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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. I've assumed Mason was involved in JFK's assassination. The number told him to do it. And it plays right into the conspiracy theories that Oswald did not act alone. There's a couple times in the game when Lee Oswald's images show up on monitors. I believe it's easy to assume these images on the screen are distortions in Mason's reality. Here's an example of Oswald's images briefly showing up on the monitor's in JFK's pentagon office, when Mason is having urges to kill him.
  2. I'll admit we're over-analyzing this stuff. And I'm very much guilty of this myself. And one day I'll look back at this thread and laugh at how much we did over-analyze. But I guarantee you, some amount of truth will emerge from this type of mentality. If anything, I think the fact that they have "zombie terrorist" in this video is Treyarch's way of says to us zombie fans, "Don't worry guys, we got you covered too"
  3. Alrighty, I got some HD stills of FPS Russia's video to share with you guys.... Curious that there is exactly 4 "lost & confused visitors" over here. Possibly representing Nikolai, Demsey, Takeo, & Richtofen/Samantha? Closeup of the remote control module Zombie Terrorist playing cards Ace of Spades
  4. Possibly. But Yuri is also an extremely common Russian name. Could be Kyle just keeping up with his Russian theme. The card table with 'Zombie Terrorist' is interesting to me. - The dummies are wearing zombie masks - The soda bottles are orange and red (doube-tap & jugg?) - Theres a random dead chicken on the table (dead-ops chicken?) - When zoomed in, you can see one zombie clearly has an Ace of Spades in his hand, The cards are arrange so this one sticks out I'll try to post correlating pictures from FPSRussia's vid later.... Remember the card table scenery in Kino? Lots of coincidences here. I expect to see history continue to repeat itself in many strange ways in BO2.
  5. I've played enough Modern Warfare. I want more of the Cold War era
  6. I disagree with you there, Waffles. There is enough details in this blurry photo to make some connections as to which handguns are within the realm of possibility and which ones are not. I can absolutely tell you for certain that it is not a futuristic cheese grater. If we could decipher this blurry photo drone below, then the gun in the poster is not out of or realm of us solving either. We can do this
  7. IDK, the barrel looks the appropriate length to me. Also, the grooves on the bottom of the P30L are to add attachments, such as a laser pointers. The SIG Sauer P226 you mentioned seems like a legit candidate to me. Not sure about the other two though.
  8. My friend, MrDavetheRave411, has informed me that he believes the gun on poster is a P30L Heckler & Koch P30L http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_P30 This gun was originally produced in 2006. So if this is infact the same model of gun on the poster, then this blows away my previous theory of the character being Jason Hudson. XZp8EFXcpfk - Mix
  9. I've played DOA in FPS mode on PC, and it doesn't feel like NML to me DOA is almost the same zombie game, as far as models and textures go. But with some dumbed down cartoony aspects to it, changes in animation speeds, and a top-down view. Here's some gameplay of DOA in FPS mode _Yb99AOxw6g The only parallel I can make between the two is that the NML map is square-shaped mosh pit, just like the DOA maps
  10. I'm calling it right now... the character on the cover is Jason Hudson
  11. That's not really a graphics card. That's more like your motherboard's backup solution for lacking a graphics card. You can watch youtube videos with the Intel® HD Graphics 2000, but you won't be doing much 3D gaming with it.
  12. I'd recommend you listen to all the radio/audio reels in the game. Start with Der Riese and the other two WAW DLC maps. Then listen to all the reels in Black Ops Zombies. You can find them all on Youtube
  13. Pink Unicorn approves of this thread I know the list of Astronauts is not complete. If anyone else has names to add any here, I'll be sure to update them into the OP
  14. I appreciate all the support from you guys. LOL. I just realized I produced one long ass thread re-introducing myself, and not once did I mention how I became involved with COD Nazi Zombies and the CoDz Forum. So here's the story of my humble beginnings... In summer 2008, COD4 was the game that convinced me to get back into console gaming. First time I played it on my friend's PS3 I was hooked. That very day I went out an bought an Xbox 360 & COD4. Even though all my RL friends had PS3s, I bought a Xbox because it was cheaper and that's what I could afford at that moment. Understand I had to have this game! So I was solo gaming for awhile it at home. COD5 WAW came out shortly after that. I played Nacht Der Untoten on my friend's PS3, and I bought the game on Xbox 360 the next day (see a pattern here). I enjoyed WAW more than COD4, and now they added a zombie mini game into it, I was all over it. When the first DLC's came out, I tried to convince my PS3 buddies to buy it. But they didn't bother. Being the zombie nerd I am, I had to buy the first two DLC maps on Xbox for myself. I was still solo gaming it online, so my first experience with multiplayer in Verruckt was with a group of randoms. They all knew what they were doing, and I didn't. Instantly I could tell Verruckt was going to be on a whole other level from NDU. And oh man did I noob it up! My memory has blocked most of the tragedy that I caused within the first minute of the game, but I do firmly