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An Intelligent Opening Strategy for Die Rise

Supernova Remnant

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Forgive me if this has already been mentioned but I have been running into a lot of players who are unaware of this.

When the game starts, nobody pick up any trampoline parts and instead just get in the elevator.

Take it down, get out and all 4 players get pickup a key off the floor, also works in solo mode.

Do NOT send the elevator back up to the starting room.

Jump over the gap, buy the door for 750 and turn on the power.

Get back to the quick revive elevator and take it back up to the starting room and pick up your trampoline part and drop the key in it's place. Remeber the location of your piece.

Build the trampoline as your normally would and when it's finished everyone goes back upstairs and gets their key and it's still round 1.

This has a couple benefits.

1. Power on at round 1.

2. Everyone has a key JUST IN CASE they need to immediately call an elevator.

3. If you leave the STARTING ROOM ELEVATOR at the bottom of the elevator shaft, it can also be used as a one time escape pod if you find that you cannot escape through the power room and are otherwise going to die, you can always try this method...Preferably you already have a trampoline down in the location that shoots you across to the long hallway where you find all the keys on the floor, if you don't, then put one there, it will fling you across, you QUICKLY build the part for the elevator and run because it is on a timer, then it takes you back up to the starting room instead of dying. Not saying it's easy, just saying it's there if you want it.

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Hm, not too bad of a beginning strategy, friendo! So you can actually ride the lobby elevator back up to spawn? It seems like a great way to start the game off, considering everyone is well equipped with their own Trample Steam and you now have the lobby elevator to exercise at your will for one time. It's better than turning on power and ignoring everything else. :lol:

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I like this strategy a lot. It's so helpful. I came across a random group last night that did something similar to this. We all went down the elevator, picked up keys, and one player used the key to send the other three back up to spawn while he turned on the power and made his way back to the trample steam room. By that time, the trample steam had been built and we stayed in that room until the crawler round, where we put trample steams in front of us adjacent to the B23R to get the free perk. Good stuff

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Forgive me if this has already been mentioned but I have been running into a lot of players who are unaware of this.

When the game starts, nobody pick up any trampoline parts and instead just get in the elevator.

Take it down, get out and all 4 players get pickup a key off the floor, also works in solo mode.

Do NOT send the elevator back up to the starting room.

Jump over the gap, buy the door for 750 and turn on the power.

Get back to the quick revive elevator and take it back up to the starting room and pick up your trampoline part and drop the key in it's place. Remeber the location of your piece.

Build the trampoline as your normally would and when it's finished everyone goes back upstairs and gets their key and it's still round 1.

This has a couple benefits.

1. Power on at round 1.

2. Everyone has a key JUST IN CASE they need to immediately call an elevator.

3. If you leave the STARTING ROOM ELEVATOR at the bottom of the elevator shaft, it can also be used as a one time escape pod if you find that you cannot escape through the power room and are otherwise going to die, you can always try this method...Preferably you already have a trampoline down in the location that shoots you across to the long hallway where you find all the keys on the floor, if you don't, then put one there, it will fling you across, you QUICKLY build the part for the elevator and run because it is on a timer, then it takes you back up to the starting room instead of dying. Not saying it's easy, just saying it's there if you want it.

I hate to sound negative. It is not constructive. But I see no value strategically in this. I am terrible at typing, I wish that I could explain this in person.

The start room is awful, grab parts, get out. We can always get the keys later. Keys are rarely used. Most turn power on round 1 anyway. If you 'cannot escape power and are going to die', you wouldn't drop a ts there in a hurry and nobody would leave one there for emergencies. In that same spot, simply drop below and run through the lower level, rather than fling yourself into a very dangerous hall to try to build the keypad, ride elevator up to a room nobody would want to be in.

Better idea imo: fight round one in start, either leave a guy or just leave as round 2 starts (the reason for fighting is 750 for power room door). Grab parts, anyone without a part grabs a key.

Sliq guy has no ts part. Ts people head up elevators and go to ts room, ride qr for other parts. Whomever had a key 'walks' it and a sliq part (if any on power level) near the elevators. Leave keys there if you have other parts. Alternately, walk a key/navcard table part near the 2 elevators up top.

