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Everything posted by Tom852

  1. Now I did a survival IT WAS TRANZIT SRY game and had for some reason permanent quick revive, WITHOUT having the actual perk. "Reviving..." was stated in blue color. Is this related to the rank in some way? My mate has the same rank (blue eyes skull), but didnt have this benefit.
  2. Steam loads patches automatically when available.
  3. Actually not. But it got already corrected as it looks. Way most of what u said is already in there. Just the thing with giving points to friends isn't yet. I will add that tomorrow, cause it's quite late now. Can u PM me your google account email (think this is the same like on youtube), so you can edit directly. As well, everyone elese that wanna edit just inside the sheet, feel free to PM me your email, so I'll give you the permission. Thanks a lot for the sticky.
  4. Nope, it has nothing to do with the easter egg. I just got my blue eyes without having done the EE. Neither my friend has done it, but he got the blue eyes way before me, although he played way less than me. Hmm... Hope we know soon how this works, so we can level up quicker I've seen myself getting downgraded too. It must be some bonus/malus system, of which I obviously get many punishments due to my playtime :D
  5. Hey there. So there are some ranks shown next to your name. Bone 2 Bones Skull Blue Eyed Skull Skull with knife and stuff. So how do you level up? I played twice as much as one of my friend, but he got already a level higher than me. How does this work?
  6. Great work!! The map is just awesome. Did you do this on your own? Looks like a photo of a book or so (?) It's just sad that the resolution is not big enough. And the bank does store money for future games!! I don't know if it is important what you play (solo public custom) and stuff. But I did only customs to play without random noobs, and I went to the bank and got my 50k back from some previous game. I went to the fridge and got my ballistic back...
  7. bump and can i maybe have a sticky for it *asking friendly*
  8. my knowledge as far is written down in my sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... BZ1E#gid=2 see sections: ( buildables - navcard ) ( easter eggs - richtofen ) During the Richtofen ee, it says you have to use your navcards with the navcard machine, but it is not yet known how this works exactly. Does someone know, where the building spot for the cardreader is??
  9. Custom is not counting to the LB?? I do only priv=custom matches, cause so many friends are online. Man, that would suck.
  10. Can't u just activate power switch for the pylon and the green lights???
  11. Well, if you say Power Room or Reactor Room, people know what you are talking about. If you say Haarp something, nobody knows what you talk about. So lets keep it to general, universal known words, but not words that only a few people know. Well, I do not like the texture the "not editable" sections get by googledocs. I'm thinking of making it completely just visible, not editable. Edit: Done. So please add your changes as answers here or ask for permission.
  12. Yeah well, we are kinda dependent of the free-to-edit. Content would never be that good with private thing. I've also read some uncool things. But even there, it gets edited away quite quickly. I made it now so, that the complete parts are locked, but where we have a lack of content and in the free fields, you can still freely edit.
  13. yes go ahead. I don't know if I should start to lock the 'complete' parts of the sheet, cause people start now to abuse everything. thanks for all that helped.
  14. Thanks a lot owner, but you misunderstood me I instantly edited to starting post, I hope it's more clear now. There is a google-doc spreadsheet, that actually already answered those questions. The point is, that all of you guys can add everything you know, which is not yet stated in the sheet. The link is in the first post, right after the red big text.
  15. I am disappointed, way to less stuff and too small. BUT, now it comes: Tranzit gives me exactly what I want! A lot of stuff (Buildables, Bus, Boss, Fog-zombies, ....) and it's big...
  16. Good idea, but I have no clue what guns are in the box I hope people fill stuff in there!
  17. Hi, there you find a ton of information about Black Ops 2 Zombies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Akx9iCAz57g3dFdpcTVRMjJNX3BaVHBTOWQyclVBZ1E&pli=1#gid=0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have a missing piece of information or a correction, add it in the corrections sheet. The sheet answer questions, such as: [*:26bedce0]Where are the Perks? [*:26bedce0]Where are the buildables? [*:26bedce0]Where are the wallguns? [*:26bedce0]What are the boxguns? [*:26bedce0]Where is power? [*:26bedce0]How to handle the boss zombie? [*:26bedce0]Where are the music-teddies / bottles? [*:26bedce0]How do I complete the easter eggs? [*:26bedce0]In addition, you'll find a ton of nice-to-knows in there.
  18. Why is it always the writers fault, if a reader gets spoiled. If you don't wanna get spoiled, just don't read the forums. I mean you can't tell a news station not to talk about the superbowl (-ball?) results, just cause you have not yet seen the match. A forum is here to talk, and it is my strongest will to talk asap about EE's and gameplay and stuff. Since a forum is here to talk about those things, I don't give any attention on a 24h non-freedom of speech.
  19. I'll think of these but I don't know if I can make it... Blops 2 is coming ;)
  20. Thanks a lot crazy. I was thinking about more tips, but it's hard to find ideas. The only one I could think of was: Would you be interested in a vid, that you can/should/should not jump over the spike traps in Shangri, so that your team mates (zombies) are (not) blocked?
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