders for control and maybe some other characters we meet along the way...
  3. Ha! Really ? Wooowwww infinity ward... Just when I thought you couldn't get any lower the MW3 and black ops 2.... Haha! Ah.... But this might be a good thing, let's see how this alien project goes down! If it's just a rip off of zombies I may be a bit angry, but if it's something compleately diffrent I'll see if I can enjoy it! :D
  4. Research what? There's nothing left! We have zero idea what the backstory is to anything thanks to trayarch.... And yes I do hate it when one of my better threads dwindles to child's fally... But we can't have information taken as fact without proper confirmation can we? Because then you bring in those who say: "No your wrong, MMX said"..... Despite the fact there's no concrete evidence any more solid then mine.... ------------- And in know way am I making you look dumb.... In what way am I bustling your intellect? I'm simply stating that points of no intrest aren't story changers. Which it still isn't btw, those portals maxis is referring to is likely either the PAP coming through, or the Templars.... You want proof that there's not a "canon story" to go by? You don't have to look far, there's no confirmation of anything. We can't even explain the storyline of die rise without fighting over who has the more correct information... And we get down to the main issue: There is no confirmation He's right, I'm right, he's wrong, I'm wrong, either way one puts it, it's all just random theorys that likely neither of us will ever prove. And thus bam! Misinformation!
  5. No actually... Aside from the PAP camo, the starter pistol, and the dig feature, I honestly do hate the rest of the map...
  6. Every quote I have heard so far from richtofen has stated that the entity's travel through time and space, using 115 to do so... And who's to say it isn't a coincidence? Who's to say its not just a nod to MOTD? Who's to say there wasn't just a reason those numbers were chosen other then that? (I'm sensing a lost/BO1 -reference here) I'm not twisting your words, you've done that yourself, if there is a way to move objects with 115 through space and time outside of the PAP or box, why on earth would one move a vile of blood from a mobster from 15 years from now....? For research? On what? Zombies? There WERE no zombies before this to research, or even beleive exist! The blood would not be reviewed for its 115 purposes until richtofen at least had some means to study the effects of the element on blood. In which case he would just get test subjects, not a dead mobster's blood...
  7. Oh yeah that was simple: Run with wave gun in biodome until a drop came---> throw gershes---> hack drop---> max amo---> repeat... What else would you need?
  8. Yes, the PAP and box may pull things from time and space, but in no way does that prove or even support that the BLOOD of four mobsters 15 years later could be researched by richtofen... Does any weapon turn to blood from the PAP? Does the box give you a vile of blood? No... And a quote specifically states that the machine has only been purposes for upgrading and the box for getting weapons! Not blood! I'm not failing to acknowledge your points... Your points are simply unprofitable for you...
  9. Yeah but either way you look at it, the EE in moon, or even shangri la, was more rewarding then this one, as one could gain all perks and redo that every game, meaning you had infinite shots at a good reward, where as here you get either one shot at a good reward, or infinite shots at a almost worthless reward... It's degeneration....
  10. -Don't impose your beleifs: implying that there is some strong evidence that says their wrong or he's right... -Go refer to MMX's Cycle theory.... Because he's right and your wrong... -No evidence: No proof: No right or wrong... (Here come the coments... ) Don't tell me to not impose my beleifs if you're just going to thrust yours on me.... I do not wish to skirmish about this again so can we leave it at this?
  11. Then the game is too boring and plain to NOT progress in the Easter egg, and when you actually do it becomes tedious and boring... Basicly you choose to be labored and powerful or bored and weak... Either way, it's not fun... But more importantly: Moon: infinite powered wonder weapon: No Easter egg: Easter egg rewards all 8 perks Origins: strong weapon rewarded after tedious tasks, all 9 perks available by even MORE tedious tasks. There's no reward in doing the Easter egg.... None
  12. And we get to the root of the issue: The map is tedious... UMBELEIVABLY tedious... So was tranzit, but not der reise, nor moon, nor kino, nor any other map before BO2....
