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Black Ops Reflection: Randoms. The Good, Bad, and Ugly

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Hi, I'm Jay, an avid dancer of Gangnam Style.

With Black Ops 2 just around the corner we could reflect back on Black Ops 1 and appreciate what it had done for us in the last two years or so.

Chances are you have played with randoms, chances are you have had lost a few hair, or have had a few turn grey. Randoms are not easy, or always ideal complements to your objectives. On a Monday where I am not doing shit at work, let us discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly experiences with randoms.

The Good:

Early in my zombie killing days I died a lot, and spectated a lot. From watching someone else play, I gained much perspective how to deal with situations. In this copy cat time, we watch someone else's execution and gain valuable experiences to our own game. I had no idea how to properly defend a window with only bowie knife into round 30; I had no idea how to utilize the P96A1 in real games; I had no idea how to window hop in the basement of Five. It was my many many encounters with randoms that taught me much about the game, and much about survival. Almost all of my PS3 friends were met in random lobbies, and almost all of them fought along me for many selfless battles that gained my trust and my appreciation. Good randoms are out there, they are just hiding really really well.

The Bad:

To make the paragraph manageable I only listed 1% of my rough draft. My biggest pet peeves are the mature, confident, cocky types that boss me around. I can make my peace with kids that sing lady gaga and constantly need revive. I can make my peace with kill whores and glitchers, I can even deal with box huggers, but cant stand people that feel superior. Toxic###, if you are on CODZ then **** you! People who tell you what you can do and what you can't should have to spend rest of their lives with my secretary and listen to her non-stop. Anyone in a random lobby tells you how good they are and how much you need them should be molested by Jerry Sandusky. (If you are a victim I sincerely apologize.). Bottom line, I hate cocky, confident, bossy, uncooperative MFers.

The Ugly:

People who are too passionate. A random once asked me personal questions like "how old are you?" "Where you live?" "Where my kids go to school?" "If I like Michael Jackson?". Not people on my friends list who want to know me little better and help ease the round progressions, but first encounters. How about the people who turn on their microphones, not say one word, but music throughout the game? How about the people that quit as soon as they go down? Even more magnified when hosting or during a challenge. Those shall be castrated without mercy.

Those are my good, bad, and ugly. Hope you enjoyed reading, be sure to give me brains. What are your good bad and ugly encounter with randoms?

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Oh... Randoms, you make me laugh sometimes... :lol:

The Good: I've had many a game with randoms where I can say I've had legitimate fun. Loads of it. With my main zombie slaying team, the games are usually so serious now that Black Ops has been out for so long, the only things left are goals and challenges, with randoms I can still just play and not worry about using the most efficient training spots, and conserving ammo, and what not. I can fire the thunder gun in 3 shot bursts and laugh to myself. It's a good time, and sometimes I meet some really nice people while doing this. I've only had one true non-CoDz random stay on my friends list for more than a few months, but I have enjoyed many games with randoms, who I then play with again a few days or weeks later.

The Bad: Well, sometimes, actually most of the time, they aren't good people, and there are two types of people I cannot stand playing with: The Nazis, and Rocks.

Nazis are classified by their bossy nature. They are the guys that on round one automatically claim their window, and if you happen to already be there, they stand behind you and shoot at the zombies anyways. They are the ones who usually purchase whatever the hell the want, only when they want to and they are the ones on Kino that will rage if you open both doors on the stage. These people who are unwilling to adapt, and enjoy the variation that can come from random games are truly aggravating. They seem to have some belief that they don't need any of you and are perfectly willing to bring the game to a crashing halt, while at the same time they also treat everything about that same match as if they are going for a 100 run. Either have fun, or plan out a serious match with friends, don't take it out on us for disagreeing with your strategy, or not wanting to go to round 62 with 4 people tonight.

Rocks, are players that do not talk, or listen, they are essentially deaf and mute to the world, and they have the intellect of a "rock". They make no effort to even acknowledge the other players in the game. They grab max ammos immediately after the last dog dies, they buy doors in the middle of the round, and they usually rage quit when they or go down, or bleed out. All rocks are micless, or mute players, but not all mute players are rocks. Some actually try to give you another 5 seconds to reload, or wait until the end of the round to buy a door. I still don't care for the inability to communicate, but it can be tolerated. Rocks cannot be. They are hopeless cases, and are usually a sign that your game will die well before round 20, because even if you can carry the rock that far, you won't want to. It isn't rewarding, it feels like a longer, inconvenient solo match.

The Ugly: Well, as awful as rocks and nazis are, sometimes, less informed players can be the worst. On particularly bad days, I hate, HATE, having to listen to someone talk about how Paris is going to be released as a secret map pack, and it has already been confirmed, or hearing someone talk about how you can T-bag the box and make it give you a raygun, or how it has been proven by treyarch that the python is a purely awful gun that only noobs ever use. Sometimes I want to help inform these minds, other times I want to rip their limbs off, luckily for myself and those around me, it is usually the former. Also as an added after thought, I hate glitchers. Glitch with your friends. Don't come in to a random match and not even play the game. Some glitches I hate more than others, for example, sometimes I'll give in and split the hacker with randoms, other times I don't quite want to do so, but out of map glitches, and no helmet glitches, and anything else that dramatically changes the gameplay I will not participate in. Also, an annoyance I have is playing Shangri-La with randoms, 9 out of 10 matches, people want to do the EE, not an awful thing, but annoying nonetheless.

Well there you are Jay, and CoDz! Enjoy my poorly written paragraphs! :D

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  • 1 month later...

The order randoms usually do things after starting a zombies game with them.

1) Steal other people kills

2) Do not open any doors

3) Profit if someone else bought door

4) Hug box if found

5) Scream for help should you go down at round 6 because you didn't have money to buy Jugg after getting those precious M72 LAW and China Lake

6) Ragequit if someone is not willing to revive you for 34567877654345th time in that game

7) If you make them get new record they sure will be(if they have mic)telling all players how he did all work

Never mind, playing with randoms is always nice, if I remember right my current revive record is 81. Gotta break that some time :lol:

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