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Some future game mechanic ideas (PaP, Melee WW, etc.)

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I think in the future, they should take the tweak the PaP's mechanics a bit. Taking a cue from Nuketown Zombies, I think they should be allowed to PaP more than once. I wouldn't want the weapons to get any stronger the second time though. This is how I would like it: When you first get any gun (from box, wall or to start with) it has no attachments. In previous maps if you PaP'd it, it would get an attachment depending on your weapon. In this map, every gun has the ability to get certain attachments. So when you PaP a MP5, it has a reflex sight; next time it may have a grenade launcher, Fore grip or a plethora of other attachments (which is randomly chosen and you only get one attachment at a time). An idea I had was if you PaP a M1911, you may get the Dual Wield attachment(turning it into Mustang and Sally) or if you get any other attachment besides Dual Wield, it would become a C-3000 b1at-ch35 (which was what the M1911 was when PaP'd in Der Riese, which was only a single gun but still fired Grenades). The Machine would still cost 5000 each time, but also restore ammo. Dual wield is only available to a few weapons: M1911, Five Seven(reducing the need for both in the Mystery Box), other handguns and some submachine guns (and perhaps ARs too). The only weapon to not get any attachments at all when PaPing is the Ballistic Knife.

Wonder Weapons

Wunderwaffe DG-3

The Wunderwaffe DG-3 improves on the idea of both the Thundergun and the Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23. It can both sucks in Zombies like the Jetgun(L1/LT) and shoot out a powerful blast like the Thundergun(R1/R2). Although named in a similar manner, it is a lot different from the model before it. The DG-3 also has two types of ammo: a cooldown meter for which the sucking in uses, and also actual ammunition for which it has 1 in it's current clip and 6 in store (which is half of what the Thundergun has). When sucking in, it can only go for 5 seconds until it needs to cool down, which takes 10 seconds. When Pack-a-Punched, it is called the Wunderwaffe DG-3.5 and has a clip-size of 2/12 (how much a non-PaP'd Thundergun has) and it takes 10 seconds to overheat, then 5 seconds to cool down.

Powell Sword

The Powell Sword is a melee Wonder Weapon which would replace the standard knife (and replaces the Bowie Knife and Galvaknuckles on the map). It would look like a laser-type sword. It would cost 5000 dollars and would 1.5x stronger than the Galvas. And if you had the Wunderwaffe DG-3 and the Powell Sword at the same time the blade would be attached to it similar to a bayonet and have much more range. Also if you had the WW Gun without the blade, then PaP'd it, you have a chance of getting the blade attached to it (and you keep it even if you trade the gun out).


The Disintegrator would shoot rays at a very fast speed (faster than any other gun on Zombies) and instantly disintegrates whatever it hits (but it has no splash damage and cannot penetrate things, making it only able to kill at most one thing at a time) which kills it instantly. It has 20/60 ammo and when Pack-a-Punched becomes the D620J-H Laser and has 40/120. Compared to the Ray Gun, it has less ammo and can kill any zombie instantly, but can only harm one zombie at a time. But compared to the the Wunderwaffe DG-3, it has much more ammo but can only harm a single zombie at a time and without the sucking in function.


This is the same VR-11 from previous maps with the exception that instead of making your teammate glow red when hit by it, they instead turn into a Zombie (using the BRAAAINS weapon instead) and zombies ignore him/her.

Fusing weapons

I also have an idea about Fusing weapons as an alternative to PaPing. With this you cannot Fuse any PaP'd weapons at all, only normal weapons. Once fused, they can longer be PaP'd. When fusing two weapons, you will always have the same outcome (no diff attcahments or anything). So if you fused, say a M1911 with a MP5, you would get a gun with the best stats of both, and a unique-looking gun. Machine would would also cost 5000.


I think the buildables should be more open-ended with many different components spread across the map and can be combined in many different ways more similar to Minecraft.


Mysterious Island

I can't think of a name for it, but you start off in shipwrecked boat that is very similar (if not the same one) as the one from Highjacked albeit semi-destroyed in the style of Nuketown Zombies. Eventually you make yourselves to the actual island where the fun begins.