  13. I would agree with a lot of this but a few key points go against my research: -1: Seliquifier: My research shows its filled with super-concentrated benezene, a chemical that was mass-spilled into the river in the 22 providence as well as its a chemical given off in the iron--> steel makings process. No 115 included, which is why it's a buildable: Because marelton could designs such a weapon with his brains of chemicals and machinery, but he does nt have any idea what the property's of 115 are... -2: Beacons might just be beacons: The signal given off from them disrupts zombie's thought patterns like the EMP... 3: The MOTD area has no reason to have any 115 In it... It's all at the mercy of Satan's hand... The acid gat could just be super-charged acid, and the portals are just magic portals for Satan's 3 demonic beast heads to stretch through... 4: The mob of the dead characters were killed and sent to hell in 1933... Over 15 years after the events of Origins... The zombie blood has nothing to do with them...
  14. Do you want to upgrade the staffs? Of course you do... And the only way to do that? Half the Easter egg... Then you might as well finish it once the hard part is compleate, and if you don't it's still an Easter egg just to upgrade the staffs.
  15. That is not exactly true though, as a lot of people I know are not really EE players and they seem to hate it BECAUSE it is EE driven. That is one of the reason I personally don't like it. You are forced to do the majority of the EE if you want the ultimate staffs and it get's beyond tedious after just a few games. Personally, I did not find the Origins EE fun at any stage. It was a repetitive chore and was completely unrewarding for it's efforts. The map itself is ok. I have had some fun co-op games on it but it was not worthy of being a final DLC map. It looked so good before it was released too. I understand that not everyone hates it, but I still think the majority do. I don't see many people say they like it. As for longevity... I am such a big fans of zombies that I don't really play anything else anymore. I still play WaW and BO1 very regularly and still am not really tired of any of those maps. I stopped playing BO2 7 days after Origins was released on XBOX and have only went back to it once since then. I put it on now and again but when I try to select a map, I just think "Meh" and put BO1 on instead. I just don't think the maps are good enough to tide me over till the next game. They are all too heavily objective based with the exceptions of Die Rise and NTZ and it means quick games are out of the question unless you want to play the aforementioned maps, and I am not a fan of either. Die Rise is ok on solo, but the terrible spawn ratio per player ruins it on co-op. I wanted Origins to be something epic. I don't think it comes even close to it. Couldnt agree more! We went from the birthplace of the zombie army (der reise) to the Effing moon in the first two games, both of which had tasks that were ENTIRELY worth compleating, but no one HAD to do it to get a infanantly powerful wonder weapon. Then we go to a map with a compleate disreguard for the storyline, and a forced Easter egg.
  16. Well, yes I do agree with you (Infest)... But there are two issues: 1: We have no idea where the O4 went... What they're doing or how Samantha is protecting them... It's not that we have to have their characters back into the game, but to at least finish their story would be nice... You could even do that with diffrent characters (please see mocking me countdown finale for an example) 2: Origins did not give us everything we could possibly want... It gave us zero confirmable info on anything storyline wise, and honestly, is just a harder version of MOTD IMO: BUT this isn't a topic about that so lets refrain from throwing arguments back and forth about it... Already did that once... Origins becomes the top favorite because it's the only challenging zombie map IMO... Tranzit, die rise, MOTD, and buried are all easy as pie, and nuketown/survival maps are just not enough to me... It also is a favorite because it brought back characters we loved, despite the fact their personalitys were yet to be humor-fied.... Asside from that, yeah it was the barrage of new features that won it over, but its important to point our that's not the only reason...
  17. Indeed... Likewise, they were obvious and easy to figure out... Pity....
  18. As the past grows old we look to the future for more ideas.... Law of life.... There isn't much storyline in these two maps as well... As MOTD takes place in a mobster's hell and Origins in samanthia's reality.... Also a note: Both MOTD and Origins had the classic system of open door---> continue pathway, where as tranzit, die rise, and buried had access to a good 3/5ths of the Map before buying a single door....
