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Jay's NML for dummies

Mr. Jay

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Hold your laughs please. I know some people still struggle with NML, failing to have any type of consistency. Jay is far from qualified to help, but will include some tips I have learned from playing this nazi mental torture.

Hard to show you without video, but will attempt to do it through words.

NML is basically broken down to a few steps, much like rounds in the actual game. Finding the consistent formula is the key to successful attempts, slowly working your way up. Keep in mind this is guide for dummies, but still require some trial and error to find results.

Before first siren you want to knife as much as possible, ( duh, I know, but bear with me). Right before the first siren hang by the side drop, slowly run/walk to the bottom of the steps, continue toward the other side of the swamp. From the parameter of the swamp cutback along the wall back toward the steps, continue to the side drop. The idea of the whole circling is to group them closely together for your grenade to have success. Hopefully your horde by now is nicely grouped so toss your grenade into the group. Timing is key, I spent my first month of NML learning the perfect grenade. If your horde is not nicely grouped that means you knifed last minute zombies thus last minute spawns or your timing of cutback is too soon.

If your timing is good and fast you could kill off the whole horde. This is where things get tricky. I would knife any dog spawns first as they are the most annoying. Any running zombies left lure them up the steps before knifing them, any new spawns while you are on the pad will be zombies, not dogs. If you have a few crawlers left I would just leave them and head to the pad. The main objective is to have as few dogs as possible before your second grenade because dogs will absorb the splash damage. Any splash damage from the first grenade is good until the next siren, so if you grouped them well from first siren the splash damage should be enough to turn zombies into one knife kill.

If by this point you have no dogs it is smooth sailing to PAP. You have two options to PAP depending on your points situations. If you have less than 3500 lure your horde up to the telepad, be sure to line them up then cutback to ensure nice horde before you head up and toss the second grenade into the group. The damage will give you many crawlers, knife away 130 a piece for easy 2000. If I have more than 3500 points I like to lure them to the side drop, pistol them in the process, grenade them near the PAP. As soon as I get 5000 PAP and mustang and sally into the group of crawlers left. Remember, make cutback your best friend, you could simply run in a straight line, do a cutback and you have yourself a nice grouped horde.

Running with Mustang and Sally is somewhat dangerous, splash damage from one shot AND a slap will kill you. If you have dogs chasing you shoot only once into the ground to rid the annoying bastard. Do not shoot into a crowd if you have dogs chasing you, they will mess up whatever plan you may have. Depending on your point situation you may need to clear two hordes to gather enough for jug. BE PATIENT, do not shoot in the mold of eye or superhand just yet.

Once you have jug you do not need me, just slowly increase your shots to clear the horde. With jug without getting hit you can stand up to three splash damage from Mustang and Sally, never shoot more than three if they are up and close.

I'm done, hopefully this helps. Without video its hard to visualize, but if I can do it you can do it. Remember, cutback is your best friend on NML to ensure a nice horde. When running stay off the walls, you want to run in the inner circle of the map, use the outer circle as your escape route.

I'm Jay, if you are not sure who I am.

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I was in a chat last night and heard some people still struggle to PAP. Decided to do this in hopes of getting some brains, totally forgot we do not track brains anymore.

As recently as a month ago I was still having trouble consistently PAP, so I definitely can relate to jolton's pains. Hopefully someone will benefit from this.

Now I surviving NML online. Basically go into NML with randoms or friends and see who can get the most kills. It's a lot of fun, and learning NML at the same time.

Any of you guys want to do that with me? Quick and fun.

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