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Everything posted by Flammenwerfer

  1. The fireworks are definitely not the same ones seen in Die Rise. Die Rise's fireworks are much too small. They aren't nearly as big as the fireworks seen in MotD. Die Rise is located in Eastern Asia. Mob of the Dead is located in San Francisco. This is evident by the world map when selecting your location. It would be impossible to see the fireworks from that distance. You can also see San Francisco in the distance while on the Golden Gate Bridge. Also, the fireworks are going off in MotD because it's New Years Eve. The people of San Francisco are ushering in a new year, not knowing of the zombies in Alcatraz.
  2. Wow, Rissole, I agree with pretty much all of your ideas! That's some damn fine work.
  3. Maybe you accidentally activated the jump scare on the roof, but zoomed out just in time to miss the picture. That's what happened to me the first time.
  4. Definitely Group 935, seeing as how it was their facility. Also, nice avatar. ;)
  5. I've never seen it happen before last night. I've seen it sink under the ground, sure, but not sink and then go across the map.
  6. I personally think Americans vs. Germans would suit it better. ;)
  7. They won't release the mod tools. Activision wouldn't allow it. They allowed it in WaW because all DLC was free anyway for PC. However, not that Acti wants money for the DLC, seeing as how their sponsorship ran out, they don't want to risk losing money. For example, someone could take the time to make an almost exact replica of Nuketown Zombies. Instead of someone paying for the DLC, they could just download the fan-made version for free. Activision doesn't want something like that to happen.
  8. Last night, I decided to play TranZit on a whim. It had been a long time since I played it, so I decided "why not?" However, something strange happened. I was teleporting all around the map, trying to get to the power station. I would keep setting down my turbine, getting a Denizen on me, and then creating the hole. However, right by the corn field, as soon as I set down my turbine, it sunk into the ground and flung across the map. Has this happened to anyone else? GRILL claimed it happened to him also on the same day.
  9. You sir, are a boss Hahah, thanks! I got it from FanExpo last summer. Great time.
  10. I still think a Grief version of Verruckt would be fantastic. Four players on each side of the door, with two of each team on both sides. That would make for some very interesting games. ;)
  11. Oh dear, the Type 99. I'd like it, sure, as long as we don't have to use the Mystery Box in every location or hit the Fly Trap first! :lol:
  12. No more random Afterlife markers? Great news. Damn things annoyed me to no end.
  13. Although having all maps on disk would be neat, I'd rather not. I mean, come on, Black Ops weapons are better than Black Ops 2's weapons. I'd rather get the Commando out of the box than the M8A1.
  14. But, how did Weasel, a man from the 1930's, know who JFK, Nixon, Sarah Michelle Gellar and the like are? Or I suppose, going to be? They're real people. If this was all just a comic book, how would he know who they were? How would he know about the Nazis? How would he know about their "secret plans?" Die Glocke was a theorized item to be in construction during WWII. Also, why was his vision of the "future" rather tame compared to what most people in the 30's believed? We were supposed to have flying cars and time travel by now. How come his vision of the future is plain and un-exciting? He was a sci-fi fan, so why would he make the future boring instead of gripping and high-tech? Your theory is unique, but I can't say that I believe in it.
  15. Haha, thanks, but you're a little late on that one, bud. We're mods now. :P
  16. But it's your hidden recentK/D ratio they take into account. Not your overall ratio. That's why people go down ranks when they don't play for a while. It's also not just K/D.
  17. I'm guessing PS3, seeing as how he made a comment on its graphics. :|
  18. I hope the next map pack's name starts with something incredibly different, like a "T" or an "O" just so we can stop those ridiculous "FEAR RUSS" rumours. There's nothing off about Russman, it's Samuel that we should be "fearing."
  19. Alright, here's the deal. I was playing Mob of the Dead a couple nights ago. The game was pretty bad, seeing as how my lobby was full of new players. I had to keep reviving them, over and over again. I didn't think much of it at the time. However, today, I played Die Rise for the first time since Uprising came out. It was my first game since the aforementioned MotD game; I hadn't played any other map after it. While playing Die Rise, a teammate went down, so naturally, I went to revive him. Except, somehow, I gained the Quick Revive "upgrade." I thought this was strange, seeing as how I hadn't played Die Rise nor TranZit for quite some time, and I know I didn't revive much in my last games before Uprising. This was also my first time having the Quick Revive upgrade. The only thing I could think of was that I had somehow gained it in my last match of Mob of the Dead. Has this happened to anyone else? It's a known fact that you can't use any persistent upgrades in MotD, but the "fact" that you can still gain them interests me.
  20. No, it is not possible to "move" a built item from one workbench to another. Sorry, mate. :|
  21. They all look equally...meh to me. Seriously, Treyarch, just give the community what it wants. It wouldn't be that hard! You already got the texture! Give us Pack-a-Punch camo!
  22. Total K/D ratio doesn't count for anything regarding your rank. It's how well you've done in your recent games. Jimmy keeps tweeting that constantly. Your overall stats don't matter. It's your recent stats that do. If you keep getting x amount of kills and y amount of deaths in your latest games, or if you get to round z, those are the things that matter.
  23. As far as I know, there was no crashed plane, but that pyramid was always there. Also, the red dots on the moon refer to meteorites of 115. They've been there since Der Riese. The red dots also reference Griffen Station to some extent, as well. Marlton mentions banishment in the Nuketown bunker. Nobody really knows why he was "banished," or if he even was. For all we know he was just being dramatic.
  24. Talking about glitches here is pretty unneeded mate.
  25. Eh, maybe. Seem's more like a coincidence than anything.
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