  19. Exactly, these can't be your average run-of-the mill get all 4 by round 20 every-game perks... But a super-to-moderate-hard challenge of sorts that changes from map to map....
  20. HA! You got it! PERFECT! I thought I was going to have to explain that!
  21. It's a great idea to make upgradeable perks as long as they have: Limitations, and you can't just buy them. There will be no upgraded jug. That's just not happening... WAY too OP... BUT if you refer to this theory thread of mine, it shows there being multiple ways to upgrade perks using the Der wunderfizz machine on future maps. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=36407 We could bring back double tap and make the upgraded version double tap 2.0. The only way to get this perk is to kill the zombie boss here and then use the wonder fizz, making it so you have NO idea what you will get, and even LESS idea of if it's worth it!
  22. Ok let's just jump right in and do this: Round 1: Activate generator, get shovel, maxis brain Ect. and knife kill the zombies, do not shoot! Get Quick revive if you want... Round two-three: If you haven't already grabbed a double points, now would be the time to take the one from the chest, feel free to shoot and knife as much as you can for points. -If it's snowing check outside the everywhere if it isn't, still check everywhere, you're not coming back to these trenches for a while, I suggest heading towards generator 3 (Right foot), as that first room has A: Two spawn locations for the zombie shield, and B: Has the b23r wall buy get that and turn on gen. 2. Buy the workshop and then buy the second exit to the workshop, chances are the 2nd shield piece will be in this area (as there are 2 spaces for it to spawn.) If it isn't, just open up the door to the last spawn location. Turn on gen. 3 and take your stone-relic thing... At any time if you see Thor coming feel free to get inside and grab that piece! Hit the box once, if you don't approve of your weapon sorry, just take the Shotgun from the ground or buy the Mp-40 or 5-7 for security in weapons... Turn on jugg (Obviously) And then build the shield either in the church or the workshop, those are the two best places I have found to put it... By now you should have the Ice, maybe the fire if you went to the church and it was next to the tank, and the lightning records, as well as the blank one if it's not in the dig site's wheelbarrow. Lastly make sure Ogden has just passed through and kill the last zombie by a chest of your choice (near jug) With the shield, and as long as you're comfortable, train around the box-zone until you A: Have the money for jug or B: It gets filled. Wait until you get a zombie blood, the round ends, or a nuke drops to get jug, you do NOT want the aggravation of going down because you were drinking it.... Now with Jug, a b23r. a back-up weapon and (About 1) filled chest, save a zombie at round 7 and hit the mystery box for a panzer-defeating weapon: Scorpion, Hammer, Raygun, Mg08, Ect. There are a LOT in the box so it shouldn't be too hard. When you're ready kill the zombie near the (2nd) Chest, as you MAY be able to finish it this round if you can do this right... When the big guy comes in, don't bother with circling the quick-spawning locations of the excavation site, simply stick to the middle of the tank path and drag the soldat through the trenches, shooting him as you go, you should be fine. When he's dead simply remember where he was and head to the 2nd box again. Not many people know this but the zombies killed by the robot's feet actually do count towards the chests, so if you need just a couple more, try to stay for the last second, you may get lucky. Save a zombie and open up the last three areas: The mound, the staminup area, and the upper church, you should have enough to build the fire staff at round 10 (remember to shoot that plane if you can). As for the ice staff heres an important note: The head of the staff I've only seen spawn near the church side of the map, the handle just the opposite in the trenches, but the actual stick I've found just about anywhere.... The wind staff is a pain to build in solo, utilize shields to stop zombies in their paths! Should be simple. By now you should have just enough excess cash to turn on the tank, remember you can squeeze a free ride from it AND still grab the last part by calling it from the tank station. Jump from the back of the tank where there's no rails for best results. Any money you have left over can go towards weapons, or perks, I recommend getting speed