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Hello and welcome to my SoE Parts text tutorial. I'll cover the Shield, Apothicon Servant (A.K.A. AS or Squid Gun wonder weapon), and the location of the Civil Protector Fuses, Fuse Box, and his Summoning Switches.


I'll also walk you through the Sword and Sword Upgrade.


I've added the Trip Mine Upgrades.


A Quick Reference Guide will be followed by a longer text description after.




------Quick References for parts:


Fumigator: A fumigator is needed to open the Pod Plants. 1 Fumigator will be at Start (back of truck, or on wall near closed Steps up, or by Beast Fire on boxes). You can find 3(?) locations in Junction and each district as well, if playing 2 or more players. It stays with you all game. You can open pods with this for guns, drops, or Rocket Shield Recharge Tanks, and one Purple Pod will eventually give the Apothicon Servant Part. I will not discuss the Fumigator after this except to mention it for getting the AS Part later.




3 Shield Parts: Each part has 3 locations, each of these 3 locations will be in the small upstairs Perk area of each of these Districts: Waterfront, Footlight, and Canals.




3 Civil Protector Fuses: Each CP Fuse has 3 locations, each of these locations will be in the section between the Perk area and the Tram/Train Station of these Districts: Waterfront, Footlight, and Canals.


Fuse Box: in Subway near Rift to Footlight (right of FL Rift if looking at Rift). Put fuses in here, 1, 2, or all 3 at once. Once all 3 are in place, CP Summoning Switches are Live.


CP Summoning Switches: 1. Junction: Between Easy Street and Waterfront. 2. Footlight, near Statue. 3. Waterfront, near GGm near Rift to Subway. 4. Canals, across canal from Ruby Rabbit. Note that each location is in the first area when you open the door from Junction to a District, (except the Junction Summoning Switch of course). Call in a CP here for 3000 points. He will kill, revive, and pick up 'drops' (x2, max ammo, et cetera).




Apothicon Servant: 1. Heart from first dead Margwa. 2. Tentacle from Purple Pod (round 12 or higher). 3. "Xenomatter" (bright green part) dropped by Parasite (flyer) or Meatball. (Round 7 to much higher rounds).




Workbenches: 1. Footlight, on walkway above, across from Black Lace Burlesque (ritual area). 2. Waterfront, behind The Anvil (ritual area), near HVK30. 3. Canals, by Ruby Rabbit (ritual area), Tram Station, and M8A7. Build Shield and Apothicon Servant at the Workbenches.



Longer text descriptions:


Shield Parts: Drop Steps to Perk area with Beast (or backtrack from steps if you opened from Tram Station).


S1. Shield Part Footlight: Go up steps to perk machine. SPFa is straight out from perk, against railing. SPFb is 2m left of perk if looking at perk, by railing. SPFc is further left of perk if looking at perk machine, in the doorway by the steps, on a comfy chair.


S2. Shield Part Waterfront: Go up steps towards perk machine, but at the top of the steps, make the left bend close to the left side SPWa may be at the top of the steps (a Fumigator location may be here too). Continue towards the perk, SPWb may be on the wall to the right, if facing the perk machine (directly right of perk). Continue into room with Statue (Large box if not Beasted open yet) and on the right side wall, left of the 1250 door, may be SPWc on the floor by debris.


S3. Shield Part Canals: Go up steps toward the perk, as you enter the "4 Lions" room, SPCa may be immediately on your right by this entrance. Continue towards perk, SPCb may be against the left rail of the connecting bridge (outside, walkway). Get to perk machine, SPCc may be directly across from the perk machine (right of 1250 door).


With all 3 parts, build the Shield at a workbench.




Civil Protector Fuses: Each is between perk area and Tram Station in Footlight, Waterfront, and Canals. 3 locations each in this area, for each Fuse. Each Fuse glows bright blue and should be easy to spot.


CP Fuse Box: Take all 3 Fuses to Subway near the Footlight Rift. Looking at FL Rift, Fuse Box is to your Right near steps (Vesper up steps). Put the Fuses in the Fuse Box. After this, you may call in CP from the CP Summoning Switches in Junction, Footlight, Waterfront, and Canals for 3000 points.





CP1. CP Fuse Footlight: From perk, go left up short steps, make left on top, go by Devil-O Donuts Cart. CPFFa may be on the corner of the rail by the walkway here. Continue along walkway towards the Workbench, CPFFb may be on railing of walkway on right before the workbench. Make right at Workbench, CPFFc may be on ground on the left.


CP2. Civil Protector Fuse Waterfront: From Perk area, head out door by Pod Plant to overhead walkway. CPFWa may be on your left as you come up the first steps. Continue across the walkway towards the gun wallbuy, make left. CPFWb may be on a railing corner on your left. Continue towards Tram and CPFWc will be on boxes on your right just before the door on left to Tram steps.


CP3. Civil Protector Fuse Canals: From the perk machine room head towards the Tram through the 1250 doorway. CPFCa may be immediately on your right outside of this door, continue on, CPFCb may be on your left on the cart by the window, CPFCc should be visible right by this window also. This is a tiny area, it should be quite easy to spot.




Apothicon Servant Parts:


ASP1: Kill the first Margwa, it will drop a Heart, take the Heart before it fades away.


ASP2: Search Purple Pods with Fumigator (just hold 'interact' if you have Fumigator in inventory) after round 12 at the earliest (recommend round 14+) for a Tentacle Part. Take it before it fades away.


ASP3: Sometime after round 7 (earliest I've had it) a Parasite flyer or Meatball will drop ASP3 which is a bright green mass called "xenomatter". Pick it up before it fades away.