Call of Duty Zombies (Standalone Zombies game)

This has been said before, but would be a standalone Zombies game that features all the Zombies maps: Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, Der Riese, Kino der Untoten, "Five", Dead Ops Arcade, Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, Moon, Green Run (as well as all the sub-maps and modes) Nuketown Zombies, the rest of BOII's Zombies DLC and the DS maps. They would all be upgraded (graphics-wise and in other ways and all integrated into Custom Games (with the ability to change it to easy, hellhounds on/off, etc.) and more features. All would be featured on the World (one similar to the one on BOII), even Moon because you start off on Earth (Area 51) anyway. Perhaps you could play Grief on Past maps + Bus Depot (IDK about this one) and Nuketown Zombies.

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Your PaP idea is very similar to how it is now, with the weapons getting different attachments each subsequent upgrade while not increasing power. Also, this does not only occur in Nuketown, just so you know.

And your fusing idea seems neat, but I can't ever imagine it happening. It would take a lot of time to create separate models for each possible fusion, as well as a lot of space

Also, welcome to the site, mate!

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Oh I didn't know that it wasn't only on Nuketown. Thanks for that. Yeah the idea is similar but with all weapons being able to and a lot more variations. And yeah, the fusion idea is a bit unlikely. I don't know how it would work if you had Mule Kick either.

And thanks for the welcome!

Yeah that would sound pretty awesome. I miss the Colt Biatch. :?

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I'll take the burden of bringing bad tighings here...

Pap- already covered :D

Dg-3 can not be developed because it's predecessor was developed (and terminated) by 935/richtofen, purhaps a new scientist or marelton could build it...

I like the idea of a sword, but I think it should either be a box weapon to take like the ballistic knives, or a buildable, as it doesn't truely work smoothly as a melee weapon, as they must be swift and light-weight to work properly...

As for the desintigrator, I like your amo ratio, but purhaps you may work it differently and call it something else, like oh say, the extinguisher. UPGRADED it's the desinigrator, ( misspelled on purpose), and same amo ratio, as for fire power, no splash damage, however it CAN shoot through many zombies, but doesn't kill them instantly, rather it begins to suck away their moisture until they implode, like the opposet of the wave gun! Upgraded it works even faster and can be sped up by hitting them again...

The Vr-11 idea I LOVE, it should work like this: only [1] person can hold the weapon at a time, and that person can shoot another person and turn them into a "zombie" for a 90sec time span in which a zombie-hand drop will be at the bottom of the screen, making the player invisible to zombies, until they either use their weapons or time runs out. Upgraded the VR-11 (idk the upgraded name), will PERMANENTLY turn the character onto zombie mode, until they use their weapons, or are hit again... It will also keep it's zombie-human property's...

Fusing weapons, not likely, even for the rest of the blops 2 game, possibly it can happen in cod 11 in 2 years... Keep hoping it does send like quite a formidable advantage...

Buildables are a fairly new feature and Is slowly getting more and more complicated, give it time, coding has to work perfectly or not at all...

I like the boat idea, purhaps there will be a map in Atlantis with an island and battle ship area!

Also if you look under my signiture you should see something about a zombies campaign, it's up to date on tranzit I beleive... The modderator haven't informed me yet...

All around I like your work, most new guys I find many more flaws then I did in yours... :D:lol: 8-)

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  • 6 months later...

Thanks! I wonder how some weapon combinations would work, like Ray Gun+Ballistic Knife=Dafuq.I will update this thread with some more ideas when I come up with them.

From what I see, The ballistic knife would become a bayonet of some kind, or a cross of that and the effect of having a GL (undermount). IE - you could use it as a melee aspect AND hit right to use it like a launcher. If this sort of thing were to be PaP'd, then you could either get the healing aspect of the PaP'd knife, or shooting a teammate with the ray gun side would help them if they are being swarmed (having the explosion from the X2 blast and a one hit savior everytime the other player is hit)

Sorry if this seems... unintelligent, I am new.

(First post WOOP)

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