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Everything posted by AlphaSnake

  1. :shock: Thats a lot of 115. So they were mining out the 115. Regards Alpha.
  2. :lol: I'm an Indiana Jones fan... Here the Icon again, this skull definitely looks Alien to me. There is also an ancient swasitka design: Regards Alpha.
  3. It's Agartha: The Golden Dawn Nazis, Hollow Earth & Shangri-La Link. Regards Alpha.
  4. It looks like a pressure switch. Regards Alpha.
  5. Sorry Liam that was me, the posts get reorder by time posted. Regards Alpha.
  6. Not even close mate. Regards Alpha.
  7. How do you fit an elephant in a small room with four zombie killers? QwhUl1fy740 Heard @ 5:23. You shrink it! What does the new wonder weapon in Shangri-La do? Shrinks things!!! So did Richtofen steal this new weapon the 31-79 JGb215 From the Room/Lab in Call of the dead, which would make this weapon Russian in origin, as CotD is set in Siberia. The original elephant picture is from Sky Captain. Regards Alpha.
  8. Shangri-La Screen Shots (Inside Xbox HD Pictures) Nazis Zombies Ultimate Media Thread (Inside Xbox Shangri-La HD Footage) Sorry it was my attempt at a joke. There is lots of HD screen shots in that link at the top. All new HD trailers can be found in the Media thread. Take what you need from it. Regards Alpha.
  9. Matuzz posted this about crystal skulls from here: The Golden Dawn Nazis, Hollow Earth & Shangri-La Link. It all fits quite nicely. The German name for the death's head is Totenkopf by the way. This is a true Death's head SS ring, it must have the runes. Search Dr.Totenkopf from Sky captain & the world of tomorrow for more info. Guess where Totenkopf has a Uranium mine? Shambhala... Regards Alpha.
  10. Where did you get those pictures? Regards Alpha.
  11. Not with the healing power of Vril in their hands. It could be any of them, plus we have no idea what Yuri looks like. What exactly happened to Yuri after Ascension? Which again is the same time as Five. I'm starting to think Yuri is the stronger candidate. Regards Alpha.
  12. AlphaSnake

    Element 115

    :lol: Thats no leaf, it's Da Herb... Regards Alpha
  13. The Star of Lakshmi is a complex star figure (i.e. two squares with the same centre at 45° angles), and figures in Hinduism, where it represents Ashtalakshmi, the eight forms, or "kinds of wealth", of the goddess Lakshmi. Found the Asia use. This was found googling shambhala, notice the 8 points within the design. Seriously, it's there. Regards Alpha.
  14. The skull is a Death's head. It looks more like a crystal skull. Which given the location of Shangri-La linked to the hollow Earth theory, these crystal skulls have been discovered all over the world. This leads us to the idea that those skulls once belonged to a advanced race, when the last great flood happened Atlantis was sunk & the peoples of Atlantis joined the advanced races living within the hollow Earth. Only time will tell. Oh, this also fits into the Pap symbol I found, which after talking with a friend who is a master of symbolism has been revised. Oh & nice find Liam. [brains] Regards Alpha.
  15. Sorry, just going to throw this out there. The thief is not from the Pentagon at all. He only appears once the power is switch on. At which point the creepy crawlers are released from the teleporters... Also the thief comes from the teleporters. So the question becomes, where are they teleporting in from? The Secrets Of Rebirth Island Sorry for the poor audio :oops: I believe Five has a sister Lab @ Rebirth Island... This is where the thief & the crawlers are coming from! The Rebirth teleporters could be Gersch Devices. Note the teleporter sounds in the Rebirth intro @ 28-30 seconds: Y1OMEpXBvW8 Remember the Russian teleporters (Gersch Devices) are similiar to black holes in the sense that they could warp space/time. Thus we can explain the thief traveling back to 62/63 & attacking the Pentagon when the defences are lowered (Power on = Teleporters open). So again who is the thief? Candidates: Daniel Clarke: He was killed in Kowloon by a shot to the head & a fall from a great height could have caused other damn to his body, including his face. The SOG agents didn't have time to recover Daniel Clarkes body before Russian forces moved in. The Russians found Daniels body & as a sick joke, they made Daniel part of his own research ala, a super zombie (See Day of the Day new version). Daniels work: Daniel Clarkes Nova6 Kowloon Lab. Other candidates Steiner, Kravchenko & Dragovich, last but by no means least Yuri... So how could they have returned from the dead you ask? How are the gun shots healed? Vr-11 or Vrill was found in a siberian Russian facility... What is Vril known for doing? Put these pieces together and you have a pretty good theory. Oh, awesome picture there Cj. [brains] Regards Alpha.
  16. This picture is from Anti. Edit your posts while you still can... Regards Alpha.
  17. We'll have to wait & see. Question is what the hell does this thing do & what does Richtofen plan to do with it? Always new questions. Regards Alpha.
  18. A quick edit & the thread is saved... Regards Alpha.
  19. AlphaSnake

    Element 115

    That was one unlucky rocket to get hit by a meteorite while in flight... :shock: Nice find from the boss man though. Regards Alpha.
  20. :lol: I posted this before I knew there was a stone. Regards Alpha.
  21. Jimmy did say "if things are lookin bad, get out of there"... I guess we should stay on the move in this map. I hope people arn't going to complain about it being tight, like verruckt & Five. Personally I love this type of zombie map, they are challenging. Regards Alpha.
  22. Exactly... Remember they have a large amount of 115 here & the Ufo (Vril craft technology). Who knows what we'll find in there. Remember there will be documents to find like in all the other maps. Regards Alpha.
  23. No you must stay alive... :twisted: I added a few more pics... The reactor picture also has blood trails. Regards Alpha.
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