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Johnny Reklaw

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Everything posted by Johnny Reklaw

  1. not entirely sure what you are asking, but If I'm interpreting correctly, you are wondering if we spelled HITSAM and HYENA would it be one solid pathway (meaning someone could go AFK and not leave the lander) or would you have to call it to random locations. In that case, it can be spelled in one solid, fluid movement. It takes more landers (obviously) but it can be done. "sam" actually traces around the map.
  2. Yes, I believe that. Now stop spreading lies or Santa won't bring you any presents!!!
  3. i noticed it only does that after getting the 3 film clips....also, can it be blow up like in ascension?
  4. you always get a max ammo aroun round 4 so ya i am sirous i was just making a post trying to help new zombie players if you dont like what i have to say then dont read it Somebody tell me how to give this man [brains] and I will. I love that you're taking no poop from anyone!
  5. Problem is, there is a similiar sign going to the junkyard with a wrench and screwdriver. I think its just a directional sign... We have shot that poor centrifuge everywhere, we have tried everything. I think we need more to go on here....Any ideas?
  6. There are 13 that I know of....I tried shooting all 13 with no luck. Honestly, I think its more complex than that. Each step gets harder and harder. I think we need to think multi-step phases...something for each player to do.
  7. While the videos are definitely fake, "the handler" is not entirely out of the question (many good fakes take details from in game and expand upon them). In Kino Der Toten, the square room just off the lobby (between lobby and speed cola/mp40 room) holds pictures of our four heroes. You can actually get your character to comment on the pictures. But there is a picture of a blank individual. I believe I have heard reference to others noting a "fifth" missing person. Now, lets look at the 8 steps 1. Secure the keys. 2. Ascend from darkness. 3. Rain fire. 4. Unleash the horde. 5. Skewer the winged beast. 6. Wield a fist of iron. 7. Raise Hell. 8. Freedom. Ω. Sacrifice. (added in through the theory above) Now, remember that the level starts in Black and White...and the characters notice it themselves. While their lines cannot be entirely reliable (as Dempsey and others recognize the "Player"), it could also be cluing to "Ascending from darkness." Obviously, it is impossible to do the Easter Egg without the power, though it is possible to capture the generator and activate the power node in the junkyard (odd, given there is no power). Anyway, turning on the power, in my eyes, is "Ascending from Darkness" as we not only turn on lights and power, but go into color. But, that being said, what if there IS something to the order of Vorkuta. Using what NukaColaClear said to start off: 1. Secure the Keys = Secure the Generator The generator is Out of the map...you must bring it in map somehow...and we do! Any other Gersh device out of map is kidnapped by Samantha. 2. Ascend from Darkness = Turn on the power. 3. Rain Fire= Experience a monkey round. The level turns red and orange...like fire. I know we can't do the whole "Monkey round" section of the Easter Egg (can we?) but perhaps we are meant to have patience. Resnov makes it clear that hard work and patience pays off in freedom (for mason) at the end. Instead of jumping to "go hit the switch in the junkyard" perhaps we should wait past a monkey round. 4. Unleash the Hoard I'm totally lost here. I'm thinking have a zombie round too? Maybe unleash the hoard could be backwards, like sucking in the hoard into a Gersh device? I'm looking for revision here. 5. Skewer the Winged Beast= Shoot down the rocket. I've always thought there was more than shear fun and a "x2" to the whole shoot down the rocket thing. 6. Wield a fist of Iron- Perk-Cola Machines buttons while defending against monkeys. Reigning with an Iron Fist is a saying meant for a country or government that has zero tolerance for criminals. Defend all your perks WHILE hitting the buttons (anyone who has tried this knows its hard to do...especially if someone has Quick Revive...) 7. Raise Hell- Nuke the zombies on the pressure switch After 2 minutes of waiting....why is there a Nuke? Is it to catch the sleeping player or the one who is taking too long to piss? Or will the nuke Raise Hell to the zombies? (or bring more from Hell as its next to impossible to do this with a running zombie....) 