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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. No. Extinction has nothing on zombies. Different games entirely. If you do try and compare them, Extinction will lose.
  2. You can immediately take 2250 away from that. Technically you need that to open the entire map, but for what BS and others are talking about it's irrelevant if it's opened. No digs behind there. So we are now at 8,000 points, which is definitely possible at the end of round 3. I've come close to that on BO1 anyway, and you get a free *2 on this one. I personally would never bother, as it's nowhere near going to happen 100% of the time, but it will definitely happen that you get the whole map open by round 3. On an additional point, I'd say that if you were just talking about the 3 Ice pieces, you would almost never need to open Gen 3, 5 and 6. You will more than likely receive the pieces without having to open all of them, if that's what floats your boat.
  3. I'm not sure boom. Its been done coop by a few teams, but not solo. Solo with 5 is pretty much impossible. You can either do mortal or wallet but both is just not doable, although I'm liable to be proved wrong eventually :)
  4. Yeah I hear you mate. The second time I completed it 4 player was with hoardkillrepeat funnily enough and we ran all 4 classes. Average level was about 15 no prestige, high of 22 and low of 9. We failed 6 times on the 2nd chopper and created a good strategy for 'under perked' teams. Was lots of fun. Unfortunately it is the case that as long as 1 person has prestiged and one other has armour the game is beat. Sentries need nerfing for sure.
  5. Nice thread mate. The best strategy however is more simple. 2 armour's, 2 ammos, 4 riot shields, 4 (8) sentries. You can't lose. Even with 4 relics on every player. Im on my phone for a day or 2, I'll post some more detailed stuff later :)
  6. The most important commandment, above everything else - Watch thy back.
  7. Its a good spot, although it was discovered in the first week of launch by myself and my friend boysta who did post a video. The main problem with it is that the last zombie can spawn in the fire tunnel or even over at generator 2, adding up to 30 seconds onto a round. When the rounds are between 80 and 90 seconds, that is huge. It is the spot I use however when I am looking for bloods in the spawn area.
  8. Chopper


    Any musicians out there need to take Hotel California, and change it to Hotel CODZ to create us here a theme tune. I'm sure they can be adapted to suit us. Welcome Chance.
  9. Welcome mate. It's ok, everyone on occasion sounds like a numpty, but over here we don't judge I jest, no question is too stupid. Train came from syndicate, and Rape Train. We don't like that term over here, and so it's rarely used. Kiting as a term comes from the 90s, introduced in the early days of MMORPG. Don't know where it came from exactly, but I remember reading about the term way back in the late 90s.
  10. Hey guys, ques que up? I've been on this site for over 2 years now, and I don't have an introduction. What's ironic is that I reckon everything I write below, could be found somewhere else on the site, almost word for word! So, my name is Ben, but most people refer to me as Chopper, including most of my family, and a few friends. If I know someone well, I don't mind being called Ben. If not, I prefer Chopper I got into zombies just after BO1 was released. At the time I was living in Australia, and one day a friend invited me over to play his new game. We spent 15 minutes in MP, then he mentioned a zombie mode. Been hooked since, I actually bought my first PS3 the day after we played for the first time. I've played it ever since, I love the strategy aspect behind the game and discussing it with others. In my real life I work as a Director at our family business, which sells aluminium scaffolding alongside my Father and my Brother. I also have an import business based in Brussels, where my partner and I import various items from Cambodia. I split my time between the countries, generally around a week here, a week there, although it can extend to 2 weeks on either side. My family are my life. I have 2 little boys, one 11 months and the other 3 1/2 years. They come above absolutely everything I do. I'm lucky in a way that my lifestyle does permit me to spend some serious time playing zombies, which is about the only upside to spending a week at a time away from my family. I grew up playing lots of sports, and I still play Golf. I also trained fairly heavily in kickboxing and ju-jitsu when I was younger, but haven't done either for a few years now. I love reading when I'm not playing. I read mainly fantasy, with some espionage thrown in. Recently I've been getting into darker fantasy, and my favourite series is now from this genre......The First Law trilogy, by Joe Abercrombie. I went straight from that to what I'm reading now, The Broken Empire Series by Mark Lawrence. I just finished the first book, Prince of Thorns and it completely blew me away. A few pics - This picture was taken the day of my oldest sons Brit Milah. My fiancees Mum kept on and on and on at me to not cut my hair too short. This was the result. My fiancee found it very amusing luckily. That's it for me guys. Don't believe it took me so long to get one done, but finally I did it!
