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Everything posted by MNM1995

  1. Well, if he does do what he say's he will at the end of the Moon easter egg, his character may get a lot more interesting to play as.
  2. First off, I love seeing more members getting into the story! It always makes me happy when I see newer members making posts about it. There's another quote on Moon that Sam says when a teammate starts killing zombies: Don’t kill the zombies, he’ll just gain power when you do” I think this quote and the one you posted are supporting the fact that killing zombies only makes the person in charge stronger. I do believe that Samantha may be their best option for stopping Richtofen's reign of terror. Dr. Maxis is still a possibility as well, as he is in the Aether and can still communicate via electronic devices (think Moon computer). I'm not 100% sold yet that Samantha knows how to get Richtofen and/or her body out of the pyramid. We know she wants in there, but I'm not sure she knows exactly how to get BACK into the pyramid. Takeo was fully aware of Richtofen's evil by Ascension, however Nikolai and Tank are still suffering from effects of Richtofen's brainwashing. Here's Takeo'Js quotes while Pack-a-Punching: "I think Dempsey is like a ghost, he wake up in new world everyday. I don't think he remembers anything from before." "Nikolai's presence brings me dishonor. He tries to drown the past. It will consume him one day. I do not think he remembers anything." "Richtofen, his evil is great. But not as great as what we fight today. One day, when the time is right I will make him pay for what he has done!" Firstly, no problem! I'm an avid zombies fan and peersonally think i have a great understNding of the story, and I love this website because I can talk and discuss zombie details with fans as crazy about it as me! and I've never heard that quote until then, good find! I think that now I know this too we may really be onto something here, plus I don't know if anyone's heard it yet but Treyarch apparently leaked a zombies audio clip from Black Ops 2, which features a news reader discussing a recent outbreak in eastern US. I'll put up another thread about it with a link to a video soon. And to ExpertCoah, you have to bare in mind they relied on Ricthofen to get them too other places, as only he knew what to do and where to go, and they will need someone else to be their guide now.
  3. I just heard a quote from Samantha in Nazi Zombies, and it was a reply to one of the characters quotes after massacring a load of zombies. She says "No matter how many you kill, we cannot win this way!". Now, you may not think much of it but due to her extensive time in control of the zombies and despite the fact she thinks the entire thing is just a game, it is likely she'd have picked up on how to defeat the zombies and save the world. So i got to thinking and concluded that perhaps the characters may have to rely on her for their survival now, much like they previously did with Richtofen. What do you guys think?
  4. yeah he say's it on Moon when you buy the M16, so maybe the girl holding the shotgun and severed zombie head is his daughter? I thought he had a son, not a daughter? But I guess there's never been any real confirmation for that. He amy have, but i'm saying the girl in the poster is his daughter, so he may have had a daughter instead.
  5. [quote="Magna yeah he say's it on Moon when you buy the M16, so maybe the girl holding the shotgun and severed zombie head is his daughter? I thought he had a son, not a daughter? But I guess there's never been any real confirmation for that. Bare in mind Denpsey time travelled in 1945. If the child is five years old then I'm guessing in 2012, they would be around 70 or something. Is it possible that this child had a child themselves. I'm probably wrong, but its an interesting thing to consider, that this girl may in fact be his grandaughter. Possibly. That's actually a good idea, considering htere likely would be two generations between them.
  6. yeah he say's it on Moon when you buy the M16, so maybe the girl holding the shotgun and severed zombie head is his daughter?
  7. To be honest, at them moment pretty much anything is possible, all we can do is speculate. As I've said on another thread, we could be talking about the actual zombies story without knowing it... :? Would be pretty cool haha :lol:
  8. Perhaps the girl is another character fromn a differnet group of survivors and takes place shortly before our original group destroy the Earth. We follow this group for a map or two before they are killed by the Earth's explosion and we then learn the girl in the picture with the shotgun is actually the daughter of one of the original characters. The story could then return to the original characters as they try to get Richtofen out. Thoughts, opinions?
  9. i don't agree with your ideas about 115 fuelling Nukes. My reason for this is that it has been established in-game that 115 is hard to find, yet now we have nukes all over the world? That would be a lot of 115, which is too rare for that. I do however like your underwater base idea being near the Bermuda Triangle, as that is something zombies could easily explain.
