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Everything posted by DancingZombie

  1. Dude I just saw this and taught I would post it because you guys might be interested. Its not mine and I'm not looking for brains man. Like I said this is not mine. I am just posting it!
  2. Well the morse code was a load of jiberish. Heres what I got "ISIS5SI5S". If you guys want to try yourselves, heres what you might need: Morse code translator Morse code wikipedia
  3. This is starting to get a bit strange now because once again, another person claims to have played on ascencion and what he says about being in the submarine and lagging out at a low round matches what D-Block said. But here is what this guy wrote. Note that I will have the link to the thread and website below so you can check it out your selves. Click here to view the thread
  4. Heres a video I found on YouTube that shows the rocket launch xGYeJ2x9Yk0
  5. DancingZombie


    WTF!?! The title is so misleading lol. But yeah I agree with the guy above me!
  6. I can't really understand all this but what I think you guys are saying is that "Ascencion" will take place at Baikonur Cosmodrome and that you will either be killing zombies on the launch site or in the rocket its self. What this brings me to believe is that if we were fighting zombies in the rocket, then the next zombie map will be on the moon because of the whole space race thing and the idea of element 115 being up there. Like I could imagine ascencion being a giant rocket that you are in and you are on the way to the moon. While you are on the way, you are killing a bunch of zombies. The next zombie map will show that all for men made it and that they have had a successful flight to the moon but their objective now is to retrieve element 115 and safely bring it back to earth. Sorry if this is stupid but just my idea!
  7. No I really strongly believe this guy. The reason why is because he said that the picture for the map was checkered and in mw2, if you ever went into a legit 10th prestige lobby, the map was always checkered. Also, does anybody remember before the first map pack came out for mw2, you could go into a lobby for the new maps before they came out and they would be called things like "mp-salvage1" and the map would also be checkered. The other thing is that this all sounds too professional to be made up and I really don't think that he would put all that effort and time into making something that is fake...
  8. LOLIKNEWITB4UANDIACTUALLYTOLDUANDUDIDNTNOABOUTTEHCAMERASPIKE Decoded: lol I knew it before you, and I actually told you and you didn't know about the camera spike! :D
  9. Not ALL 12 year olds do that im 12 and my emblem is CoD4 Really? I always taught you were a little older because of the way you write so formally on the forums. Anyways, yeah its pretty annoying alright. It just goes to show how many millions of men like to have a penis to stare at while they play. :?
  10. Thank you Johnson, heres some for you for being genorous!
  11. lol the 4th video is my favourite!
  12. I know that I posted two of these videos before but there are some new ones that I wanted to show you guys 1) -4X5Vh0HjOw 2) j6mXAHBgseQ 3) vjQQf9C4ryc 4) dWbzsqTie60
  13. Lfam2h-S7co This is pretty cool. I haven't seen this posted before so I taught this would help you guys out!
  14. Call of Duty: Black Ops Perks Below you will find the full Call of Duty: Black Ops perks list. Tier 1 perks now effect the appearance of your character. Pro Perks are unlocked by completing 3 specific challenges whilst using the standard version. Lightweight Standard: Move Faster Pro: +No Falling Damage Scavenger Standard: Resupply from dead bodies. Does not resupply launchers or equipment Pro: + Doubles your starting ammo with extra magazines, replenishes tactical grenades Ghost Standard: Undetectable by Spy Plane and Blackbird Pro: + Undetectable by aircraft, Dogs, Infra-Red and Sentries. The enemy won’t see your name or a red crosshair when targeting you Hardline Standard: Killstreaks 1 kill early Pro: + Get a second chance on the result of care packages Flack-Jacket Standard: Extra explosives resistance Pro: + Extra fire resistance and reset fuse when you toss back grenades Hardened Standard: Extra Bullet Penetration Pro: + Bullets do extra damage to Aircraft and Turrets. Reduced flinch when shot at Scout Standard: Hold Breath Longer Pro: + Switch between weapons faster Steady Aim Standard: Extra accuracy when shooting from the hip Pro: + Quicker aiming after sprinting and quicker recovery from knife lunge Sleight Of Hand Standard: Faster Reload Pro: + Faster aiming down sights with non-scoped weapons Warlord Standard: Two Attachments On Primary Weapon Pro: + Start with one extra lethal and tactical grenade (except smoke) Marathon Standard: Longer Sprint Pro: + Unlimited Sprint Ninja Standard: Move Silently Pro: + Louder enemy footsteps, makes you completely silent Second Chance Standard: Pull out pistol before dying Pro: + Survive longer and any team mate can revive you Hacker Standard: Detect enemy equipment and explosives Pro: + Booby trap enemy Care Packages and turn enemy killstreaks and equipment friendly Tactical Mask Standard: Reduce the effect of Flash and Concussion grenades Pro: + Reduces the effects of Gas and Concussion grenades. Reveals the location of a flashed or stunned enemy
