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Anti Earth

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Everything posted by Anti Earth

  1. Just some random but interesting observations about Kino Der Toten. - The turrets CAN hurt you. Stand in the way of their bullets, and you recieve damage (and hear cool impact noises!) It doesn't kill you very fast, so you don't have to worry about doing it if you have Juggernog. - All turrets do not have a cool down period after their usage. - Turrets are EXTREMELY deadly against Hell Hounds! I mean, EXTREMELY. Try it next dog round. You can camp in a corner and teabag, the turret will kill every dog! - All PaPed guns become automatic, (EXCEPT pump action shotguns and the Zues Cannon...and the PaPed m1911...) AND I MEAN ALL! Yes, even normal shotguns, rocket launchers, etc) - The NON-PAPED raygun is BETTER at killing crawlies than the PAPED raygun! I am not even joking on this one, try it out! With the non paped, you shoot a zombie which becomes a crawlie... You shoot it again and it dies. With the Paped, you shoot a zombie and it becomes a crawlie... You shoot it again... and again... and sometimes once more... and it dies. - Within the Pentagon office room (that is accessed by teleportation from the PaP machine), is an interactive rocket. (for PS3...) Holding square and pressing triangle on it causes it to fly through the roof. - Dogs can be OUTRUN by simply WALKING away from them with your back to them. I use this facet to survive every dog round. That dog giving you grief? Just walk away. But seriously, the dog engine is the same one was SHI NO NUMA in W@W. The dogs in SNN could NOT hit you if you walked away from them. That is not the case in Der Riese however... - When holding square (PS3) on the large portrait of the stranger in Kino, all characters (except himself) claim it to be Richtofen, at a younger age. However, it is almost clearly not him. (or maybe it is) eg: "Richtofen looks alot younger in this picture" It may well be Richtofen, as the character is fatter and Richtofen is very sick (thus losing weight). There is certainly resemblance. - On solo, during a self revival after death (using quick - revive), you do not have dual weild - PaPed m1911s, unlike FIVE where you do... On Kino, you instead use whatever pistol you have. (Actually, maybe you DO get DW PAPED M1911 if you don't already have a pistol). - Electric barriers last for A MUCH LONGER TIME than they do in Der Riese - Takeo is the only character to NOT swear during any of his quotes. (Partial Credit to SnowDog and Bazzainver and TheZombinator for this random observation...) - The film playing on the projector consists of pictures that are from Campaign Cutscenes (as has already been pointed out in another thread. This is a RE-MENTION. Don't think I discovered it). - When 'knifing' with the Bowie Knife when playing as NIKOLAI, you will notice that NIKOLAI HAS NO SHOULDER! As his arm comes around, you can see 'inside' the end of his arm and thus everything is cut away. It appears as if his arm is floating. This is only visible for a very short time during the knife animation. (It's a graphical glitch, allright???) - After activation of the 3rd meteorite as Dempsey, the following character quote is supposed to be from Dempsey, but it sounds very much like another person. This could be due a lack of recordings from Dempseys voice actor saying this line during game development: "Oooh, I found the hidden song. Awesome" Listen to it, you'll know what I mean. It's a try hard Dempsey voice, not the real thing. - There are now BUBBLES in the Perk drinks (as can be seen whilst drinking one) that were not present in Der Riese (and earlier) - The Gas Zombies have the ability to climb down a vertical wall, yet they CAN NOT climb up the vertical wall of the stage, and must use the ramps.... FAIL.... - If you are close enough to a dead Gas Zombie to be hurt by it's Gas explosion, your vision will be far more blurred than if you had walked into the Gas cloud. The very blurred vision lasts longer aswell. - There are only TWO zombie spawn points that are ACTUALLY windows. These are situated in the Alley way and downstairs of the room with the 2nd meteorite (seperated from Alleyway by a chain fence). The rest of the zombie spawn points are broken doors, holes in the roof... - There are boxes with teddies in them upon the stage that, ARE NOT BOX SPAWN POINTS. There is one in particular infront of a House-Background-Prop that is identical to a zombie spawn point except that it is situated upon a green box which increases its height. - During a box move, if you shoot the floating Teddy with a ballistic knife, it will float away with your knife. (Yes, I just did this Bloody teddy) ) - Headshots with the ballistic knife on Gas Zombies with no legs, ALWAYS gets an instant kill (that is so random, I know! I need a hobby). - If you stand beneath a "hole-in-the-roof" zombie spawn point, the zombies will jump on your position and you will be pushed to the side. Then it will rape you unless you run :| - Unlike the electric barriers, you CAN NOT run through the Fire-Pit-Trap and survive, even with Juggernog! (However, you may dive across the corner, as pointed out by IpunchBabies) - If zombies are too far away, the Thundergun (and Zues Cannon) will only push the zombies to the ground. They will then get up and continue advancing (and they'll be bloody pissed) - The Winters Howl CAN NOT be obtained in Kino. It is strange that the Thundergun can.... (They are both present in the pentagon in FIVE, on tables or in cabinets) - The PaPed raygun DOES NOT appear PaPed to other players, when you're holding it. - The ThunderGun can ONLY reload entire clips at a time. - Grenades are MUCH STRONGER than they were in Der Riese, as is the starting pistol. - If a team mate is DOWNED in the teleporter and their are already