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New mode idea: (help with name)

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I was watching some Skyrim mods a few days ago and an idea popped into my head, and I wanted to share to see what you all though about it.



In the video, a very talented player had created an arena, he would pit in game enemies against each other. The winner could carry on to the next round until he eventually met something that killed him, which that winner would go on ect ect.



The idea was, what if there was a mode where we could pit say...40 zombies against a Panzer soldat, or Hell hounds VS Jumping Jacks? They system being, all start with full health, none of the monsters are controlled by players. The rounds carry over like they would in a regular zombies match, slash marks to tally the progress. For an example I'll use the zombies vs the Soldat.




 The soldat drops first, and like a normal round, zombies appear from the ground and roofs of the arena, no windows as he could just flame throw them and that's no fun for the zombies. The mode keeps the same zombie spawn number the same (around 20-23 right?) and as they die, more will come until the counter reaches zero, signifying all the zombies are dead (think NTZ), or if a set number of zombies can stay alive for lets say, 5 minutes, then they get increased attack speed, if they are killed the zombie that spawns in its place has no added benefits.


In this mode, you get Vrill currency (whatever that may be..) to use in a separate, customizable section that allows cosmetic only additions to in game monsters. The currency is obtained by placing bets on who you think will win, losing results in loss of your bet, taking away the chance to unlock new features. Winning the bet will get your bet back, plus whatever the other players put in the pot, the more players the greater the winnings are.


Once you have enough Vrill coins, you can go in to a Customization mode where you can buy colors and textures/outfits for the monsters. You don't like blue eyes? Buy red ones. You miss the Nazi uniforms from WaW and BO1? Buy them. You get the idea.


I really would like to see something like this added into the game, imaging getting to choose how your zombies look, sound and move(remember though, changing movement would only be cosmetic, like the Karate stance in Shino Numa) And would make joining random games appeal a lot more, at least for a while.


There are two problems however, to some, it may be really boring to sit and watch monsters fighting each other. My only idea to counter this would be to intergrade some option to create a Dead Ops battle outside the arena just so you can kill things. An overhead view of the Arena, with you and your friends on the outside, fighting zombies that are piling up outside. There would be no real reason, or benefit other than the ones who would rather play than watch.  


The second problem being, I don't know how many hit points a zombie has, compared to a Soldat. So of course the people at Treyarch would have to balance it better than I have, 40 Zs vs 1 Soldat could be un even, or maybe 40 isn't close to enough to give a soldat a challenge.


Because most don't want to see the return of the bank, this would create an out of game bank that would be used to just spice up the look of things to fit your interest. I've always been a huge fan of custom colors and items in video games, and from what I've played, they've always been successful. A prime example is Tekken Tag 2, I wouldn't have ran through arcade mode over and over if it wasn't for all the money I was making to change the appearance of my fighter.


Short and simple, hope you liked it and leave a suggestion on what you think a mode like this could be called.

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Why not just have a colosseum mode where you have to go rounds and it gets more tricky...and you could get money to buy stuff for custom classes.

Round 1- 10 zombies

2- 20 zombies

3-15 zombies 5 hellhounds

4- 30 zombies 8 hellhounds 2 minions

5 20 zombies 10 minions

6- 20 zombies 1 panzer soldat

7- 35 zombies 15 hellhounds 1 Avogadro


Eventually at like round 30 it would be like

80 zombies 3 Brutus 2 soldat 30 minions 5 ghost ladies and an avagodro

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Why not just have a colosseum mode where you have to go rounds and it gets more tricky...and you could get money to buy stuff for custom classes.

Round 1- 10 zombies

2- 20 zombies

3-15 zombies 5 hellhounds

4- 30 zombies 8 hellhounds 2 minions

5 20 zombies 10 minions

6- 20 zombies 1 panzer soldat

7- 35 zombies 15 hellhounds 1 Avogadro


Eventually at like round 30 it would be like

80 zombies 3 Brutus 2 soldat 30 minions 5 ghost ladies and an avagodro



Like-ing the idea of using money for a custom class. 


The name could be "Undead royal"

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