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The Church has to be important.


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I know one or two things that I mention in this post have been mentioned by other people, but briefly.

I think that the Church in TranZit has to be important.

First of all, if we take a look at the name of the EE achievement "Tower O Babble" it is based of the biblical story "Tower of Babel". Long story short, this tower was an ancient Skyscraper meant to reach all the way to heaven. Now what has that to do with Zombies? Simple, The Tower=The Pylon, Heaven=Aether. So what if Maxis is trying to get Richtofen out of Aether! As for Richtofen's side , if we look back at previous maps (Ascension) Samantha seems to be hunting Gersch in Aether. Maybe Richtofen is trying to get whatever Samantha was using to hunt Gersch down, out of Aether for his own purposes!

Second of all, everybody seems to think that the "spire" is the Pylon, but if you Google search the word Spire, you find out that it pretty mush if the antenna like thing on the Church. The Church has to do with Religion, which is where the "Tower of Babel" comes from. Also a beautiful Spire means that the one who build the church is wealthy. This has a connection to the NAVcard(NAV=Net Asset Value). Also after doing Maxis' side, Maxis says that the other part needs to be powered as well. Maybe we have to do the same thing that we did with the pylon with the church?

IF you have any ideas, feel free to reply.

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Welcome to the community friendo!

I like your idea, although we've already completed the Easter Egg as is, it doesn't mean some elements to the map all aren't deemed useless.

The whole story goes somewhat like this: the Tower of Babble is a reference to the biblical story, Tower of Babel like you said. In this story, humans only spoke one common language and were keen to construction. So forth, they began to create a tower to reach the heavens in order to make themselves known to God and prevent a diversification of their land. God, however, saw this as the absolute way of steering themselves from his wisdom, and confused their languages so they could not communicate with one another. To make conditions harder on them, he separated the people from the city all over the Earth. That is how diversification came to be (as a theological understanding).

If you take the tower created into similar aspects of which the pylon resembles, the connection is not a way to take one person out of the Aether/replace him, however, it is more so utilized as a form of transferring energy. Note how Maxis forces you to use electricity for power, whereas Richtofen demands consistent 115. The reason behind the two different energies is simple - one would gain power against the other. Maxis can only communicate via electronics, so electricity would enable him to not only communicate more efficiently, but give him a steady source of energy (wherever he is at). Richtofen is in the Aether, and we all know that the 115 retrieved by killing zombies simply fortifies his power.

The term "spire" is only used when doing the Easter Egg on Maxis' side. Richtofen calls it the obelisk. You are right though - a spire is the top of a church, which you can even see in the game in Town. I made this point some time ago where each "overseer" coins a particular term for the pylon where they see its role most fit. The spire for Maxis acts as a receiver, but the obelisk for Richtofen is a satellite. Maxis' intentions for it are unknown, but that is where the term "spire" becomes important.

Also, the NavCard is not associated with net value. I know many, many people have come to this conclusion, but this is untrue. There is no net value anywhere within the game aside the bank (which also is not affiliated with the card).

The other sites that Maxis mentioned are more than likely going to be located in different maps via DLC. We'll need to power up said sites similar to Green Run's. Paris, anyone?

Keep up the awesome ideas!

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I just know that there is some sort of continuation. I men TranZit-BIG EE,Huge Map, Little reward. When you do another EE in zombies you usually get A HELL of an reward ( friggin 90 seconds death machines!). After you do the EE in Tranzit all you get are drops. Really?! Drops?! I mean All that work for some drops? And there is neither a decent teleporter(the lamps dont count they are simply fast travel devices) And there isnt even a new wonderweapon!(The JetGun is more like a tool then a weapon)

Also i quote maxis:"Yes! The Spire is online. Now, if the other site can only be likewise empowered then perhaps there is still a chance to complete that which was begun so many years ago." What was Maxis trying to do so many years ago? A M.P.D(teleporter).Maybe he isn't creating a portal to Aether, maybe he is creating a teleporter to moon! There is reason behind this:He wants to get the original four out of there so that Samantha who now imprisoned in Richtofen's body(God that must be weird)can get to safety, and have the TranZit crew open the pyramid and destroy Richtofen's Soul.

OR maybe it will continue in a DLC map and we have been making theories for nothing.

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Anyone tried really messing around with the church with 4 players? Maybe there is a reason only 2 people can do the step under the pylon with maxis's side? Maybe the other 2 people need to be at that church with turbines while the other2 are doing the avagadro thing under the pylon? Seems weird u can do one side with only two people... That's way to simple

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I feel like I need to let a lot of people know that this "Aether" thing is a very tricky subject.

Treyarch mean it to be a place a bit like purgatory. Neither real nor non-real. It's in the background, underlying everything that happens.

However, the entire story (of zombies) is also heavily focused on sci-fi physics. E.g. Quantum Mechanics being able to create black holes at will and things of that nature.

Backstory: In the world of Physics a few years ago, scientists didn't understand how gravity worked (and they still don't - not really), so some scientists created a theory. This theory was that there was an Aether. A dimension that co-existed with our 3 spacial and 1 time dimension(s). In this dimension there were particles and fields that moulded around our own, making interactions like gravity possible where it isn't in the real world.

My point: After only a couple of years this theory was disproven. It just didn't work right. So we created the idea of fields (gravitational, Higgs, Electron, Proton, etc). These fields are everywhere and particles are just where a lot of energy builds up in a certain area in one of these fields. But that doesn't matter.

My point is that this "Aether" was disproven. So what, exactly, does Richtofen refer to when he talks about the Aether?

Note: My science isn't perfect. Some of it may be wrong (e.g. it might not be gravity that was affected in the Aether) but the general ideas are 100% correct. There is a disproven Aether theory in Physics.

My conclusion: There are only so many possiblities here. Richtofen could've found a different dimension that he just called the Aether. They could be in an alternate universe where the Aether exists. I honestly don't have a conclusion. Like ever, Treyarch don't give us the full story and so there are too many answers to 1 question.

I just thought I'd let you know that the "Aether" might not be as simple as the Aether mod in minecraft :P

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Anyone tried really messing around with the church with 4 players? Maybe there is a reason only 2 people can do the step under the pylon with maxis's side? Maybe the other 2 people need to be at that church with turbines while the other2 are doing the avagadro thing under the pylon? Seems weird u can do one side with only two people... That's way to simple

Both sides can be done with only two people. A lot of us were really annoyed by the fact that you needed 4 people for certain EEs in the past, and Treyarch finally listened and made it possible to do with 2 people. There's really nothing more to it. It's not "too simple", it's just so that you can complete them without having to get 3 of your friends to all be online at the same time or try and get randoms to work together.

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