zombies in the teleporter, although you CAN jump in and teleport, the zombies that WERE ALREADY IN THERE WILL NOT be killed by the electricity. They WILL die after you appear at the PaP (but you will probably have been downed by them by then. I was in a game, this happened, the downed person and I both ended up stuck in the PaP room... I got downed during teleport. It sucked. We knew we were doomed ) - Unlike Der Riese and it's predecessors, Crawlies CAN be jumped and dived over in Kino. - You can pick up Movie-Reels when inside teleporter rooms, yet you can't pick up any of the MANY, scattered reals around the theatre and the PaP room! Inconsistancy O_o - It IS POSSIBLE to down yourself by diving off the top flight of stairs in the starting room, TWICE in quick consession. It's also pretty fun. - It IS possible to shoot your team mates , causing them to grunt! - There is a yellow, flickering spotlight on the stage, that is often never spotted. It's obvious if you are looking up for it. (only when power has activated) - There are no Gas Zombie spawn points in the Alleyway, it's neighbouring building or the Changeroom! - Starting a round in the Alleyway and remaining there will remove all Gas Zombies from that round (Due to the fact that zombies only spawn from the closest spawn points, and since there are no proximate Gas zombie spawn points, there's no Gas Zombie spawning!) Moving out of the Alleyway during a round will cause Gas Zombie spawning! *THIS RANDOM OBSERVATION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY LLAMASPYJAMAS!* - There are a few, isolated lights throughout the theatre that are on BEFORE the power is turned on. One such light is just above a barricade in the spawn room. * THIS RANDOM OBSERVATION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY BAZZAINVER!* ________________________________ Okay, i think that's enough random, interesting info. Anybody want to share some more? :D
  2. Hey, remember that thread where 'StopDropandKills' said that the rocket within a Kino teleporter room (the pentagon office room), could be launched by holding square (on PS3)? And somebody noclipped into the room confirming that there was the 'use' symbol? And everybody thought he was lying?? Well I just got to round 36 on Kino today playing solo (my record! ) and I came across the rocket room. I walked toward the rocket and held square, and whilst doing this, I pressed triangle. The rocket flies off through the roof. HE WAS TELLING THE TRUTH! There rocket flies straight through the office roof (which is pretty stupid. There's no whole or cracks or impact or anything). There are NO flames coming out of the rocket, it just moves up and out of the room. (it accelerates on the way up, so it DOES look a little bit like an actual launch) So yeah, there we go. Mystery solved. Press triangle on it :)
  3. yeah, I agree! The BO MP maps are horribly tiny! Thinking back, some of the W@W maps are HUGE in comparison!
  4. Haha, omg we all just got owned But especially Code Is Me! So nerrr!!! :P
  5. Yeah, it's not needed! I mean, the damn gun just blows everything away! I'm not sure how much accuracy is really needed :|
  6. I had a similiar glitch on Kino! I bought the bowie knife and I couldn't run! Little different I guess though :P
  7. Ohh, KNo! Was it possible to shoot yourself with the PaP ballistic knife while downed? That would be epic! Umm, timberwolf. He may have accidentally moved ontop of you whilst reviving you. Doing this would down him immediately (due to a strange attempt to stop glitching by Treyarch). He wouldn't even need to jump, I have been pushed ontop a person I was reviving by a crawlie and been downed! :|
  8. Hmm, I think it's a good theory, however. I don't think the thief is responsible for the random guns lying around FIVE. He's not working at FIVE. I am lead to believe this by the voice at the start of the thief round. It basically claims that a breach has been detected and there's an intruder inside the pentagon. This causes a pentagon security lock down (which is why you can't use the elevators). So everytime the Thief visits the pentagon, it goes into lock down. So why would he choose to work there? Why not simply work where he's teleporting from? :geek:
  9. no, no they don't! Read my god damn original post!!! :P
  10. Post the updated ladder, you lazy moles! Hurt: M1911 Heal: Hs10 M16- 1 Famas- 1 AUG- 6 M14- 1 Galil- 5 FN FAL- 1 MP5K- 2 AK74u- 3 MPL- 2 Spectre- 2 L96A1- 2 Stakeout- 2 SPAS-12- 2 HS10- 0 FATALITY HK21- 6 RPK- 2 M1911- 1 Python- 3 CZ75- 2 CZ75 dual wield- 4 Ballistic Knife- 5 Crossbow- 3 MP40- 6
  11. Okay, here comes some REPEATED refuting. 1- "There is no bullet hole" = The bullet hit him where there IS HAIR covering it on the Thief. The Thief's hair covers his wound. 2 -"Clarke is dead" = Zombification. The game is full of it 3- "Zombies are dumb. Thief takes guns" = As we hear on the radios, they are trying to control the zombies. The thief is a good example of a success. 4- "Thief is in the wrong time" = Time travel. Also present in the game 5- "If he time traveled, why is he older?" = Because your age doesn't reset, idiots! He could have time travelled way BEFORE the time of FIVE, and thus grown older through time until reaching the time of FIVE. 6- "He's not wearing CLarkes clothes" = Clarke was a scientist. I am sure he once wore a lab coat. 7- "Clarke was shot in the brain. Zombies need brains" = An entirely unsupported claim. No where in Nazi Zombies does it say Zombies need a brain. They are UNDEAD. Their brains have long rotted away. So there you go, some of you are just being total idiots. Especially commander, claiming I am not responding to his doubts. I have already said alot of the above already. Yet, Commander posts more doubt, such as "How did he get to the pentagon?" How the bloody hell should I know? All I know is that he's there.
