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Radio inside Infirmary







My lord, I intrigue thee to speak. I have done as you asked. The remaining three of the first four shall die by electric chair this evening. And soon after, I shall join them. It will be glorious in this new realm, lord, I have no doubt, but...but I confess - I am afraid this form is weak and is taken to [drank?]...but I do cling to it still. Please, grant me the strength to-




Yes, yes my lord, of course. My life is part of the disease and the disease must be purged! I...I rejoice when that day has come! 




*sigh* Thank you for saying so, my lord. Truth be told, I long for the miracle that will release me.




Such an honor, for me.




The doctor...I've heard mention of him amongst the Illuminati. What would you have of him?




I swear, my lord. It will be done!




Name it, my lord.




Yes, Richtofen shall suffer.




Above the metal box next to the washing machine in the Showers





The time has come. The sponge is wet on the [ground?] The cap screws tightened. The switch in my hand... *laughter* oh, I'm going to burn! Aha, oh the fools! They want justice for toll I've extracted from this forsaken island! 


*knocks at the door*




Sir? There's some men from the bureau here. I've stalled them as long as I could, but...they're on their way to the office now. Whaddya want me to tell 'em?




Justice! *chuckle* There is no such thing. There's only the will of the dark one!




...okay? Uhhh I'll just tell 'em you're not feeling so well then, ya?




Do as you wish. Run. Hide. Beg for absolution. And perhaps HE will be merciful! As he has been, with me.






My lord, you're here.




Yes... *ahem* ...yes. The threshold. One last flash of light, and the sun shall vanish into the sea. The darkness shall spread, for every fiber of creation, it shall spread.




Listen, I told you, he ain't here! Went to see some special doc on the mainland!


*knocking at door*


You guys are wasting your time! 


*door jiggles*




I shall be its instrument.


*budging at door*




C'mon guys, cut me a break! 




I shall lead the chosen few. The gateway will open, and paradise will fall.


*whirring noise is heard*




*door busted open*




Uhhhh, yeah - you there? What I tell ya, nobody's home. Nothin' here...


Radio at bottom of stairwell





Richtofen! *sigh* I now believe that either you have been killed, or you are currently trapped in a pocket dimension. Worst case, imprisoned by those whom [we are to undo their existence?]. In the off chance that you are still on the move, I may have a solution.


The power of your blood could theoretically be used to open a portal and escape your present reality. If you can direct and focus enough energy through your blood, you may be able to tear a hole through the Aether and step through. How much blood will be required I do not know. But given the concentration of Aether in your veins, it's likely best to not overdo it, and very [small?].


I recall you mentioning need of some protection for you and your companions. You have a right to worry. The blood vials alone serve aspects of other dimensions, but if you were to ingest them, combine their Aether with your own, that would be a formidable insurance policy. 


Radio at the docks next to toppled watch tower





Richtofen I must be brief. Others may now be listening.


He has ears every these days. The forces keeping you in that dimension know too much about your nature and it is clear to me now that the hour is too great to leave unchecked. Total dimensional collapse is the only option. This is the only way they will stop hunting you long enough before you're to complete your mission.


By now, I have deduced that you must be trapped in the Alcatraz pocket dimension. Do not be disappointed. The location of your secret lab remains a secret to most, just not me. I also know about the backup plan you have stashed away. If I may be so bold, I would recommend using it. It eliminates a threat of Alcatraz for good.


I can do no more from here. Best of luck, Edward. I know you will not fail.


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2 hours ago, InfestLithium said:

Radio inside Infirmary


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Above the metal box next to the washing machine in the Showers


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Radio at bottom of stairwell


  Reveal hidden contents


Radio at the docks next to toppled watch tower


  Reveal hidden contents


ily for this. ❤️

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I Got a quote from Nikolai I haven’t heard that triggered randomly when I get picked up by Richtofen  “ *whisper* I have high hopes for plans by doctor whether he dies or not I care not I might do what is right and end his life”


could you you take a look further at this because it sounds. Crazy.

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