remember getting chewed out for messing up by everyone, the host ending the game, then kicking me out of the group so that they could restart without me. I felt like shit! I felt so traumatized from that experience that I didn't bother even trying to play the zombie maps again during the WAW era. I bought SNN and was too intimidated to even play it. I took a complete blind eye to Der Reise. Too be honest that horrible first experience playing zombies co-op online, is probably the reason why I'm primarily a solo zombie player today. Modern Warfare 2 came around and I completely forgot about WAW and Nazi Zombies. Played that game for a year until the next game, and now it feels like a bad relationship I'm glad to be out of. Then Black Ops came around! And Kino der Toten was available to play right from the get-go. This was a new chance for me. A new beginning to get back into Treyarch's Zombies. So I dived right in. I had one of my best friends come over to my pad and we'd play split-screen. We were getting into RD 30's within the first couple weeks of playing. This time playing zombies was awesome! And after playing the Kino map for awhile, I realized there were many clues here to a much much bigger underlying story. So I jumped on the internet, and began google searching this stuff. Started listening to all the hidden radio audio files. It didn't take long at all before I found CoDz. I remember finding AlphaSnake's epic (G)rand Zombie Design thread, and my jaw hitting the floor. I never knew this game had the potential to get so deep before. I never knew how much I had missed in the WAW maps by not playing them. This was a turning point for me. I was a lurker of CoDz for a long time before ever joining. After seeing all the great work already posted here, I felt like there was nothing I could possibly contribute worth while. I'd probably just noob it up like I did that one time way back in Verruckt. So I spent a few months lurking and researching. I could stay current with all the stuff coming out with the Black Ops maps. But I had to play the catchup game with all the WAW and GKNova6 stuff. I think my body of work will show that. AlphaSnake became a member of CoDz on June 21st, 2010. Exactly one year later on June 21st, 2011 I, MixMasterNut, finally decided to become a member as well. This is ironic to me because AlphaSnake's work has always been my biggest inspiration. It's funny to see things come full circle. About the time I showed up, is when AlphaSnake's duties as a father forced him to take a break for awhile. Now some 9 months, and 1000 or so posts later, I see he's coming back and reading all of my material. It's quite an honor to receive the amount of praise I have from him lately, seeing as he's still remains my favorite storyline theorist. Not trying to swing on Alpha's nuts too hard, but I gotta give credit where it's due. My way of saying, 'thanks bro' In these months I've made a ton of friends here. Way too many to name, and I hope you all know who you are. I was lucky to join around the same time as a handful of, what now are, prominent members on this site. I feel fortunate to have built bonds and sharing in each other's wealth of knowledge, while mutually filling our own destinys to this point and beyond. Thanks for everything guys. And Thank You Staff members of CoDz for giving me this online playground to play in. Black Ops is probably my favorite game of all time. Treyarch did a masterful job of tricking me into learning more world history. I hope you guys visit some of my threads I've linked in the OP. There's way more stuff from me still to come...
  15. I'd recommend getting a computer with (minimum specs): Intel i5 processor 4 GB RAM NVidia GeForce 550Ti or ATI Radeon 6850 card
  16. Hi, I'm MixMasterNut, and I never made an introduction thread for myself, so this is probably long overdue. I'm going to let you guys know a little bit more about me. The kinda stuff you won't pick up in my normal forum posts. No other better way to celebrate my 1000th post, right? Even though I'm probably best known around here for my storyline theories, I consider myself a jack-of-trades when it comes to my place in the zombie community. I do hardcore zombie storyline research, pull off some impressive ingame scores/achievements, and run a HQ youtube channel dedicated mostly zombie gameplay. In this introduction I hope to give you guys a peek more about what makes up those facets of me. At this time, I'm a 31 years old gamer. I've been kiting the undead since the days of playing PacMan, on my Dad's Atari 2600. I've basically lived the better part of video game history, and have been gaming my whole life. I've graduated from college with a Bachelor's degree in Film Production, and an Associates degree in TV/Radio production. I work for a company that produces and sells 3D animation software. I enjoy learning history, as well as indulging on science fiction. Where the two meet together is the most fun part. Another interesting thing about me, is I'm a huge zombie nerd. I've definitely spent way too much time thinking about how I'd survive the impending zombie apocalypse. And I'm a bit of an encyclopedia on zombie lore. I like old horror films. When my twin sister and I were kids, we would scour all the local video rental stores for all their horror movies. I think we watched just about all the classic horrors on VHS. I love Marvel Comic books, and my all-time favorite comic book character has been Wolverine. I contribute much of my ability to uncover easter eggs, and build theories about the z-storyline, back to my days of playing pen & paper Dungeon & Dragons. I was very well versed in the