So one guy builds the sliq by riding the various elevators, don't buy doors. (If you don't know, the foot is always above the sliq-bench. From the sliq-bench, go through the regular door and make lefts until at other elevator, ride up 1 level, grab foot, go back down via same elevator, make rights until at sliq-bench).

The other three build the ts. Sliq guy picks up ts too. Go to favorite camp/run spot.

You can always 'fling' back to that hall and get keys if you prefer them in hand (it does make sense) without wasting any on the start room elevator (again, that hall and start room are some of the worst spots to be during a round).

Never open the start room.

Solo: restart until 1 or zero parts are at start. Grab part, if any, finish round 1, gtfo in elevator. Open power, build sliq, go up, build ts. Go to favorite spot.

Again, I don't want to be negative or tell you what to do, but your method seems less logical.

Happy gaming! I always love to hear strategies and learn new methods, but this isn't my idea of a good strategy.

No malice intended, just trying to make everyone's games easier.

Edit: the main bit is that you seem to waste 750 points and a key unnecessarily.

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Hmm...maybe I didn't explain what I meant.

The starting room and that hallway with the keys are indeed some of the worst spots to be in the entire map....and if you read carefully...you would notice that I said you leave the starting room immediately...as in...you spend no time there...just get in the elevator without anyone having any parts for the Tramp.

Elevator drops to the bottom.

Look on the floor for the 4 keys, each player simply grabs one and then jumps over the gap and goes to the power room. I never said anything about sending anyone back up in the elevator, in fact....i said DO NOT SEND ANYONE BACK UP IN THE ELEVATOR.

So turn the power on.

Ride elevator to the top.

Get out.

Run back to the room where you build the tramp.

Ride the quick revive elevator back up to the starting area.

Everyone picks up one part for the Tramp and drops their key.

Build the tramp.

Ride back upstairs on quick revive elevator and pickup your key.

Play rest of game as your normally would.

Please explain to me how that does not make sense or how that is not strategically intelligent to just have a key on you that you COULD use IF you found yourself in a situation where you needed to call an elevator immediately. I mean....i've spent half my life waiting around for those elevators to come at round 22 or something.

Perhaps you are confused as to what I am saying you should do with the keys. They are for emergencies...like when the game might end if you don't get on an elevator right now emergency...that emergency might not come until round 23 or 35 or whatever....but at some point it will come...unless you know how to play forever in which case you are the best cod zombie player in the world.

There is nothing in this strategy about flinging anyone anywhere...no flinging...it is simply a matter if turning power on in round 1 for 750 points, grabbing a key on your way because of convenience, and NOT SENDING the starting elevator or sending any players back up to the starting room via that elevator because later in the game at round 30....you might need another way out if you can't get into the power room after you jump over to the building with the ak74u...so i was merely pointing out A PURE FACT...that if you have no alternative...you can always fling yourself over to the hallway with the keys, quickly build the elevator, then have it take you back up to the starting area to escape death and stop the game from ending if you have already jumped over to the ak74u and cannot get into the power room for whatever reason...you can try this other option...but that option is only possible if you DO NOT send anyone back up in the elevator at the beginning of the match...what's the point of that???? It's a waste. It's round 1. Everyone can just go to the power room and go to the roof and get back to the starting room via the quick revive elevator so please explain to me what the point is of wasting the one time use of that elevator to send 3 other players back to the starting room at round 1 when they could just as easily walk there and not waste the 1 time escape elevator.

You can use the elevator to escape at any round you want...preferably in the high rounds where you really don't wanna die....

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You might not care about the keys in the same way that I don't care about the SQUIL...however....

The SQUIL sucks imo. But the keys are for EVERYBODY. The SQUIL is for one person. If you want that gun then you can go ahead and build it but I ain't building shit. That gun is of 0 importantance to me. Whereas being trapped in the power room at round 25 because the crawler died out and now I need an elevator to come immediately so I can get outta that room...and if I can help 3 of my teammates escape that sitution by making them pickup a key even if there is no value to the key unless there is an emergency and you need to reach a downed player above or below you or escape a certain area...that should matter to everyone. But the SQUIL is the dumbest gun ever imo and I wouldn't help anyone build it ever, because they shoot it at me and then I can't move and I get killed...yea that sounds greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. I wouldn't help Jesus Christ build the SQUIL. Not kidding. I'd politely decline.