  12. Why? You think somebody that is capable of stealing your guns is incapable of putting on a lab coat? :facepalm:
  13. You're the one who wants Activision to give you free stuff. Activision employees work hard to make the games that you play and only make the games because it pays them money that they need to feed their families. You're the one who wants to extort Activision. I never said I wanted to be given FREE stuff? you love to extort the truth, don't you? Don't call people greedy when they are sensible enough to realise the scams imposed on them. Think of it like this... Commander, give me all your money right now, for this shitty, overpriced lolly pop No? Greedy
  14. You think it could contain secrets of defeating the Thief easier in FIVE? Maybe the bowie knife kills him easy, and he's easier if you have lots of points? Maybe that's a little too retarded :P
  15. Have you ACTUALLY READ my initial post? It tells you how to do it :facepalm:
  16. Okay. If anybody has got any evidance to why the Thief ISN'T Clarke, feel welcome to share it. DOUBT IS NOT EVIDANCE Saying "how does the chronologicality work?" IS NOT EVIDANCE It's called fuel for doubt, so go away
  17. Wait... I'm a greedy hypocrite, by SPENDING MORE MONEY than I know I should? Buddy, that means I'm the opposite. It means Activitision is the greedy one. Have a great day, Troll
  18. Map packs are THE BIGGESt scam in the gaming industry... EVER... And what's worse, the disc usually already contains the content, you just download an activation extension. That's EXACTLY what they did for Assassins Creed 2. And that, IS BULLSHIT. You buy the game, but some parts of the disc are just locked away, and you have to pay MORE money to unlock them! -.- GRRRRR
  19. I guess you have completed missed the time-travel theme in the game then.... :facepalm:
  20. Yeah, My uncle is sending me a photocopied version of the book 'profiles in courage' When I recieve it, I'll decode all of them I DID discover the codes during the mission, but they had already been discovered, just underrated (they never recieved tha appropriate attention) The current screenshots are from WhosOnFirst! MEGA KUDOS TO HIM!!!!!!! (ALL of the screenshots from the terminal are from him, and all the rest I only recieved because of a link he provided! )
  21. It does seem like organised randomness to me... All the lab teleporters (except the one by the power switch) take you to another lab teleporter. The power swtich teleporter takes you to the War Room or the Starting Room. But, during the thief round, entering the last teleporter the thief entered will take you to wherever the thief currently is... Gah, I don't know! :(
  22. THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN DISCUSSED ON THE FORUM AND A PICTURE IS ALREADY ON THE FORUM, OF THE GOLDEN DG3 God Damn it, use the search function! There have been SO many multiple threads recently!
  23. WHY did everybody ignore AlsomDude? THIS HAS BEEN DISCUSSED ON THE FORUM! A VERY LONG TIME AGO In fact, very soon after BO was released.... __ Although I understand it would be hard to find it in a search, seeing as there are no obvious keywords.
  24. @commander... You look a long time to say nothing there... @Mako... How fustrating is it? They have no evidance at all, just strong doubt! Guys, I don't really care how 'it just doesn't seem right' to you. You've got no reason to not accept it. Just go away if you don't believe it, god damn!
  25. aha, thanks! I thought somebody might have written them up but alot stuff on this forum goes unnoticed, when some random event happens (like all that terminal stuff)! i'm just compiling it all now I guess! IF THERE IS ANY MORE POSTS UNRELATED TO THESE NUMBERS, OR THE ILLUMINATI, THEY WILL BE REPORTED AS OFFTOPIC
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