Forgotten Realms cannon and most D&D material in general. As a Dungeon Master, I once ran a very successful 3.5 ed. Forgotten Realms campaign. So having 5-12 books sprawled out all over the floor and connecting the dots between passages in them, or building a thread between them, is something I thrived on. Now I do the same with this game and internet resources. I might add more here later.... I have a YouTube channel. Please check out my zombie videos and subscribe: http://youtube.com/MixMasterNutGaming I strive for Quality of Quantity in my posts here on CoDz. THREADS I'VE AUTHORED - STORYLINE THEORIES Jack Parsons & the Babalon Working Dragon Lady Close-ups of the Abominable Martyr Samantha is playing games with you GKNova 6 Vitruvian Man Transmission Tetrodotoxin = Zombie Powder GKNOVA6 TRANSMISSION #1 = "A is for Atom" GE 1952 Oppenheimer - Manhattan Project, Trinity, Brahmastra, & MJ12 Ascension is Located at Baikonur Explaining the Conehead Skull on Richtofen's Shrine Vostok 1 Control Panel Let's take a second look at the Ascension loading screen Ignamo Jubilus - note Dropa Stone Disks found on Shangri la and Moon Analyzing the Mural on Ascension NASA Moon image AS11-38-5564 Additional Kino Easter Eggs on Wii version Kino der Toten analysis (in French) Wunderwaffe inspired by Raiders of the Lost Ark The Ultimate Moon Loading Screen Analysis Pyramid found on Apollo 17 mission photograph Decoding the 31-79 JGb215 Shangri la Monkeys and Space Elevators Pentagon Thief Memento - Full Autopsy Report From Der Riese to Ascension Names of your ASTRONAUT ZOMBIES – Solo STRATEGY Zombie Survival Tip - Why I Keep a Claymore Pile All Wire Spawn Locations All Audio Reel Spawn Locations on Moon MISC. What are some good Custom WAW Zombie Maps to download? Killing Floor Laika Cosmonaut Dog Comic Book IRON SKY Comic book Issue #1 - BAD MOON RISING Shangri la seen in Mitsubishi Ad campaign MixMasterNut's Project/Research Outsource Center VERMIN SUPREME 2012 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE May Peace & Love be w/ You, - Mix
  17. Oh look, and announcement for an announcement :roll:
  18. Nice Find. These orchistrated 'leaks' on Kotaku always crack me up. :lol:
  19. Meoowww..... Emblem for ROC Air Force 35th Squadron, AKA the Black Cat Squadron :twisted: In 1958 the CIA made a secret agreement with the Republic of China (Taiwan) to create the ROCAF 35th Squadron. This was very much a Black Ops project run by the CIA. The US was to supply the planes, and the technical support for the missions. In exchange, the Taipei Airforce provided the pilots and shared intel logistics from flown missions over China. The Black Cat Squadron unit was created under the guise of performing high-altitude weather research missions for the ROCAF. The ROCAF were always kept in the dark about which American operatives they were in contact with, or even which government agencies they were dealing with. The project was known as Project RAZOR and was directly run by the CIA with the assistance of the USAF. The project was not under normal USAF control, and any personnel assigned to the unit were known as Detachment H on all documents. All Taipei personel were given Lockheed ID badges with fake ID's on them. The Black Cat squadron flew over 100 spy missions, and never had more than two U-2 aircrafts in it's service at any one time. The intelligence gathered by the Black Cat Squadron, included evidence of military build-up on China's border with the Soviet Union. This evidence revealed escalating tensions between the two communist countries. Some believe that this evidence is what led to the US opening trade to China during Nixon's administration. The Black Cat Squadron was disbanded in mid 1974 http://blog.rti.org.tw/english/2010/02/ ... e-history/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Cat_Squadron http://museum.mnd.gov.tw/English/Publis ... 62&Level=2
  20. Tell him he needs at least 200 kills to earn my respect :lol:
  21. If all NML is only about is kiting zombies, and PAP quickly, then I'm very curious as to what your friends' high kill score is? He must be a beast if it's so easy to do. Probably pumping 300+ kill NML games on the regular, right? Playing a long solo game is about patients, consistency, and playing it safe. NML is pretty much balls-to-the-wall zombie slaying action, where you are constantly teetering on a tight-rope between life and death. You must pull out all the stops every moment to be successful. You don't get too many moments to relax.
  22. Thanks 5and5. I watched your vid already, but this posts helps make your points from the video clear. I didn't realize you walk backwards at a slower pace. I was wondering why on PC I have a tendancy to get smacked more while walking backwards. This explains it. Another thing on PC I noticed is while knifing groups of crawlers, you need to jump backwards immediately following your slash, to try to get away from ankle biters. I find the no knife-lunging on PC to be double-edged sword. Sometimes lunging helps you. Other times its a gamble as to whether it's going to thrust you right where you don't need to be. At least on PC it's predicatable that you'll never mistakenly lunge. One advantage of this on PC is you can walk straight backwards and knife a zombie twice, before he hits you once. This is helpful for getting quick kills after the initial zombie sprint. On the other hand, if you watch my PC gameplay, you'll see me whiff all kinds of knife attacks while on the move.
  23. You guys need to Insta-subscribe 5and5's youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/Zomb0s4life
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