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Everything posted by play2often

  1. all i can make out is (far left) the unfinished pyramid symbol on the dollar bill and (center) a newspaper article with a guy's picture. edit: i stand corrected, on top of the pyramid, that's not the all-seeing-eye, it's some circular symbol i'm not familiar with.
  2. I was just about to post about this, i cant tell there has to be hundreds of pistols that look just like that, very generic. The weird thing about it is how the barrel of the pistol seems to get smaller as it goes on. I think thats just because they messed up the icon for it. looks almost like a luger, b/c of the sloped grip, and the raised area at the back.
  3. In the second set of pictures down the page, in the one on the right, there is a silenced pistol in the inventory. I can't tell what it is. What pistol has a profile like that?A 'hump' above the grip.
  4. waw was my first online multiplayer fps experience, loved every minute of it. and the zombies aswell. i personally like mw2's campaign as much as waw's, although i can't say the same for the rest.
  5. NOTE: i origionally saw this on the official black ops forums, i take no credit in finding it. during a q and a session with the studio developing the DS version of black ops, one of the screenshots provided clearly shows a ppsh. it's not the ds version of waw, b/c the player is shooting at north vietnamese troops. this is NOT confirmation that it will be on consoles as well, as ds versions of cod often have different guns, but there's hope at least. http://ds.ign.com/articles/110/1108711p1.html
  6. also, while looking at doc 1, notice about halfway down the page, on the left: almost looks like cracked paint, like when you paint a piece of paper, then bend it after the paint dries, it cracks. also, above and below this, there appear to be crease or fold lines on the 'paper', or whatever was copied. not sure what it could be, maybe a wild guess here: paint flaking off of the u-2 'dragon lady'
  7. on the third page, notice that newspaper clipping on the far right: "Haunted ...... Harrassed ...... (word starting with U) Fo(r?)
  8. i'm shocked no one has said they are doing an audio/spectral analysis of the morse code audio clips from the live drop. (I don't have the software or i would have...)
  9. it's probably something hiding in plain sight that we are overlooking, and then when it's revealed, some of us will feel like idiots. hope not tho! and what about entering in those numbers on the machines as a password?
  10. very good quality topic. i wouldn't be surprised if 'sally' is actually related to this, although we have no solid evidence yet. nice job.
  11. regarding that gun rack we saw at about 8 minutes in, did a little research on the l85 that was there: the prototype was finished in '76, but there are similar looking bullpup assault rifles going back to 1945, such as the american/philipino model 45a, and the british em-2, which both look like the L85. interesting. (and no, that airsoft l85 can't be used to test the g11 reload animation, nor for the AUG as there is an airsoft AUG right above it. hmmm)
  12. not necessarily, they're air-soft guns, I'm sure that they are just for practicing different ways of reloading, just like the way that he shows how to reload (or whatever it was) one-handed. I think that they just practice a little bit. that may be so, but why would they be practicing reloading on weapons that aren't in the game. edit: and i think that was an m1911 he was showing him how to reload one-handed.
  13. today i opened up the new issue of gameinformer, and in one of the gamestop ad pages, it says the following: "An Expensive Designer Suit. Get a unique high-altitude flight suit for your xbox live or playstation home avatar when you pre-order Call of Duty: Black Ops." not sure if this is the only pre-order bonus, hopefully there's something else.
  14. ****! i was about to post this, got my hopes up i would bring something new. but anyway, anyone notice the gun rack at 8:09 with the scorpion, mac-10, uzi, ak-74, mp5, alongside the aug, spas, and other confirmed weapons!! but what's under the scorpion, and under the aug, an L96?!?!?!?!? and in the spetznaz simulation, it's most likely an m16a1, not an a4.
  15. i don't think GK is someone's initials, it's just too vague, plus too many people have gk as initials, unless it's refering to some prominent historical figure that i've never heard of.
  16. special officer doofy ftw. but regarding the morse code, i tried to figure it out but i couldn't tell a . from a -, it was going too fast. however if someone puts it in a sound analysis program on their computer it should make things easier as the - will be seen as small plateus while a . will be a peak. but i've listed to the other morse code clips and i can hardly tell if some of them are morse code.
  17. i don't think care packages were a bad concept, tho everyone seems to hate them. i'm wondering if they would be better if they contained a random WEAPON rather than killstreak. logic being that, assuming guns are more balanced, it won't matter what gun someone has, they need to have skill to use it. i've never heard someone say that copycat is overpowered. regarding the video posted above, rolf! altho i liked the mw2 campaign, the multiplayer stuff was well put, russian w/ gameboy, we've been emp-ed, electronics down! :lol:
  18. apparently, an xbox user by the name of Group 935 contacted vosty3. here is a link to the article: http://www.wethegamerz.com/forum/conten ... ombies-%29
  19. regarding the cipher ring in the live drop, has carbon posted all the numbers and letters on it in order? he doesn't have to specify the length or spacing since it's clear that it's written on lined paper, one # or letter per line. i personally want to make one of my own to see if it shows any meaning to the poster numbers or any others we know.
  20. well DUTOV is the last name of a Russian WW1 general, don't think it's relevant to us tho.
  21. i hope there is at least something more to be discovered. i seriously hope there will be more to tide us over until november rolls around. but carbon seems confidents that the live drop was it, and considering how much he and others figured out, i have no reason to doubt. hope i'm wrong tho :)
  22. careful, everyone. remember on that tape obtained during the 'live drop,' how that guy said he (they) would pollute conspiracy sites with false information. i'm not calling Ventna a liar, but this information differs from what we've learned so far. most of what we know about GKnova6 focuses on hypnosis, brainwashing, and some sort of viral despersion. this could be another piece of the puzzle, but imo we need another piece to connect this to what we allready know, so to speak.
  23. regarding the origional post: interesting. good find!
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