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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2016 in Posts

  1. I was a little surprised and bewildered at that to be honest, we literally received a minutes notice before it was tweeted. I would have thought out of common decency that we would have been offered first refusal and time to raise the funds to purchase the domain. That wasn't the case and we had to deal with the cards we had been handed, however, we have the domain and full control of the domain and it's safe and that's what counts.
    1 point
  2. I'll start off with a cool 20 questions. Where do you see Zombies in 5 years? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Opinion on the Nacht der Untoten loading screen? How would integrate Nacht der Untoten more into the story? Do you like the Multi-verse/Alien aspect Zombies has taken? Your unpopular opinion about Zombies? What's the most disappointing thing that could happen in DLC 4? What's the best thing that could happen in DLC 4? Cake or Ice Cream? Why did you start creating Zombies videos? Any aspects from Zombies you apply into real life? If a real life zombie apocalypse did happen, what would your plan be? Sarah Michelle Gellar, Misty, or Jessica Rose? Do you play the Campaign and Multiplayer at all? Favourite non-Wonder Weapon? What's a Wonder Weapon you would like to see? What is the one thing you would ask Jason Blundell if you had the chance? What theory do you believe in and want to come true? What do you think Richtofen's intentions are? How's your day going? I absolutely love this idea by the way.
    1 point
  3. I just played Zetsubou No Shima yesterday and completed the easter egg with my little brother. I must say that the map and the atmosphere is very good and I like it once set up. The biggest problem is the long and tedious set up it has... Just the fact that if I manage to fail on round 15 I pretty much won't be bothered to try again...
    1 point
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