8. Freedom- Free Gersh from the Device. I am combining the last two steps here. After the Pressure Switch, Gersh clearly says, "Okay one more" or one more step. Resnov clearly states that freedom is near and one step away (something like that...haven't done campaign since I beat it a while ago...). Following this...it is a sad conclusion as the sacrifice step may be the use of precious ammunition. Then again, as players are often completing this in the early 20's....ammunition isn't usually a problem. It is also possible that LUNA=Moon=SAM. Follow my argument here. Gersh, in the same step, screams "Okay one more. Help me! LUNA!!" Luna in another post (and from my personal knowledge) is a Greet (I think...maybe wrong on that) word for Moon. On the moon there is definitely an outline of a girl sleeping. Whose our favorite Zombie girl? SAM!!!! Literally, Help me! SAMANTHA!!!! Now, Luna is the keyword for his freedom. So, is sacrifice the sacrifice of your ammo? or does it mean something more? Perhaps, during the last steps of freedom, something must be sacrificed before the final steps can be accomplished. I know from experience, it is possible for only 2 people to activate the final stage of Gersh's freedom, I have done it (one person with Crossbow/Raygun/Dolls, another with TG/Gersh). This leaves 2 more to sacrifice. Still, you do give up a hefty amount of ammo as sacrifice. And it sounds cheesy....Perhaps like Cain from the Bible, a cheesy sacrifice leads to a cheesy reward (Meaning 90 second death machine after taking 10-20 rounds to free a guy) where as a "better" sacrifice will lead to a better reward? Anyway, there is my thoughts on the matter... Other ideas to consider: 1) What does "Hitsam" and "Hyena" have to do with this? 2) What about writing on the wall in Kino? (something about avoiding #6 and other sayings...) 3) With the blank picture in Kino...is there a blank Matryosha doll? (I know...misspelled, but this took forever to type and I'm dictionary lazy right now...) 4) I know of 13 batteries...are there 2 more I am missing making 15 (element 115...the 15 reference?) Enjoy!
  8. If you listen to the radios across the map, the man saved in the Easter Egg (Presumably Gersch) is trapped there by a man named Yuri. He is (again, presumably) being possessed or at least is channeling Samantha. Gersh is tricked into activating the Gersh Device and thereby trapping himself in the Casimir device. What happens to Yuri at the end is unknown...though he could be sucked into the device or killed as well....I'm going for sucked in because I believe there is more to the egg than we have cracked thus far. Back to the post on hand about the man in the centrifuge...I am curious. What keeps activating it? How does it stop? (There is a panic button in those things) and why isn't the glass broken on top?
  9. In looking at the moon....I have always seen the picture of a girl...I assumed Samantha. I'd post a pic...but google has failed me.
  10. To play devil's advocate with your theory...I take the stand that perhaps that is not the only code dealing with that Easter Egg. Having some programming in my past, it is generally acceptable to bunch all code together dealing with one event. IE: Easter egg is all in one section of the code. This makes its programming easier to find and quicker to load when it is running. (Meaning the easter egg programming is together, the programming for the song is together, the programming for the MB Layout, etc...) However, I have yet to see the entire protocol programming of the ENTIRE MAP anywhere. While I'm sure it is tied somewhat to the in-game zombie programming of the built in maps (to save space) I do see some vastly different programming for Ascension. 1. Zombie Gymnastics: Now they roll, jump like superman, and moonwalk like MJ Himself...This is new behavior for the zombies which the map must have overwritten. 2. Easier time with Wonder/Super weapons: Basically, the easter egg needs Gersh devices, TG's, etc...so they appear more often. In getting to level 41 in kino, with 4 people hitting the box every round, it was round 23 before we saw monkeys. in Ascension, the odds are better of one or more people getting Gersh devices. Same game we didn't get TG until 28, Ascension I have it almost every time before 15. I point this out to say, they changed programming in this map...and I'd like to see the entire programming. Why? Because there could be more easter egg programming hidden elsewhere in the game. There are a lot of flags that are tripped to trigger the end of the easter egg. All it would take to trigger another phase is "If [insert flag name here] =1 (allow [next easter egg]) In essence, you have to do easter egg 1 before 2. To do part 2. This is why I'd like to see the whole programming...to find part 2 if it exists. Yes, thats probably millions of lines of code, but I'm up for it. I do think its too anti-climactic for that to be the end, and I choose to be optimistic of the future, and believe that there is more. Maybe the code is incomplete? A future patch may add the final equations. Maybe hitsam and Hyena are false leads to throw off the hackers. Maybe this whole thing is to keep us guessing and away from Halo. Who knows.....
