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Quick Revive

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That was a Civil Protector glitch on SoE that they supposedly just patched.

Why you are encountering it in DE, i do not know.

You didn't buy 3*, correct?

*Perkaholic and On The House most likely still count as one of your 'buys' as well, unless they fixed that glitch too.

Oh Trollarch... Why you so bad at this still?

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13 hours ago, Hells Warrrior said:

Had only bought it the twice, 3rd time of going to buy it, it wasn't there.

Hmm, I wonder if it has anything to do with the ability to obtain it from the Wunderfizz. Still wouldn't explain why the machine would only allow you to purchase it twice. As the probability in obtaining it from D.W. is < 1%, so it would seem.

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23 hours ago, Ragdo11706 said:

Wait so the Civil Protector reviving you, is no longer considered as one of your 3 Buys on Solo?

It wasn't supposed to apparently.

He was supposed to save your QR, if he revived you.

Instead, the QR machine would usually disappear if he revived you.

I though that he was 'buying' them for me, but it was just straight up glitched like everything else in this mess.

But, after the patch, the other day he gave me a random free QR after i flopped 3 times on the same round in the 50s (so sad). I did not have any QR buys left and did not have it on me. 3 revives later, he gave me one.

I guess that was to make up for all the ones that he stole. :)

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Hahaha. Alright so let me get this straight.

I've never bought Q.R. he gets me up 3 times, the machine no longer disappears. 

If I have bought Q.R. he gets me up, each time I keep Q.R. after 3x the machine don't disappear.

Occasionally, if I'm having a bad game and down too many times during the same round, he's going to treat me like a noob because he's tired of getting my ass up and give me Q.R.

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6 minutes ago, Ragdo11706 said:


Hahaha. Alright so let me get this straight.

I've never bought Q.R. he gets me up 3 times, the machine no longer disappears. 

If I have bought Q.R. he gets me up, each time I keep Q.R. after 3x the machine don't disappear.

Occasionally, if I'm having a bad game and down too many times during the same round, he's going to treat me like a noob because he's tired of getting my ass up and give me Q.R.

Sounds right, but i haven't rigorously tested his antics since the update, so i won't swear to any of this.

Frankly, the game is too glitchy to trust anything you see until it has been thoroughly tested. So many things happen in this game once, then don't happen again.

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