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Filling the skulls and Spiders spawning...

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Generally I fill up spawn room and KT4 room on round 8, and than wait until I get the parts for the KT4 to finish the last two skulls well I was doing one of them and this isn't the first time but as I shot the liquid on the ground and I generally run around, and well I shot at the ground I had a shield on my back and as soon as I shot my second one on the ground I went down for no reason?!

this has happened before sometimes like when you shoot a spore and a spider got me down, I am confused to what triggers this, do spiders have some effect with the KT4 that I am not grasping?

Edited by Kipstarjones187
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14 hours ago, Kipstarjones187 said:

..... do spiders have some effect with the KT4 that I am not grasping?

In the old games, there was this wonder weapon called the DG-2. 
Fantastic at taking out hordes of zombies, or so I was told ;) 

However, using it on a dog round (spider round?) would temporarily remove the effect of Juggernog, or something like that. 
I never really understood why I got killed using it, so I just stopped using the weapon. 

The KT-4 might share the same mechanics as the DG-2.
Not sure, I'm on xbox, so I haven't played the new map yet.

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Koslans is just talking about how the DG4 used to do damage to players, all players. It counted as two zombie swipes, so it would negate juggernog for a little bit if you shot too close to your friends. This doesn't have anything to do with your problem but I just wanted to clear that up.

My guess is like in some of my games, the shield doesn't block all incoming attacks, ESPECIALLY if you have it pulled in front of you. Ive had spiders attack me through it, as well as keepers, only in ZNS though.


Next time it happens, just go into theater mode and pay attention to what is happening.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On April 27, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Kipstarjones187 said:

Generally I fill up spawn room and KT4 room on round 8, and than wait until I get the parts for the KT4 to finish the last two skulls well I was doing one of them and this isn't the first time but as I shot the liquid on the ground and I generally run around, and well I shot at the ground I had a shield on my back and as soon as I shot my second one on the ground I went down for no reason?!

this has happened before sometimes like when you shoot a spore and a spider got me down, I am confused to what triggers this, do spiders have some effect with the KT4 that I am not grasping?

This just sounds like a glitch and not an actual mechanic, I've been one shotted by spiders before with full health and jugs

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