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So the civil protector one shots the margwa now....

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53 minutes ago, shirtlesservice said:

Looks like it, the only thing that was really annoying on the map is no longer a concern :D

It would have been more widely accepted if they just decreased the spawn rate of them. Having them spawn in every 2-3 round (bug rounds included) is the most off putting thing about that map and the reason I don't play it very often.


Rather than just admit their mistake they instead add easier ways to kill them which is fine but they could have just rectified it properly. I would rather stick to my training spot in the subway than leave and call in the player slaughtering Civil Protector which I then have to hope I don't end up in his firing line or I die instead of the Margwa.

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Just now, DeathBringerZen said:

It would have been more widely accepted if they just decreased the spawn rate of them. Having them spawn in every 2-3 round (bug rounds included) is the most off putting thing about that map and the reason I don't play it very often.


Rather than just admit their mistake they instead add easier ways to kill them which is fine but they could have just rectified it properly. I would rather stick to my training spot in the subway than leave and call in the player slaughtering Civil Protector which I then have to hope I don't end up in his firing line or I die instead of the Margwa.

It would have been better if it were like every five rounds or so. But I'll take this as a not perfect solution to the problem. If need be I'll just camp for that round with the civil protector, not too big of a deal

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10 minutes ago, shirtlesservice said:

It would have been better if it were like every five rounds or so. But I'll take this as a not perfect solution to the problem. If need be I'll just camp for that round with the civil protector, not too big of a deal

The only 2 times I ever called the Civil Protector in solo games he killed me both times. Could have just been major bad luck but I have never and will never use the CP again because of that so that is why I would have prefered them to just lower the spawn rate so I could deal with them in my own way rather than having to rely on what I consider to be broken game mechanics.


The Panzers spawn rate in Der Eisendrache is much better and in DE you don't feel like you are facing one every round. Also hearing that there could be another Margwa style boss in the next map and if that is the case I hope they make sure it's not as annoying or off putting as it can be in SoE. I would actually prefer they just stopped with the Cthulu theme. It was fine for one map but I don't want to fight squids and parasites in more than one map. They have very little to do with the storyline and lower the tone.

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