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Everything posted by Daveyjone

  1. sorry guys havent been on for a while, also GZF do you mind changing the profile pic it slows my pc right down [brains]
  2. Guys, if your having probs with dropshotting do this, 1. jump or move to the side, they cant turn fast and they can look to far up 2. jusst aim at their chest, then when they go down they get hit in the head also people jump, so i just stab themin the leg, hey, melee is always 1 hit kill wherever you get them
  3. whatever you choose on the front it sahould always have codz or callofdutyzombies.com/home on the back
  4. So with the multiplayer trailer out i was wondering what your favorite new weapon/idea is.... mine has to be that sort-of-ballistic knife, shoots the blade out! then you slot it back in and use it as a normal knife... and my favorite idea is the new rolling feture, in the trailer at 0:35 onwards (bottom right) it looks so funny! what i think is stupid is the prestiege version of the game, it comes with all the hardened stuff, but plus what can only be described as a toy car PgQyyoHDIzQ what i spotted: crossbow - without singleplayer defult sights ballistic knife what looks like a Arkangel missile, im guessing its used like a predator, seemed to bew going sideways though.... - 5 kills care packages are back! - 4 kills some airstrike napalm (i told you!) strike suicide buggy - 3 kills that sentry gun at the begginning that was actually a camera in the top corner SEMTEX! A harrier style or chopper gunner type plane/heli that was shooting through the window halfway through customisable red dot, his was a smiley face! callsigns! and that stupid capture card style recorder, to be fair that will stop people who become famous because noone else who is better puts up vids, so the amazin people will be known, ive played against better snipers than grizz or ireapz who dont have capture cards...
  5. not problems with work thats annoying, its the fact that you have to finish later, thanks for the time to read this so we can fit times for all
  6. yeah get the hardened, you still get the zombie maps unless you want the toy car that prestiege has....
  7. i hate people who take it seriously, just a game guys!
  8. Yeah i played cod 1 when i was young.... but i still go back BECAUSE: 1. Theres now about 200 maps.... + user made ones! 2. The game is still fun, no 'noob' guns, spawn killing or perks, just barebones! 3. MODS! my favorite one was the mp_ship (which wet work was copied off) when i looked up, there were people flying matrix style (and it was raining!) at eachother while pistol whipping and shooting, then a guy died and fell straight past me into the sea... i loved that game! the funniest thing was hiding in the chimney of the ship...... :mrgreen:
  9. Due to the new site the page can be streched sideways for a long way, so when people post there sigs, they go on sideways in 1 row, this is quite annoying if your just reading, say, a simple post on 'how far have you got on NDU?' which you have to scroll sideways just to see what they've put as someone's sig is stretching the page, such as (sorry for singling you out, there are worse ones) jtg's sig: the solution is simple, just tap the 'enter' key in your sig to make a new line: etc this stops it from spreading out the page, most of the older users and the moderators have worked this out for themselves, but a few of you don't do this and are stretching the pages like mad... and as you add more and more userbars to your sig the posts go further horizontally. Just try to have up to 3 userbars or 1 larger thing on your sig in a row, this is about the length of the screen normally. Dont worry about the text, it goes as far as the furthest sig (the reason why the text is going off the side of the page...) I mean, imagine my sig streched!
  10. So we worked out it was false, but this is still good, you should post it in the zombie stories section as a story, not a theory ;)
  11. I was wondering where all the brains were from , normally i gain 60 then lose 50 because ill tell someone to stop chain linking and they mark me down they dont take it well, also the other -40 are becasue i get on people's (like carbon's) nerves with my shoops :mrgreen:
  12. I, and many Uk Zombies, have had this problem for a while: America is UTC - 5 hours which is 5 hours BEHIND England, so when i log on at 6am (i get up early ) to check messages i see an american friend from CoDz, like Mick Saints: Me- Hey mick, CoD? Mick- What? its 1am over here, i'm just wrapping this up and going to bed! this is a problem, especially here: When a playdate is set up, it will be at a range of, say, 10 am up to 10 pm and in the UK we have a EST or +5 hours, so when it is 10 am in America it is 3pm here and 10 pm is 3 am... So you see that the playdate is a problem for many Uk zombies who have a Job/University or college/School to go to, or people who dont want to play cod at 3am! Many people discused this and we think that either a Uk zombie to be made a ps3 ambassador and to set uk playdates, or just for Triix and Strws to set up seperate play times for us UkZs (i think the latter more reasonable) So this is an appeal for Uks everywhere, please Strws! I and others tried to get to the last playday but couldn't :(
  13. And no, your right. It doesn't take those points away from you, it never actually awards them to you. Just follow along logically here. In Game when you press the back button it will say 1000 points after planting or defusing a bomb, When the match is over and you check your Actual Experience, that 1000 points you got wont be there. Seriously, do the math. thats challenge completion, like the challenge for defusing a bomb, you get the xp, but if you get 75 headshots with a gun, the xp wont show up on the game will it? that would mean lv 1 people would come first due to all the challenges at lv1 like: wow you died! 10000Xp, wow you walked 5 metres 20585950Xp, and my favorite: you fell do your death, heres 100000000000000000000Xp
  14. Hardened and Prestigious Like Modern Warfare 2? makes me laugh, as there was nothing ever hard or prestiegious about cod 6 :mrgreen:
  15. That would have been good but ive seen about 30 different versions of that, Hitlers reaction to the angry german kid, Hitlers reaction to the ending in cod 6, Hitlers reaction to dying on Nacht den utoten... etc its getting boring now
  16. Sorry havent been on for a while, but go to the most obvious one! A zombies face with the words, ZOMG! (or CoDz )
  17. If you guys remember there were 2 coop modes on cod5 story and zombie, remember???? :mrgreen:
  18. REALLY? CoD1 guys!!!! the story, gameplay and multiplayer were and still are great or did you all only start playing cod games when the graphics started looking good? noobs.... :mrgreen:
  19. xbox...probably ps3...sorry no chance with the xbox you can download things from your pc so maybe, but that is the ps3s strength and weakness, you cant hack it, sure you can find glitches and buy modded controllers, but you can't hack the software (i think only 1 person has ever, and he was some teenage GENIUS who didn't tell anyone how to)
  20. this isn't just for you and me this is for everyone, i.e. if strwsbob sets up a ps3 game day or something.