With these 3 parts, build the AS at any workbench. Afterwards, if you lose the AS for any reason, it now becomes a ?Box weapon.






-------Symbols; (Only 1 player is required to get the symbols and open the Egg Chamber).


Step 1: Go to Waterfront to Tram Station. Call Tram. Ride Tram to Footlight, then ride it to Canals. Using this Tram route, always look right out of the Tram window and in each District (WF, FL, and Canals) you will see a red symbol in a window. Memorize these 3 different symbols. 


Symbol memory trick: Count any large Triangle as a 10, count any small Triangle as a 1. Then call the symbol by its cardinal number (like 10, 14, 40, 22). You can view the symbols, in Beast Mode, in Subway, under the balcony (near brown box/statue), to have an idea what these look like before you ride the tram. (40, or 4 large triangles, is the highest number, next is 22, 2 large, 2 small triangles, as an example). All of the "Numbers" are 4, 10, 12, 14, 20, 21, 22, 40. Note that 21 and 22 can be easily confused due to the closeness of the "1"s.




Subway Egg Chamber: Take these memorized symbols/numbers to Subway, activate Beast Mode and look under the balcony (between GGm and the Beast Fire) for the arched door with these "Number" Symbols. Using Left Trigger (console), zap the 3 symbols that you saw on your Tram ride. If you mess it up, you must wait a round before trying again. If done correctly, this doorway will disappear and reveal 4 Swords and 4 Eggs. Holding 'interact' will pick up an Egg. (Only 1 player needs to open this, then each player may grab their own Egg).


-------Egg Statues; (Each player is now on their own upgrade quest).


4 Statues to place Egg on: Expose these 4 Statues, then place the Egg on 1 Statue and charge it with 10(?) Zombie Souls, listen for an audio cue at finish, you can also see the souls, so you can see when this ends. Then repeat for the other 3 Statues. Each player must do this separately, each with their own Egg, at each Statue. Multiple players can fill souls at the same Statue, but each player's zombie souls only count towards their individual Egg.


1. Subway Statue: Straight out from this Egg/Sword alcove is a large Crate. In Beast Mode, it appears to be on fire. In Beast Mode, hit the Crate (Right Trigger, console) to break it and reveal the Statue inside. Set Egg on it, charge it with zombie souls, repeat for each other Statue.


2. Footlight Statue: Under Perk Machine area.


3. Waterfront Statue: Upstairs, behind Perk Machine area.


4. Canals Statue: Corner of map on right side of Ruby Rabbit.


-------Egg to Sword;


After the 4 Statues, go back to the Subway Egg chamber. Place the charged Egg back in this chamber. Wait a few seconds, then you can draw your Sword (Egg in Sword) from this Egg chamber (interact button).


Sword is a Special Weapon. Hold LB+RB to activate it. The charge wears down, once gone, kill zombies to charge it.


-------Upgrade the Sword:


-------Arch Ovum;


Take the Sword to your character's ritual location and a Ghost Keeper will be at the Altar. Take the "Arch Ovum" from this Ghost Keeper.


Cop = Ruby Rabbit Canals location.

Boxer = The Anvil Waterfront location.

Dancer = The Black Lace Burlesque Footlight location.

Magician = Easy Street location above Junction.


-------Margwa Ovum Rituals;


Near each ritual location will be a red circle on the ground. Hold 'interact' button while in the circle to begin. Only 1 circle can be done per round. If it goes beyond 1 round, then you must wait for the current round to end and start a circle ritual the following round after. The glowing red circle will recharge your sword if you enter it (but headshotting is usually better than using the Sword to kill Margwas). Each player must do all 4 circle rituals. The first circle ritual has 1 Margwa, the other 3 have 2 Margwa each. Note that a random Margwa spawn may occur at any round as well, which may cause mild confusion. Killing your ritual Margwa(s) will cause an Egg symbol to appear on screen, slowly changing color with each ritual completion.


-------Complete Sword Upgrade:


After the 4 circle rituals, return to your character's Altar. Hand the Sword to the Ghost Keeper. In a couple of Seconds, take the upgraded Sword from the Ghost Keeper. It is finished.


Now you may launch an autonomous Sword that will fly around and kill zombies until the charge wears down. You may put the in-hand Sword away while the autonomous Sword flies around.




Trip Mine Upgrades: There are 2 Trip Mine Upgrades. Presumably, there is more to this which has not been figured out. Molly's Cream Cakes make donut explosions, and Devil-O Donuts makes cream cake explosions.


Puchase the Trip Mine from the side of The Anvil (ritual area, Waterfront) for 1000 points, or you may be able to get it from the ?Box (950 or 10-fire sale).


---Molly's Cream Cakes Upgrade: Get a Trip Mine kill by each of the 3 MCC's Carts; Canals, across from Ruby Rabbit. Junction, near Stamin Up. Footlight, by Perk. Each kill will have an audio and visual cue. Completion of the third will trigger a character quote and refill your Trip Mine inventory. It is now upgraded.


---Devil-O Donuts Upgrade: Get a Trip Mine kill by each of the 4 D-OD's Carts; Junction, between Footlight and Waterfront. Waterfront, near Rift to Subway. Footlight, go up steps left of perk machine, make left. Canals, by the GGm near Kuda wallbuy. Each kill will have an audio and visual cue. Completion of the fourth will trigger a character quote and refill your Trip Mine inventory. It is now upgraded.






Happy gaming!


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2 hours ago, anonymous said:

@mods, is three perhaps a way to pin these threads in the section of those maps?

Dunno if Dwellers can do it, but the moderation Actions are between the tags and the post.


And as always: You are the man 83457. ❤️

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