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Benefits of Ranking

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So back on Wednesday, after waking up and playing one game of TranZit, I leveled up to the skull with a knife behind it. I thought "hey, that looks cool". Then I played a game of TranZit with two of my friends.

One of them got double-slapped on round 1 and went down. Hey, it happens. So I went to revive him and noticed that I revived him at Quick Revive speed. I said "huh, weird", but didn't really think much of it. Just a glitch, I supposed.

Few rounds later, another one of my friends went down. So I went to revive him and, again, picked him up with Quick Revive speed. This time, however, I noticed that the word "Reviving..." was blue instead of white.

For the rest of the game, I seemed to have this permanent Quick Revive ability. I started up another game and asked one of my friends to down himself as soon as we started, so I could see if I still had it. He did and, lo and behold, Quick Revive speed.

In fact, to this day, I've had this ability on every single co-op TranZit game I've played. It's a great advantage, because not only can I pick up my teammates in even the stickiest of situations, but it also frees up space for another perk. It only seems to work on TranZit co-op though, because I've tested it out on every single other mode and map, and it doesn't work on Survival, Grief, or Nuketown, and it certainly doesn't work Solo unfortunately.

What's interesting about this is that I seemed to get this ability as soon as I reached that particular rank. Is it just a coincidence, or does the ranking system actually have it's benefits?

I've also seen similar stories on the forum, except on Solo mode. People have said that they were revived upon going down even though they didn't have a Quick Revive, and the word "Reviving" was indeed in blue. But I don't have this ability, and these people didn't mention having the ability in co-op.

Now, I take the revival of my teammates seriously. Quick Revive is always the second perk I buy (right after Juggernog of course) and I will fight tooth and nail to revive a teammate. I always have the most revives in a game, averaging about 10-15 per game - 30 or more if I'm playing with randoms or less experienced players. And then it gives me this ability that grants me the greatest advantage that it possibly can (without getting OP of course - it's not like it would give me permanent Jugg).

Meanwhile, the people who got the free self-revive in solo might be hardcore solo players. My theory: the game looks for and recognizes your abilities and strengths and upon reaching a certain rank grants you an ability that best plays to your strengths.

Abilities seen so far:

Permanent Quick Revive in co-op

One free Quick Revive in solo

(list may be updated if more abilities are reported)

Now as likely or unlikely as this may be, it is still just a theory. I look to all of you now with the rank of Skull with Knife or higher. I skimmed my friends list to see if any of them had reached this rank yet, but there was only one - and that would be our own perfectlemonade. So perfect (and anyone else with this rank) reply to this post telling me if you've noticed anything new about your game ever since ranking up. Let's see if we can figure out how Treyarch is messing with us this time ;)

For the TL;DB: Ranking up to "Skull with Knife" may grant you certain abilities based on your zombie strengths. If you have reached this rank and seem to have some sort of new ability, please report it here.

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