  11. I'll be a bit more specific about my times. I live a bit of a double life, and it's literally just been changed. I live and work in the UK, from Tuesday to Tuesday. I travel Tuesday afternoon to Brussels, stay a week and then return the following Tuesday evening. When I am in Brussels, I can play from 10pm GMT every night, but generally only for an hour. Occasionally I can arrange for earlier starts. When I am in the UK, I can play from 6pm GMT every week day, and then unlimited on the weekend. I next go to Brussels on 12/11, but can't play again until 05/11 as my family are all in the UK now. Gamertag - Chopper0Nator
  12. I hope we can still do this. I have almost the same restraints as you do Hells Warrior. Most nights I am on after 9, with up to 5 other people in a party. All similar age and life situation. Hit me up mate - chopper0nator
  13. Has it decreased in popularity or has it got rid people who are used to spending cash at the bank, or playing the "easier" maps. Making it a bit more likely to get random players who know what they are doing? Origins is a hard map and the new breed of players don't like it, one of my best mates loves Zombies but hates Origins, another gets frustrated with it because of the difficulty level. I think this has a lot to do with it. Origins is actually easy when you know how to do it. Kinda. With my usual 4, 3 of whom have done 100 solo on this map, we will die on round 8 maybe 20% of the time. Little bit of lag at the wrong time, someone's down. To make it easy, you need to have played it a lot. This develops your situational awareness which is crucial on this map. Things like automatically checking where the robot is before crossing a footprint, knowing when you are safe to move backwards shooting.....there are countless places you can get trapped in a 'mini' corner. For the casual gamer, Origins is really, really hard.
  14. Hey Dahniska, I flicked through the video a little bit, but it's hard to pick up the key things you do in an hour long video. Anyway you can write a cutdown guide to go with it? To get all 4 staffs and the airstrikes in an hour is impressive, and clearly has a lot of logic behind it and a somewhat repeatable process.
  15. I tend to do the same, although I attribute it mainly to boredom. Example - I only use 5 perks on Origins. Most games I can get my additional perk, and then forget about it. Others, I get bored camping wherever, and then spend time sprinting around the map, in an undetermined pattern, looking for digs. Been caught in the fire tunnel, been squashed more times in blood than I care to remember. Boredom. Zombies is pretty easy when you are doing HKR, it's pretty difficult for anything to go wrong. Things go wrong when you have to adapt unexpectedly, or you lose concentration.
  16. Clear to me mate. I believe that once you reach a certain level, you can kite almost anywhere. Man I've seen people get an entire hoard in the war room lift on Five.
  17. I completely agree about making it easier for players who aren't so good, but tbh I think they missed the mark anyway. Tranzit was so hard for new players that they had to introduce a bank and 'perma' perks for people to get anywhere. The main issue is that people are either good enough, or they aren't. Ultimately if you are good enough to get to 100 on say Die Rise, which could be classed as an easy map, you are good enough to do the same on every other map that it's possible on. The hardest map for 100 is probably Five or maybe Shang (excluding Nacht), and they are only actually difficult for the first 50 rounds. Once past 50 on any map, you have done at least the majority of the hard work. The only hard work now is something like box hitting. On reflection, the introduction of perma perks and the bank probably made them all too easy. Coupled with the fact that people are generally better now, due to 3/4 years of practise. And finally Superhands. At the end of the day, he created strategies for each and every BO map, which anyone could follow to get to whatever round they want. The only difference is that BO2 is ultimately simpler in the majority of cases to do it, and more often than not does not require guides for a lot of people. In BO2, people only need guides for the EEs and buildables. More space, more perks, more knowledge, more practise.....a game that has been described as a more complex version of the nokia classic snake is never going to really really test you. If there is an area big enough to kite, a weapon or trap that has infinite damage, well, how can you make a map hard anymore?