  15. Thanks. But like I said, sorry for re-posting something that has already been posted like 10 times before!
  16. All Codes Enter "3ARC UNLOCK" to unlock zombie map "Five" Enter "3ARC INTEL" then "YES"as a code to unlock all Intel NOTE: when enabled you cannot earn the achievement for finding all intel in Campaign Enter "DOA" to unlock the "DEAD OPS ARCADE" after unlocked it can be selected in the "choose map" in zombie menu Enter "ZORK" as a code to unlock the Zork (The Great Underground Empire) text-based adventure game Enter "HELLO SAILOR" as a code and it unlocks Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (an incredibly great text adventure from 1980) Enter "HELP" as a code to display a list of system commands in the terminal and Pentagon user e-mail access Enter "CAT [filename]" as a code to open the corresponding file Enter "DIR" as a code to display a list of audio files and pictures for use with "CAT" command Enter "WHO" as a code to display a list of login names for use with the "RLOGIN" command (requires passwords) Enter "FOOBAR" as a code and it gives a strange message ("Fee Fie Foe Foo!") Enter "ALICIA" as a code and it loads "Alicia", a virtual therapist Enter "RLOGIN DREAMLAND" as a code to Remote login to Dreamland server using username/passwords (see below) All Usernames And Passwords Login as Bruce Harris - Username: bharris, Password: goskins Login as D. King - Username: dking, Password: mfk Login as Adrienne Smith - Username: asmith, Password: roxy Login as Vannevar Bush - Username: vbush, Password: manhattan Login as Frank Woods - Username: fwoods, Password: philly Login as Grigori "Greg" Weaver - Username: gweaver, Password: gedeon Login as J. Turner - Username: Jturner, Password: condor75 Login as Jason Hudson - Username: jhudson, Password: bryant1950 Login as John McCone - Username: jmccone, Password: berkley22 Login as Joseph Bowman - Username: jbowman, Password: uwd Login as John F. Kennedy - Username: jfkennedy, Password: lancer Login as Lyndon B. Johnson - Username: lbjohnson, Password: ladybird Login as Richard Nixon - Username: rnixon, Password: checkers Login as Richard Helms - Username: rhelms, Password: lerosey Login as Richard Kain - Username: rkain, Password: sunwu Login as Ryan Jackson - Username: rjackson, Password: saintbridget Login as T. Walker - Username: twalker, Password: radi0 Login as Terrance Brooks - Username: tbrooks, Password: lauren Login as William Raborn - Username: wraborn, Password: bromlow Rlogin to Dreamland as Robert Oppen: Username: roppen, Password: trinity Rlogin to Dreamland as Vannevar Bush: Username: vbush, Password: majestic1 I know most of this has been posted before but im pretty sure that some of the usernames and passwords have bever been posted before. Anyways, sorry if this is spam!
  17. Firstly I just want to say that this is hard to explain and I might get a few things wrong but I will try my best! So in the video below, it talks about how the Illuminati are trying to enforce the "Transhumanist Agenda". One part of the video says how the Illuminati torture people or electric shock people to get them to a horrible state and while they are in this state, they start the programming. Sound familiar? In the story of Black Ops, this whole concept has happened to Mason because if you look down at Mason's chest while in the main menu, you will see blood stains were his nipples are so clearly he was being tortured. He was also being electrocuted quite alot in the game so this might be the Illuminati that was doing this to him? Mason was programmed in Black Ops and to do what I don't know but I'm pretty sure that this has something to do with the programming that was done to Mason. Like I said, this is hard to explain and I might be mixing a few details up but watch the video below and you will see what I am trying to say. 0leaCIE11uM
  18. Lol thanks, hopefully there will be more to come from this guy because he is funny as hell and the leap frog tactic is actually very usefull :lol:
  19. j6mXAHBgseQ And here was the first video for people who haven't seen it! -4X5Vh0HjOw
  20. Here you go... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4X5Vh0H ... r_embedded
  21. lol thanks. I for one will be using the fish from now on XD
  22. You forgot the spawn system. It makes me very paranoid when I'm playin on TeamDeath match lol. Thats the only big thing that I don't like about Black Ops.
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