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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Oh shit maybe it is.... My paypal account isn't showing me any transactions. By all means I don't want these blue robes if I didn't earn them correctly. OK now I'm worried. I have a card linked to my paypal account (prepaid) but now I'm not sure if the account is going to hold intrest, or if it's just taken it from the card.... I DID get an email about it going through though, so I AM a donator! THIS IS WHY I HAVEN'T DONATED YET!
  2. Paypal isn't working for me. I don't suppose there's a credit option?
  3. Is it like donating to the site?
  4. Right now I'm not 100% sure I'll even have my xbox soooo. Yeah...
  5. Yeah except Dempsey who kind of had a grudge against Richtofen for lying to him but ended up getting drunk so it did not matter. I meant the COTD characters Sara Michelle Geller, Danny trejo, robbert englund, and Michel Rooker.
  6. Now, this is just a theory of mine, but It'd be cool to see it. One of the things we are 100% sure we saw in the trailer (thank you Mr. Roflwaffles) was the fact you could create clones like psychosis in MP. However, (warning leaks about beta files incoming), This has lead me to believe we will be able to CHOOSE a character for each map we find. And each character has a special ability,and starting weapon. Obviously you can't secure this character to begin with, what if two people want to be jessica? Well it comes down to your level, highest level gets first pick. The cop, whom we've seen the most of, would have a snubnose pistol, and the ability to create 2 clones to distract zombies. The fem-fetal would have _______ and have the ability to _________. The boxer would have his brass knuckles, and have the ability to _________. The magician would have ______ and the ability to _______. Just a theory of mine. No character is stronger then another but simply matches preference. Obviously this has it's ups and downs concerning annoying little kids, but I think it's a good idea and really paves the way for future maps. The giant would be a different type of map however, with no character having abilities, however some characters start randomly with the new pistol, others start with the Mauser. Thoughts?
  7. It's more of an assurance thing. See even after the game goes gold, the studio continues to research the game. Anything they find in that time period is added onto the update. Sure they could re-print over 1000 disks every time they found a bug, but that's not logical or efficient. If they waited until all the bugs were out, they wouldn't have time to print all the disks.
  8. That'd be cool. And you got to pick between the map as well? Like you could be on COTD, Moon, Tranzit, ect.
  9. The original 4 were every person hated another, was neutral towards one, and liked the last. Nikolai liked tank, hated takeo, didn't care much about richtofen. Takeo hated nikolai, didn't care about tank, and liked richtofen. Richtofen hated tank, loved nikolai, and didn't care much about takeo. Tank hated richtofen, liked takeo, and didn't care much about nikolai. They were very intertwined. But In COTD every character was pretty neutral towards one another. I think we'll be seeing the same thing here actually.
  10. With people being the dots, other controllers being BIGGER groups of zombies, and people with guns being the viruses?
  11. Well it looks like we will be getting like 13 MASSIVE missions. Which is OK for me, remember, we have over 4 diffrent types of special ability groups to choose from, character customization, a hub, and a terminal. We'll be fully immersed in the game. Do you really thing treyarch would be stupid enough to just use all that stuff for like 9 hours of gameplay? DOUBT IT! I played through the entire campeign of AW last WEEKEND. I don't want to be able to do that in BO3 as easy as I did here.
  12. Got my first paycheck yesterday! ^_^ How can I help?
  13. WHAT FUN! AHHAHAHAHAHA! Props to them for yet another reason BO3 has rased the bar for COD games.
  14. I imagine nero will beleive himself to be a god and the best, a bit like marelton or russman. Then floyd would be the toughest and KNOW it like misty. Vincent honestly won't give a fuck and will likely praise himself for stealing points away from others. Jessica will just take pleasure in killing as little as possible, as she hates work. From this I theorize jessica and floyd will be a pair and vincent and nero will be a "pair" but they don't really compliment each other but on rare occasion.
  15. I want to be vincent, he seems like the coolest character. Nero shortly after, then Floyde Which means I will inevitably end up playing my first game as Jessica "lol".
  16. That's all there is actually. There isn't a co-op way of playing. It's just you and your time is put on a leaderboard.
  17. The song has a LONG like, MINUTE of sheer music-only section, which is not in the trailer. So yeah I think a majority of it is actually in the trailer, if not all of it lyric wise.
  18. Their isn't a topic about it because it was leaked from the beta files so it shouldn't even be on this site. Also it is the easter egg song, that much is obvious. It isn't a song that exists outside of zombies, like previous trailer songs since I spent a long time searching for it and the lyrics seem reminiscent of zombies. ..... This song was defiantly not from the beta files it was a part of the trailer which was released far before. If we wanted to analyze it we would have. But like the other songs, we can't assume it's the easter egg song. I know I've heard this song before this actually, I believe it's darude sandstorm, but could be wrong.
  19. Well we don't know if it's just for the trailer or if it's the actual easteregg song. Analyzing this song would be like analyzing "In the jungle" or "Carry on" or "Evil ways" and wouldn't have much point.
  20. Cod entry # 4, November sixth, two-thousand fifteen... We've grown tired of the fight.... Don't know how long we've been here.... Decided to play some zombies instead.... Good choice....
  21. I might have one go at the freerun mode now, just to get used to the controls.
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