  18. Thanks for the response MMX. Cleared a lot up. I've been coming back to this thread throughtout the day, will be reading it much more closely later I like people taking a scientific approach to science fiction. Shame Hollywood couldn't do this more.
  19. The thread shouldn't die. The OP is so good. MMX - can you please explain to me how much of this is factual information taken from the game, as opposed to information which you have inferred to mean what you think? I don't understand the argument, or debate. In a response you made to SMM, you mention imposing their beliefs on others. How are you not doing the same? That's not a judgement or my opinion, but a genuine question. If this is you personal theory, surely you put it up to be open to debate?
  20. Add PAP to Verruckt. Number 1 on mine and many of my friends lists :)
  21. So strange how the opinions are so split on this. Some like it, some hate it, some like parts of it. Any reward for any EE, is ultimately fairly negligible. Certainly with 'perma' perks, especially Tombstone it's not so important. So it seems to come down to the fun aspect. If you want to do an EE to gain 8 permanent perks, that's cool. I'm guessing you are doing it for fun cos Moon is so simple, you really don't need this. Ultimately it all comes down to fun. None of the EEs are worth doing just to extend how high a round you can get to. When I look at it like this, they are all laborious, and ultimately not worth doing for high rounds. Shang maybe an exception.....but you need 4 players, and about a week to get all 4 people with 4 perks. And then you are going to GSpawn anyway. Back on the actual original topic..... Of course we are drifting away from Classic Zombies.....we have to, things have to evolve and change. And again, any evolution is going to be both liked and disliked (and rejected ).
  22. I think once you have beat the game you earn the right to suicide whenever you want. Edit - you can suicide whenever you want. Beating the game is over 100 solo, over 70 coop or any game ending error due to script issues. I think that whilst there are a few people who say they suicide to make themselves look better, it's a minority. There are so many reasons why you would suicide on a high round.
  23. I'm on my phone so not going to quote but mega and MMX hit the nail on the head. People seem to overestimate how long it takes to build one staff, and underestimate just how much longer the ee takes.
  24. I like Origins. Actually, I really love Origins. As stated on a few occasions I don't care for the story at all, or the EE outside of something fun to do once or twice. I cared when EEs could only be done 4p, and even that seems to be gone now. It seems to me that the people who don't care for the story, love Origins. And the people who are more story orientated, hate it. Most of my friends like the map. You could argue that all zombie maps have limitied replayability to certain players. You have the guys who get 100 in the first week/month on every one. Once they have done that, where is it for them? For the rest, ultimately you are continuously striving to get higher rounds, or you play the maps more for fun and do different challenges. The only map I truly hate is Tranzit. Everything on that map is a pain in the arse to me. I reckon that some people who hate Origins, love Tranzit. Damned if I know why, but I'm sure there is an answer. It could just be 'different strokes for different folks', but I'm sure there is more. Treyarch are making the game for the masses. Out of all those people who buy the game, how many do you think visit sites like these? Less than 10%? Even lower I reckon. Sure quite a higher percentage would watch youtube and stuff, and do a few simple google searches with specific questions but there is still a far larger % of people buying the game, and the DLCs. Treyarch do seem to have tried to incorporate ideas from the community into the game. Which is damn cool. If they didn't bother at all, not that many people would refuse to buy their games. I believe they had to drift away from classic zombies. For the majority of people to keep buying, they just need to love one map I suppose. Any change is going to be loved by some, hated by others and not even remarked upon by more. To me the perfect map was Verruckt. If they added a PAP to that map it would become the most insane challenge map. Maybe that's it for me....I love challenges. Origins has the most challenges of any other BO2 map.
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