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Creation Of the Monkey Bomb

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A toy Samantha loved, played with many times, a trusted companion. A common cymbal monkey that when wound up it would play several tunes of Accordion music along with the monkey smashing together a pair of cymbals. It was her helping hand when she needed to give her father Ludwig Maxis a drink or some equipment, a very loved toy. One day while Doctor Richtofen was testing on the undead, Samantha wanted to dance with Mr.Monkey (a nickname she gave her toy). She wound him up and did a jig. Distracted and furious by her noise, Richtofen scolded her, but noticed that the undead creatures were stared fixated at the toy, trying to break free from their chains to surround it. Edward told Sam to go back to her father and to give Edward the toy. She refused and ran away. The next day her toy was gone. She told her father that it was Edward, but he did not listen.


Edward, seeing the potential in such a soothing medicine for the creatures, begun work on creating a helpful device. He strapped TNT on the back of the monkey and timed it so when the music stopped, it would explode. He then bought more of the same toy and recreated each one. Taking a break from the toy, Edward continued work on his prototype DG-2. While tinkering with the internals, the weapons discharged and struck a pile of his Monkey Bombs. Their eyes then glowed red and begun to radiate light. Oddest of all, they spoke. “YOURE NOT SAM!” Surprised that the DG-2 had given life to such a toy, he figured that the 115 and plasma rays in the weapon had something to do with it.


Trying to find full potential in the Monkey, he then strapped a Stielhandgrante, a Molotov Cocktail, or even a Perk a Cola bottle, discovering that the sheer weight was too much, discarding the monkeys he had fitted with the extra weight, he had then finalized on a standard design.


When testing the bombs, they had great success, but with each monkey, a haunting scream before landing on the ground, bouncing up and down, the shouting, “GET READY FOR A SURPRISE!” before its death. Giving each monkey a Blue Fez with the 935 logo on it, he named the creation the Monkey Bomb, or more simply, the Cymbal Monkey.

(SKIP TO 0:15)


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It was her helping hand when she needed to give her father Ludwig Maxis a drink or some equipment, a very loved toy.

That part kinda confuses me, what do you mean by that?

One day while Doctor Richtofen was testing on the undead, Samantha wanted to dance with Mr.Monkey (a nickname she gave her toy). She wound him up and did a jig. Distracted and furious by her noise, Richtofen scolded her, but noticed that the undead creatures were stared fixated at the toy, trying to break free from their chains to surround it.

I've never really thought about it this way, I was always curious what made the Zombies fixated to the Monkey, and this is an interesting idea.

Edward told Sam to go back to her father and to give Edward the toy. She refused and ran away. The next day her toy was gone. She told her father that it was Edward, but he did not listen.

Not a bad theory to that. I always believed that he just stole it or convinced her to hand it over since he was able to manipulate her into doing things, seeing as he was running experiments on her.

Taking a break from the toy, Edward continued work on his prototype DG-2. While tinkering with the internals, the weapons discharged and struck a pile of his Monkey Bombs. Their eyes then glowed red and begun to radiate light. Oddest of all, they spoke. “YOURE NOT SAM!” Surprised that the DG-2 had given life to such a toy, he figured that the 115 and plasma rays in the weapon had something to do with it.

That is something I will have to disagree with, kind of. My idea as to the red eyes was because the toys were faithful to Sam, she was their mother so to speak, hense the quotes about not being Sam. Sam was possessed by the Devil in my opinion, so the eyes kinda come from that. Either that, or they were just red to begin with. To not make things overly complicated, that would be the easiest solution, but it's a matter of preference I guess.

Good thread, made me think quite a bit.

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Thanks for the feedback! To answer your first question, you know how some kids when they were young they would take their toys everywhere? So when your mom asked for help with the dishes, you would bring your toy along and it would "help" you. You see what i'm sayin?

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Thanks for the feedback! To answer your first question, you know how some kids when they were young they would take their toys everywhere? So when your mom asked for help with the dishes, you would bring your toy along and it would "help" you. You see what i'm sayin?

Oh I see what you mean, it was a comfort object that wouldn't really do anything for you but kids always think it does. I see what you're saying now.

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Yea dude, the monkey bomb is really freaky when you think of it..

It also kind of confuses me. I don't want to overcomplicate things and look so far into things that it just gets confusing, but sometimes its what you have to do. Like the red eyes, is it ok to theorize with 115 and say that is the reason or should it just be said that the manufacturers of the toy made it that way for simplicity, it's kinda a thin line sometimes.

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