  21. "In Soviet Russia Reznov ages YOU!" ¬Russian Proverb
  22. LAG that is all. thats why i am getting cod BO on pc: no lag, only sweet sweet ping... Dedi servers FTW
  23. BRING BACK MARTYDOM! you get so much abuse and it makes me laugh also make perks to combat perks remember in cod 5? Gas mask Shades but make them more helpful, i.e. think fast! - Doge those blades! Makes knives a 2 hit kill against you (to stop commando and tac knife) Static/sheets (can't choose name) - Makes all electrical equipment not work around you(claymores(their lazer activated remember?), Red dots, UAVs etc), sort of like scrambler except everything is stopped in a radius. Kevlar - Shots to the chest are reduced 50% damage Headgear - Shots to the head are reduced 50% damage and my favorite: Psyche (1, 2, 3) - in allocated perk slots, all enemy perks in that slot in a radius of you are negated (i.e. Psyche from the 1st list will stop all perks from the 1st list) basically you sacrifice your perk slot to stop theirs... this doesn't stop things like bling obviously (but it would be cool if they just dropped off [brains] ) also why dont they let you choose perks at the beginning of the campaign, so when you first start playing as a character (say in cod 5, vendetta and semper fi) you choose three perks, obiously differing from the multiplayer ones (you cant have scrambler ) so when you play as that character you have those perks, and they can be different with different characters (i.e. miller can have 3 and petrenko can have 3 different ones )
  24. Terrible first attemp, i can draw them perfectly but the scanner is broken, also my adobe is also broken, so i had paint. Here is the subway one done with less detail (only the important bits) right side is mounted above other side orange bits on the walls- Weapons: 1 - Double barelled (sawn off) 2 - STG44 3 - Random Box location 4 - M1 Garand 5 - Random Box location 6 - Gehwer (spelling?) 7 - FG42 8 - Type 100 9 - Panzershrek (had to ) 10 - bouncing betties 11 - PTRS 12 - Thompson 13 - M1A1 Carbine 14 - Arisaka 15 - Trench gun 16 - MP40 17 - BAR (bipod) 18 - StielhandGrenaden 19 - Type 99 (if i can't then annother StielhandGrenaden) 20 - Random Box location 21- Double barelled 22 - Bowie 23 - Random Box location 24 - PPSH41 (Round drum) 25 - Springfield (scoped) possibly in cabinet red border - border of playing field, any zombies outside won't drop powerups. you cannot go outside area red squares on border - barricades red circles outside border - Spawn points for zombies, as they are outside the border you shouldn't be able to reach these areas Big red lump left side - in eviction you hold off nazis here, this is a large map barrier, a huge pile of rubble, but zombies can leap over it (like fences in shi no numa) White dots - human spawn points this blue - water, like shi no numa water. this blue - water (zombies cant enter) if you cross this you start swimming. this blue - power objects with light blue in middle - perks lines - power cables (on floor) power switch is on big blue square on left yellow - mounted MGs (don't overheat - I'm being generous) arrow shows which way they point purple - barricades green - electricity power switches green dotted lines - electric barriers bottom left green switch is the fryer (cost - free) fryer: see those pwer cables in the water, how good is water as a conductor, when the switch is pulled the area in the border under water acts like an electric barrier, except it only hits once (like a wunderfaffer style) effect is like all of you in the water are hit by a wunderwaffer except more powerfull, it then takes 5 minutes to recharge, all zombies wont go into water for 1 minute as they get scared (so you can regroup, revive and reload) any zombies still in the water alive at that point will still move though. all zombies explode as if hit by a wunderwaffer except no linkage. If you are in the water when activated you get downed, unless you have juggernaught, you just get a wunderwaffer style hit marker, it doesn't affect you after one hit. need power to be activated first.
  25. When you hold an expedition date (i.e. to find easter eggs in verruckt) post it here, ONLY I don't want people asking to join, you can set up who wants to play in teammate finder. I.e. Mick saints has asked people to join him for a 4 player experimentation in Der Riese Headsets - Advised date - 11th July 2010 Time - Set up: 12:22 game starts 12:30 Players - Mick saints (HdSt) Shoreyo (HdSt) Wheatstone Carbonfibah (HdSt) (this is an example) Please post the players involved and message them so they can get together, this is just to help people organise matches.
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