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Everything posted by kuoguy

  1. 111111-6 (i think) H is bentheren t is 111111 HL is GK i think sorry about repeating we are .........??>?>?...
  2. yeah, but he's got problems paying the bandwidth bills so i wouldnt think he'd spend more money for a *simple hoax *complicated
  3. kuoguy


    nobody knows for sure
  4. yeah, we must take everything as a possibility untill we get some sort of confirmation from one side
  5. well im questioning whether H and T are truthfull, maybe GK is the truth. or maybe thats desperation talking :?
  6. i would think bad unless H and T are giving us lies?
  7. You think henry langham's been lying and he is GK? GK-HL 111111= 6 GK6 cant find a nova though HOW'S YOUR WIFE? *Nova could be an acronym or mean explosion*
  8. the date at the bottom of the last page is 09/11 but in dd/mm format- cod bo release date
  9. kuoguy


    it led people to a website (gknova6.com) and transmissions started appearing every now and again on the website only six though treyarch havnt confirmed anything but there has been clues
  10. kuoguy


    hard to sum up something so complicated and confusing- the drop is most interesting- Carbonfibah (site creator) was given a briefcase while at a cod 7 event of some sort. anyway the man who gave it him ran away and stuff- read here-http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=101&Itemid=119
  11. i got HD everything and its no clearer
  12. but how does being bitten turn her into alma wade? idk, jesus?
  13. Hitler did talk about a NEW ORDER but bot a new WORLD order it was in meine kampf (my life/story) (that book he wrote while in prison) Id just like to mention thatthe drop that happened a while ago- there was an american dollar with it, did it have the pyramid with an eye thing on it or do all dollar notes have that?
  14. she was bitten by the hell hound maxis created because edward locked them in the room with it but that begs the question of what happened to dr maxis? it was her dog but her dad (maxis) experimented on it, or its puppies
  15. This is the page from the book were the page turns too fast to read- Just thought i'd show you- not very good quality but it moves too fast: http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/3170/pagep.jpg
  16. it says sally not sam the only link there is the 's' my mistake
  17. samantha was written on the gun in the black ops picture so that (for me) is quite a direct link to zombies its all there but just in a messed up order in gknova6 which is now apparently a lie....
  18. How do you know Carbon agreed with TA to not say anything? I think that they just agreed to not talk about some of the things he might have seen while at Treyarch headquarters. I can confirm that he did infact sign a TA. I know this because i was asking him questions about GkNova6 aInd he said that he cannot answer one of the questions that i asked him because he signed a TA. HERE is a suspicious thing that he said to me "Join the dots, Bassicly part all of the peices of the story together to make one GIANT story, Remember the dots". I myself still havn't managed this yet but hopefully someone will. why havent you told anyone this? im gonna look through now-
  19. actually, if you listen to dr. rictophen he talks about the illuminati and how it should continue=)! forgot about that, lol
  20. it is true that russia america and indeed germany dabbled with mind control and thats an interesting idea
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