and Mule kick on top of what you have.. (Jug and Quick) Next perk would be PHD if you have a ray gun, and electric cherry if you don't plan on getting the ray gun. Note: PHD does eliminate fall damage that may be provoked by the hole near the water fountain. Once you have the staffs, go ahead and do everything to upgrade the ice, wind, and lighting staffs. The fire staff comes later, and you will keep it on you... Now:Kill zombies in the fire area with the fire staff, until you get at least one staff upgraded(round 12 at most if you're starting on 10) and the fire step done, then take the upgraded staff to the church and fill the pensive with melee attacks (which are enhanced by the upgraded staff) When you're done, grab your stone and run from the stairs, through freya's left foot print (stay on safe ground), up through the mound, down through the workshop and place it in the tank station and continue to melee-kill, awarding you the gernades by round 13 at most. Proceed to fill the last two chests by round 15ish, I've found using the staves may actually increase the "worth" of the souls taken, making you job easier. You should have the golden shovel sometime now, and if you can get zombie blood, feel free to check areas for the orange mounds, remember you can get a zombie blood from the fire-carts. once you power up the final staff (fire) You can complete the easter egg (not explaining that, but that ice-cart zombie blood is REALLY useful when the winged beast shows, as well as when the soldats come.) By completing the easter egg you will now have: Beast training room ever: The non-crushing walled-crazy place, even BETTER punching ability, a place to put each of your staffs and grab another if you need amo. Beacons, the maxis drone, and everything else you need Train until you just cant anymore and leave through the portal, giving you well over 1000 kills and zero downs if done properly! Tips: The most mound spots are found in the trenches, so start your quest down there. Most of them are above ground except the one in the fire tunnel, so only check there if you just can't find it! The boxes are really tight zones, i do not recommend filling them without a shield, jug or not, that shield does a helluva lot better job protecting your spine. Don't just put the maxis drone anywhere, he's actually quite useful to be put next to jug. Once you've been through all the tunnels, leave the gramophone in the wind tunnel. It's accessible from most parts of the map and one can grab a build when they enter it, DO NOT attempt to leave the tunnel where you placed your gramophone though... It can be quite hazardous and crowd your tunnel, try leaving through the lighting tunnel if you can.... While in freya, do NOT forget to spam X or Square all over that radio! You do NOT want to have to return to the insides of those things just to activate shepherd of fire... REMEMBER: Just because a robot is coming your way does NOT mean it has an openable foot, the game DOES glitch and in other cases there may be 3 robots in which only 1-2 feet may be open! Hope this helps !
  23. Origins: SO many things trying to kill you in SUCH tight areas.... Also the double-swipe issue here is much like the nuketown zombie issue, I've found it easier to play through local mode because of this... (Alsk is there some kind of hierarchy through double slaps? Red being the least slappy, blue being the norm, and yellow being the overly slappy? (IDK where purple and orange lie) Because the statistics, yellow is the most violent in the double slaps... I don't think I've ever been downed by a blue-double slap, but yellow... Yellow I can't stop....
  24. It's a hard map, unless you do the easter egg, then it becomes quite simple to run trains in the much-less-crazy place, punching zombies and what-not with elemental blasts....
  25. Protagonist is the name of the DLC pack, the map name is "Historian Massacre" like "Apocalypse" and "Origins" Also you will NOT be disappointed at ALL with the storyline of my version of this game! Right now we know that we sit in a new world post-zombie era (or so we think), and all goes well until these four characters get attacked, NOTE: Look REALLY hard at their names! Gray Nineon- Blames himself Lucious Triton- acts superior towards all Jeal Funford- Drug addict, should add he is really jealous of any good that goes towards anyone else... Lue Stienferd - Teacher, who knows whats going on here... That little tidbit plays a HUGE roll in the easter egg of this map!
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