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Everything posted by UltimateSpaz

  1. have you played the der reise maps and heard the radios in there ? and i assume u meant to say Dempsy not dimze?
  2. hahah i like that idea of using the rides turn the into traps a swinging pirate boat turns into a good trap but the problem is the storyline woud be hard unless it was a coverup behind something zombie land is funny as Rule 1 the double tap
  3. You might have a point there. I've never actually had a good look at Speed Cola. Is there anything to suggest that the drink itself is green? its the drink itself that is green or what ever coulour it is because when you buy and drink at the top there is the clear bit where there is no colour just glass
  4. Epic find [brains] for you i heard a radio about something exploding (possibly the rocket?) that rocket might have been carrying space monkeys, fluffy managed to make the rocket crash? Btw that artwork is so epic i want waffle
  5. uhh it was an inside xbox video about ascension i think
  6. i find this sad an also confusing as the poster that had the zombies on it had all 4 wunder weapons
  7. i know what u mean sorry i thought it was kino i was just looking from home i deffs agree that less is easier
  8. I'm asuming kino but the rounds don't seem that long but lmg become useles even when packed like every other weapon does except shotguns and the wunder guns i use the syndicate rape train and it works really well hes on utube ive been to round 33 with 1 friend and round 32 by myself both times we had a thundergun
  9. just saying that did that in the original WaW but the graphics have been re touched
  10. i was thinking exactly the same thing
  11. IF it was a tshiot how about a zombies body? like with part missing or something and bullet wounds
  12. I was playing on computer with my buddie just us 2. And we were having fun and using the tele and then the teleporter went on once and there were 7 additional new lights 1 right in the centre on the ground where the moving circle type thing is and then there was 1 on all 6 of the spikes coming out the top that are attached to wires Then there was the other 1 to say the teleporter was ready. Can anyone help me and tell me what this is? sorry if this has already been posted i couldn't see it i pointed it out to my friend and he could see them too. we went in the tele and nothing changed really
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