  11. Stupid question...were all 4 people on the lander at once? The DM is the heaviest weapon in game. Would that affect anything?
  12. It is an identical button on both the centrifuge top and bottom. I almost think it is a strobe light as there is the red light when it spins, but also a strobe...but something in my gut says no. I have spent some extensive time looking at it and other portions of the map I have also thought about that platform...what if there is some way to get on top, and you have to hit both buttons at once? Like the perk machine thingy (yes, thats a technical term). that would add an ounce of humor if a guy is staining on top and the alarm goes off to start the spinner.
  13. I have to agree with previous remarks in looking at the code. It clearly states one is a passkey, the other is a secret. perhaps patches will solve this at some point. I think it must be brought into the equation that the moon has the face of a child...given the only child in the game is Samantha, could hitsam be some kind of code for, as was said, "Hit Sam." Has anyone simply tried shooting the moon with 4 DMs? I know we are looking at specific letters...but would that open up new letters? Reactivate the old? I'd love to try this but none of my friends are on....and they all don't play zombies nearly as much as I do. Will try later unless someone else does first.
  14. Okay, Having said that I have now found 11 batteries total in the level....so perhaps shooting those as well will help? Some of these are outside the spawn room.
  15. Hi, I am new here, so forgive me if I repeat anything already theorized and debunked. I have read relevant posts (I think) on the first page or two...but I thought I'd add my two cents and see if I could possibly find some players willing to explore Ascension a little more for that "Next step." I guess that clarifies for myself that I am a believer that there is more to this process. I find it hard to believe that 90 seconds of death machines is all there is. Again, forgive me if I state theories already debunked, though I read some and have tried to avoid repetition. First, To debunk a few: 1) Being on a lander when SAM screams does nothing...I've tried. However, I spent a LONG time today studying Ascension, and I've found a few things. 1) I have found 4 batteries that say Sparky....and NO, I do not mean the 5 total batteries, but 4 batteries that actually say "Sparky." 2 are rather well hidden. What if we shoot those 4, and see what becomes of that? I've seen people shoot the 5 obvious batteries, but what about the 4 actual sparky batteries....2 of them are hidden well. 2) There are 5 power boxes that are rather odd in the map. Everything on the map is written in Russian...but the odd thing comes to the fact that the English word "Off" appears in the middle of them. They also look like they say "Normal" and "Emergency." Really weird detail...especially given the detail in this map. 3) are there other words to spell with the Lunar Landers that could open a second casimir device? I thought about "Yuri" or "Samantha." Neither is as fluid as Luna...but both could be spelled. 4) Has anyone tried to free Gersch during a zombie round instead of having a crawler. Try the hoarding method described here: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=6845& sid=caf6b220599463d1db7c7435341c51df Then, bring in all the zombies behind one player, like the merging hoarding describes, and have the other 3 players set-up the final node step in the process. The last player brings in the zombies as the gersch device is dropped. All the zombies go in during the process leading to a different affect? That's my theories that I can't seem to find posted anywhere...If people would like to help me flesh these out, my GT : Johnny Reklaw I'd love to discover the next step to this or hear more theories. Thanks for reading, Johnny
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