  10. i do like the idea, I just hope they don't get rid of the original characters as they are too loved in the community to be tossed aside. I think they will make them the secondary group of protagonists, and introduce new characters as the main protagonists or the other way around. The original group are too important to the story to be let go.
  11. Yeah i'd love this too, it would mean you didn't have to rely on friends for the EE you coul do them yourself. And i'm not too fussed about perk rewards on solo either, just the satisfaction of doing it is good enough. Also, the achievement for doing it (presuming there is one) should be given regardless of if it was done solo or multiplayer, because that way you can always earn the achievement for doing it without having any online asshole ruining the EE by not helping on purpose. Thoughts?
  12. If the original characters are dead or not in it, that would probably put me off buying the game to be honest... They make zombies awesome!
  13. I'll agree with that, mainly cos i do the same thing and the same thing happened to me. Actually I loved zombies so much that when I became an Xbox Live player I did two things I said I wouldn't- Bought back Black Ops (Which I had for PS3 and didn't see the point, but was persuaded by my friends) and all the zombie maps for it (Which I definately didn't think I'd do). I don't think it's because Blops was a better game, because it was shit bar zombies plus the single player campaign of MW3 is amazing and I do like the online, I just think it's because they tried to make it fair. Think about it! MW2 wasn't fair, neither (really) was WAW and CoD4, yet we would all say that they are arguably the best (Ok, maybe not WAW but it was fun). The Blops tried to make things 'fair and even' and many people thought it was shit. Same with MW3- Though it's not as fair as Blops it still tries to be. And frankly, I got pretty bored swiftly after completing the MW3 campaign, not because everything else sucked, just because it had become too fair. Basically, I am trying to say that since CoD has tried to be fair their games have slipped slightly in the fun we expect (with the exception of zombies and MW3's campaign), and maybe Treyarch should be less worried about the non-camper being killed by some guy's nuke and worry more about the guy that get's the nuke, and it being their moment.
  14. That's pretty good, especially considering both Dempsey and Nikolai have confirmed they have kids- Only problem is Takeo says (In Shangri-La I believe) That he murdered his family for their insolence so that would be hard to explain.
  15. Interesting theory, and knowing zombies, probable.
  16. I know, but they'll figure some kickass way out, they are pretty good at storytelling Sounds good, but I think the characters are too well established and loved to be replaced now, but that would be a good idea That's what I figured. I just don't see where they can take the storyline from Moon. I mean Earth is still there but it's all messed up and Maxis said the rockets wiped out most of the zombies.
  17. Sounds good, but I think the characters are too well established and loved to be replaced now, but that would be a good idea :)
  18. Oh yeah I know you weren't hating I was just curious on your opinions, like I said at the start of this blog i'm interested in what you have to say and I do agree that the next map will be similiar to Kino, doesn't pile it on story-wise but still fills in the blanks and is all around just good fun. And thanks for the brain! :D
  19. It was only an idea, besides it would have been quite cool. What are your ideas?
  20. The No Man's Land things isn't too bad of an idea as a start before the level, if you know what I mean like before the game starts, you have to jump in the Gersch. You could have it so the teleporter has malfunctioned and there's no Richtofen to fix it, meaning the four survivors are trapped in Area 51. One character at the start (Could be random or a certain one each time idk) could immediately throw down a Gersch, as the other characters all spawn with empty weapons (chosen at random). The four, figuring this is the end, decide to try their luck and enter the black hole once more because they may as well. However, they are teleported to Samantha's old house instead (my theory above explains what that place is like) and then, as I said above, follow Maxis's trail and complete that easter egg. That would work better I think, as I don't think Treyarch's zombie team should do another 'No Mans Land' as it wasn't tat popular and they like to keep things fresh with new ideas.
  21. Yeah there would be, i was thinking like mist-coated gardens but the rain sounds good too. Maybe they could have alternating weather conditions? Would be cool :P
  22. Good point, and I do think they'll end up in Paris too but I doubt it'll be the first map they go to, after all they are the Zombies team are going to need to explain what the next steps will be and perhaps lead up to a Paris map. And to MyLilHellhound, I was supposed to put down in my theory that Maxis had taken most of his work from the 935 facility home with him, so he did have a teleporter there he was working on and that is also why there were zombies at his house frozen. Probably should have remebered that tbh, but whatevs :P
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