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No, your first message was properly written, I added in something that you didn't say. My apologies.

I fully understand. It was my failing to comprehend earlier that was the issue.

I opine that I would consider it a better option to take the parts, build both like I suggested. This saves 750 points (start room door to get parts from start room in your scenario) and a key over your plan.

Then, the group could return, when convenient, fling over to the hall and grab all four keys.

Anyway, I meant no disrespect, I simply misunderstood and also still don't love the idea for the reasons I stated above.

We can all play the way we want and Die Rise certainly offers multiple ways to start off, which adds replay value in my mind.

If I am still stupidly missing something, please point it out. I just post to learn and dissect, not act like i am right and you are not. That is not who I am.

Additional: you posted before I responded. You can happily skip the suckquifier if it offends you. :)

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No worries bro. Do you think you could explain what you saying in more detail because I am not sure I fully understand your opening strategy.

The reason I say don't take tramp parts is because if you pick up a key you have to drop your tramp part and if you drop the tramp part in that hallway then you can never get it back once you leave.

In regard to this,

Then, the group could return, when convenient, fling over to the hall and grab all four keys.

It makes sense and is logical but everyone is always off doing their own thing and crawlers die and player 3 is dead, so he doesn't get one or whatever reason..I guess imo, the easiest and most convienient time to grab the keys is round 1 when everyone can grab one and everyone is together and cooperating.

So which part do you not agree with..all players picking up the keys first before the tramp parts? And again...im not big on saving money...so saving 750 isnt a big deal to me...but getting the power ON for 750...that's nice. Do you disagree with not sending the elevator back up at rd 1?

Would you disagree with this statement:

The easiest way to turn on the power, build the tramp, and have a key, all in round one, is the method that i described in my original post.

Would you disagree with that? If so, can you explain in detail an easier way to do all 3 of those in round 1?

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No worries bro. Do you think you could explain what you saying in more detail because I am not sure I fully understand your opening strategy.

The reason I say don't take tramp parts is because if you pick up a key you have to drop your tramp part and if you drop the tramp part in that hallway then you can never get it back once you leave.

In regard to this,

Then, the group could return, when convenient, fling over to the hall and grab all four keys.

It makes sense and is logical but everyone is always off doing their own thing and crawlers die and player 3 is dead, so he doesn't get one or whatever reason..I guess imo, the easiest and most convienient time to grab the keys is round 1 when everyone can grab one and everyone is together and cooperating.

So which part do you not agree with..all players picking up the keys first before the tramp parts? And again...im not big on saving money...so saving 750 isnt a big deal to me...but getting the power ON for 750...that's nice. Do you disagree with not sending the elevator back up at rd 1?

Would you disagree with this statement:

The easiest way to turn on the power, build the tramp, and have a key, all in round one, is the method that i described in my original post.

Would you disagree with that? If so, can you explain in detail an easier way to do all 3 of those in round 1?

Yes, to get all of that done quickest, on round 1, I concede to your method.

You, honestly, do have a good point about a player being down or maybe having to zombiesit due to having a wounded zombie, but I have been playing with decent players where that rarely would be an issue, but I can't say that it wouldn't happen. I don't find it hard to build ts, ditch last zombie, all fling over from power to grab keys. My reasoning is: keys are not (imo) high priority early. I hate the start room, prefer to get the trample parts out and get keys when ready. Not everyone needs to go back for keys at once either; they can each grab one as they feel comfortable doing so.

The 750 points is not much to worry about, though sometimes is painful to spend early. I think my issue is that I forget how easy the early game is with 4 players.

Personally, I would still prefer to game the way I mentioned. On the key part: any that are more likely to have trouble coming back could grab a key on their way out, assuming they had no ts part. In your scenario where someone went down, they would have dropped a key as well and would have to go back to where they died (assumes no revive) or remember to pick it up (if revived) or where they were downed if they forgot to pick it up.

So, in short, I still prefer to save all 4 keys and leave the start room closed, but I withdraw the argument as you have explained your reasoning and I can't argue your claim of being all set on round 1. Even if your party desires the Sliqqer, it can still be worked on round 1 in your plan.

Thanks for the reasoning and discussion.

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